Chapter 18

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*A/n* - It's happening! It's a Christmas Chapter!

Will this Christmas be a happy one for the Armstrong's? (You may or may not need your tissues). 

Warning: mention of a miscarriage 


It was Christmas morning and you were downstairs crowded around the Christmas Tree watching Amelia, Piper, Joey and Jakob opening their presents from you and Billie. It had been so long since you'd wrapped them that neither of you could remember what you'd bought any of them. As you had got older, Christmas hadn't been as exciting as it was when you were ten years old, especially as you didn't have the luxury of having your parents with you, not after they died when you were 13, leaving you to live with your best friend, (Y/B/F/n), who just so happened to be married to Tré. **as written about in Book One of this series**. However, once you had children, it became exciting again as you watched them opening their presents like you were a little child again; it was the one day of the year in which they stopped being stroppy teenagers. Amelia got Vinyl and her very own turntable: she was definitely Billie's daughter. Piper got Harry Potter things because she's obsessed with the whole franchise. Joey and Jakob got X Box games and god knows what else because they are two typical teenage boys who love playing games. 

You all sat together, eating Poptarts and getting excited over presents. You got Billie vinyl, Limited Edition stuff he didn't own. "Thanks, babe." He smiled, kissing you before handing you your present. "Now open yours!" He said excitedly as you removed the wrapping paper from around it to find a box, You opened it up. "Oh my god! Billie!" You exclaimed kissing him as you held a necklace in your hands. Inside the necklace, it had a picture of you and Billie on your wedding day and on the back it had the word 'always' engraved in it. You kissed Billie, before taking it out of the box. "Put it on me." You smiled, turning around and moving your hair out of the way, allowing Billie to put the new necklace on you. "I love it, babe." You smiled as you placed your head o his chest and your arms around his neck. He kissed the top of your head. "Merry Christmas Babe." He said as the two of you stood, watching your children. You listened to Billie's heartbeat, perfect as usual. However, you wanted this Christmas to be exactly the same as Billie and your kids. Perfect. But the reality is much different than what you planned however you were yet to find out the truth. 

A few hours later: 

You, Billie, Ollie, Amelia, Joey, Jakob, Piper, Mike, Brittany, Tré and (Y/b/f/n) were all gathered around the table in your dining room. Everyone was happy and laughing. That's what Christmas is about. You had finished dinner and you were all just talking, drinking and having a good time. You, however, were laughing and smiling through the pain. You had the worst cramps and suspected that it was due to being on your period, but obviously, you weren't going to discuss this with anyone and tried to focus on keeping the day as fun as possible. A few chairs down from you Tré had asked Amelia, Joey, Jakob and Piper how school was going and when they all replied they hated it; I mean what teenager doesn't? He replied with: " I never completed high school and I am very rich and very successful! Neither did Mike, nor your Dad." *Of course, this is an actual Tré Cool quote!* Each and every one of them looked at me and Billie hopefully.

"Dude!" Billie said with wide eyes and tilting his head slightly before shaking it.

"Billie." He replied. "I'm not doubting yours and (Y/n)'s parenting." He stopped. "I think it's great that you want your kids to finish high school and graduate-" 

Billie interrupted him. "You're damn right I do!" 

"-But look at how well we've done not graduating. We've all grown and changed and are incredibly better off-" 

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