Chapter 19

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It had been a week since you had come out of the hospital: since you had lost your baby. Billie was worried about you, and the kids were worried about you. Billie had gone out to run a few errands and when he came back, he had brought you a bunch of flowers and some of your favourite chocolates. "Billie," You smiled. "These are so beautiful." You said, kissing him. "I love you." You told him.

"I love you too." You stopped and looked at him and wondered what he was going through right now; what was going on in his mind about this whole thing that he didn't want to say. "Billie, I was thinking, later, when the kids go to bed, do you think we could about what happened?" He gave a small smile. "Sure, I'd quite like that." He admitted.

So, that night, you made dinner and sat around the table with all of your children before they each went upstairs, leaving you and Billie to talk. "So," You said, awkwardly.

"So," He replied. "How are you feeling?" He was so genuine and you loved him for it. You wouldn't be able to get through this if it wasn't for him. "I'm actually doing okay. I've kind of come to terms with it all, not fully, but enough for now I guess." You looked at him as he held your hand. "How are you feeling?" You asked.

"I'm fine, sort of still in shock but I'm more worried about you." He smiled, you knew that he would give you this answer; Billie was always worrying about you. "I am sad though." He added, after a few moments." You nodded, feeling the need to apologise to him. "Don't start apologising." He laughed, knowing exactly what you were going to do. 

"How did you know I was going to apologise?" 

"I know you too well, Mrs Armstrong." He smiled as you moved closer to him and he pulled you into a hug. "Please don't ever feel like you need to apologise to me about this because you don't; you've got nothing to be sorry for." You took a deep breath as you kissed his hand. 

"Isn't it weird?" I asked, "How you can love a child that you never had?"

"I don't think it's weird," Billie said. "Technically, we did have, we just didn't know until it was too late."

The Next Morning:

You stood in the kitchen, making coffee, the kids were getting dressed and your mum was in the shower. Billie walked in and kissed you. "I'm taking Amelia out today." 

"Okay. Where?"

"That guitar shop on the edge of town. I promised I'd take her the other week." He said, "Is that alright?"

"Of course it is, babe." You kissed him and he held you close to him. 

"I feel a lot better about things after our conversation last night." You admitted as you watched Billie smile. "Me too." He kissed you again, as Amelia ran down the stairs towards Billie. "Dad! What time are we leaving?" Billie looked at the time.

"Now if you want to." He laughed as she practically jumped up and down on the spot. "You did wake up late today, all of you." 

Amelia smiled, ran to kiss you before grabbing a drink from the fridge and running out to the car. "Dad! Come on!" 

"I might be a while, babe. Make sure you have a search party on Speed Dial." You laughed kissing him before he headed out of the door. 

Billie's P.O.V:

I jumped in the car, Amelia already in there waiting for me. I started the car and we drove away from the house. 

"So, what are you getting? Electric or Acoustic?"

"Acoustic, my electric one is fine." She smiled excitedly. "But I can't decide if I want a regular one or a coloured one. You're the musician, dad. What would you say?" 

"Colour. They sound better." 

"Really?" She asked me. 

"No." I laughed. "But a coloured one is more pleasing to the eye." 

We arrived at the shop and before I could even get out of the car, Amelia was already inside the shop. Finally, after a while of being able to decide which one to go for, Amelia chose a blue acoustic guitar which was dark blue around the edges and as it got further into the middle it got lighter. She had a keen eye for guitars and a keen ear for music; just like me. 

I paid for the guitar and we drove home. "Dad?" She said, after a while of practically crying over her guitar. "I've got something to tell you." She said.

"Okay," I said, suspiciously.

"I've applied for colleges." I looked at her and smiled. For a while, she had been debating whether or not she wanted to go to college and I told her that I would support her no matter what she decided to do. "I know it's still a bit early to be applying but my teachers said that if I keep my grades up, I can get early entrance to go a year early. I'm really getting serious about my future," She said. "I just want to make you proud."

"Anything that you do would make me proud," I told her. "So, where have you applied?" I asked and she told me a list of colleges and that's when she dropped a big one on me. "I've also applied to The Art's Institute in San Francisco."

"To study music?" I smiled

"To study music." She replied. "I've obviously learnt from the best." She smiled as we drove him, a smile wide on my face. 

*A/n* - Might turn the guitar idea into an imagine too. 


Updated 2020

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