Chapter 14

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*A/n* - seeing as you crazy kids requested it!

Warning: This chapter contains smut. 

 It was 11:00 pm and everyone in the house was now finally asleep, all except for you and Billie. Both of you had discretely gone past the kids' rooms several times to make sure they were all asleep. Now they finally were but you knew that you still had to be as quiet as possible, even though it killed both of you. 

Billie closed the bedroom door behind you quietly before grabbing hold of you and placing you against the nearest wall and in turn, himself as close to you as possible. You moaned into his mouth as his lips intertwined with yours, his hands exploring your body; yours running through his black hair. You smiled as he kissed your neck, leaving love bites wherever he went. At this moment, everything bad that had happened recently had disappeared and it was just the two of you here and everything was perfect; Billie was perfect and you loved him more than life itself. 

Before you knew it, your legs were wrapped around his waist as he carried you over to your king-sized bed; your hands still in his hair and his lips still on yours. Both of you immediately began to take each other's clothes off, eagerly knowing this could be it on your sex-life for a while. Trying to have sex with 4 kids who are all fast asleep, and be quiet, is practically impossible at this point.  

"Billie." You whispered into his ear as he lay you down on the bed, climbing on top of you, not forgetting the duvet as he did so. Your arms were wrapped around his neck as he kissed you, his hands massaging your body, making your body tingle with excitement. He looked at you, his eyes glistening in the faint moonlight that shone through the gap in the curtains. "Are you ready babe?" He asked, his lips once again connecting with yours. "Yes." You moaned into his mouth as he placed his fingers near your clit and began rubbing in circular motions and slowing inserting his fingers in and out; eventually, he began to move them faster. He kissed your chest as he did this and you found yourself tugging at strands of his jet black hair and muttering his name in between short breaths. He continued to do this as you grew wetter and wetter and your core grew hotter and hotter. When you began to reach your end, Billie removed his fingers and kissed you, seeing that you were frustrated by the loss of contact when he stopped pleasing you

He began thrusting in and out of you, your lips refusing to disconnect for the fear of you being too loud and someone in the house waking up. You closed your eyes as tightly as you could as he thrust in and out. You could hear Billie panting beside you as he now kissed your collarbone.  You closed your eyes and smiled as pleasure coursed through your body, like nicotine in the body of someone who had been craving a cigarette.  

"I love you (Y/n)." He admitted in a whispered as he began to reach the end of his tether, just as you were too. "I love you too Billie." You replied as you joined him as you climaxed, letting out a small but long gasp. However Billie, on the other hand, did not. It sounded like almost a scream compared to yours. Immediately his eyes widened. "Shit." He said, looking at you as you put your hand to your mouth in shock. "Sorry." He whispered, kissing you. "I couldn't help it."

"It's alright." You said after a few moments of listening for any movement in the house. "I don't think anyone heard." You and Billie lay together for a while, your head on his chest as your fingers were intertwined as with his other hand, Billie played with your hair. "You are the most incredible thing that has ever happened to me." He said, kissing your cheek as you turned to look at him properly but your head remained in his chest. You smiled at him as pulled you on top of him and the two of you began kissing again.  "So, are you ready for round two?" He asked seductively, making you laughed in a hushed tone. You placed yourself on top of him after he'd sat himself up in the bed a little bit and had just readjusted yourself to his size when there was a knock at your bedroom door. "Mom? Dad?" 

The door began to open and your eyes widened in shock as Billie and yourself felt completely paralyzed. 

*A/n* - Ooh! A cliffhanger! Stay tuned to find out what happens next...


Updated 2020

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