Chapter 8

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You arrived at home, and pulled into the driveway. "Have you got everything?" You asked Joey and Jakob as they got out of the car. "Yes Mom." They replied, clearly glad to be finished with school for the day. You made sure that the car was in neutral and the handbrake was on, before grabbing your bag, phone and keys. You locked the car door and turned towards the front door that Jakob had opened with his set of keys. "What time will Dad be home?" Jakob asked. You looked at the time on your phone. "Shouldn't be much longer," You admitted. "He was nearly done when I left. 

Joey threw his bag down on the sofa, and you looked at him. "Joey, can you hang it up properly please?" He sighed, and hesitated.

"Why?" He asked. You folded your arms. He was definitely fitting into the moody teenager role and looking at him now was like looking at a younger version of Billie after a long and stressful day. "Because you know where it goes and I am not cleaning up after you," You explained. "You're old enough." 

He didn't say anything as he walked towards his bag, but when he picked it up, he sighed, "Sorry, Mom." He hung his bag up before sitting on the sofa. He sprawled all of his homework out on the coffee table, just as he did every night after school and switched on the music channel. "Are you doing homework?" You asked, but before Joey could answer, you both looked up at the TV as the music channel being playing Green Day. Joey and Jakob sat staring at the screen, fully immersed in Billie's world. "So cool." Jakob said. You were now sat on the sofa, and had opened up your book to do some reading before you made a start at making dinner. 

"Mom?" Asked Joey.

"Yeah?" You replied looking up from your book to make eye contact with him. 

"Do you think I could do that someday?" He asked, pointing at TV screen to see Billie singing 'Holiday'. 

"Well, is that something you really want to do?" You asked, and Joey nodded eagerly. 

"I've always wanted to be like Dad." He admitted, before turning back to the screen. You smiled. He was right. He had always said that he'd wanted to be in a band like Billie, and Jakob agreed the same thing. "I know you have." You smiled, standing up. "I'm going to get dinner started before your dad gets home." You heard the front door open and Amelia walked in. "Hey." 

"Hey," You said, walking towards the kitchen, Amelia following you. "Did you have a good day?" 

"Yeah," She smiled. "Guess who aced their psychology test?" She asked, placing her test down on the kitchen counter. "Amelia!" You smiled, hugging her. "I'm so proud of you! Wait until your dad hears about this." You watched Amelia place the rest of her things on the kitchen counter. You noticed her copy of The Catcher in the Rye at the top of her things. 

 "How are you liking the book?" You asked her and she placed some food into the pan. "I'm really enjoying it." She said. She was reading The Catcher in the Rye, which was Billie's favourite book, he had recommended it to her and she had been fully immersed in it since. 

"I have so many questions to ask him about it when he gets home." She smiled, as though she was reciting everything that she wanted to ask him. "I'm sure he'll love that." You admitted. Billie was always banging on about that book, and you were just glad that he now had someone else to talk to about it. It was as though Billie's ears were burning, because in that moment Billie walked through the door. He greeted each and every one of you before looking around. "Where's Piper?" 

"She's just texted me." Said Amelia. "She's nearly finished at school and should be home soon." 

"Does she want picking up?" He asked, putting his keys down on the coffee table. "I can go and get her."

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