Chapter 15

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*A/n* - This is a pre-warning for anyone who is triggered by things such as vomit. There is no descriptive piece about it, but does mention that someone is throwing up. Just a little warning for you all. If you don't wish to read that, then please read from the ****, just a little bit down the page. 

As the door began to open, you scrambled off from Billie as quickly as you could and lay back down in the bed and just in time too as once the door finally opened, Jakob stood there and looked around in the dark for you both. "Mom? Dad?" He repeated as he stood in the doorway. "I don't feel very well." He looked at the floor and held his stomach before running the bathroom before you could respond to him. Quickly, you and threw on some clothes; you threw on some comfy tracksuit bottoms and a t-shirt, and Billie some tracksuit bottoms before you both ran after him. He sat on the floor of the bathroom crying if he hated anything it was the sensation of being sick; he had a genuine fear of it and therefore hated being on his own if he was being sick.  You sat next to him as Billie joined you but stayed firmly at the doorway for a second before going to make sure nobody else had been awoken by the sudden uproar of the house. You placed your hand on Jakob's forehead. "Jakob, baby, you're burning up." You said as he threw his head forward and he the threw up a little bit more. You rubbed his back for him as he coughed. "I'm sorry." He said as he began shaking and crying a little bit more. Billie offered to get Jakob a glass of water as you said:  "Don't be sorry." You said as Billie went to get Joey some water. He placed the lid of the toilet seat down and hugged you. "I didn't mean to wake you up." He said as you rubbed his back. 


"It's okay." You said told him as you continued to sit with him. Billie brought a glass of water up and Jakob took a sip. The three of you sat there for a while before Jakob decided that he was ready to try and go back to sleep. "I think I'm going to go back to bed now." He said as you helped him stand up, him still being a little unsteady on his feet. Billie helped him up to as you both guided Jakob back to his bedroom and into bed. Billie placed his glass of water on the bedside table. 

Joey stirred in his bed. "Jakob?" He said, sitting up in his bed, his eyes adjusting to the sight of three people in his room.  "Are you okay?" Jakob nodded, getting comfortable back in his bed. 

"He's just not feeling very well," Billie said. "He'll be fine once he gets some sleep."

"Oh." Said Joey said, simply. "Night guys." He added before rubbing his eyes and going back to sleep. 

"Good night buddy," Billie said as you finished off tucking Jakob into bed. 

"Come and get us if you need anything." You said, running your head along with his head, through his hair slightly. "I don't want to wake you up again." He admitted as you shook your head. 

"That doesn't matter to us. We just want to make sure you're okay." 

"Goodnight." He said, closing his eyes. 

"Goodnight." You said, getting up from his bed and heading out of the room, Billie following you. "Goodnight mate." He said, closing the door behind him. Both of you headed back into your room and got back into bed. "You think he's going to be okay?" You asked Billie, placing your head on his chest. "He's Jakob of course, he will be." He said, kissing your head. "Goodnight babe." He said. 

"Goodnight Billie." You kissed him back before placing your head on his chest and soon enough falling asleep in the comfort of his arms

*A/n* - Hello! Hope you're all well!

I also hope that you found the key I made useful if you do not like vomit. I'm going to be doing at a chapter from Billie's P.O.V on this book very soon, so keep your eyes peeled for that! It's going to revolve around when Billie left (Y/n) and the kids when they were younger, so get your tissues ready! (Maybe ?) 

Thanks for all of the support you guys have shown, not just to this book, or this series, but all of my work and my writing; it means a lot. Love you all x 


Updated 2020

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