Chapter 3

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Billie was pacing back and forth, and back and forth again as you stood opposite him in the kitchen. "Billie," You begged him. "Please stay calm." 

"Calm?" He asked, looking at you. "I am calm." 

"If you're calm then why the hell are you pacing back and forth so much?" He sighed at your questions before answering. "Because I'm confused, (Y/n)." He admitted. "Where the hell did we go wrong? Amelia is our daughter, and we sure as hell didn't raise her to act this way." 

"I know," You said, walking over to him. He placed his hands on you waist and kissed you. "We didn't do anything wrong; you certainly did not do anything wrong." You reassure him, knowing exactly what he was thinking. "This isn't your fault. You're an amazing father, remember." He smiled and kissed you again. "I love you."

The two of you walked into the lounge and sat down either side of Piper. She gave a faint smile before taking a deep breathe. She then turned towards Billie and burst into tears again. Billie held her close to him and allowed her cry. You looked at Billie, a concerned look was making it's way across your face. You didn't know what to do anymore, Amelia's behaviour was getting out of control and Billie was right, you did not raise her to behave like this. You were starting to wonder if there was something else going on that Amelia hadn't told you and maybe this was her way of trying to get your attention. You looked over at Billie. He had the same look on his face and you could tell that he was thinking the same thing too.  You rubbed Piper's back as she continued to cry. "I'm sorry." She sobbed, "I bet you both think I'm so stupid." 

"Piper, you know that we would never think that of you." You explained and she smiled, wiping her eyes. "Do you want something to drink?" She nodded and you told her that you would get her something. She thanked you. You stood up and looked at Billie, signalling him to follow you into the kitchen. "I'll see if we've got some chocolate." He said, making Piper smile. He followed you into the kitchen.

You leaned against the kitchen counter and sighed, placing your head in your hands. "I'm officially stressed." You admitted. "I'm so scared Billie, I don't know what to do." You said, bluntly. "This getting out of hand and the last person that needs to be at the end of Amelia's behaviour is Piper." Billie nodded in agreement. "I don't know who that is upstairs, but that's not Amelia. Billie, that's not our little girl." 

He shook his head, unsure of where to go now. "We can't even blame this behaviour on the fact that Amelia's a teenager. So are Joey, Jakob and Piper but they're not acting like this." He looked at you, and went to say something, but stopped himself as he saw how upset you were. "Come here," He whispered, pulling you into a hug. "It's going to be okay. We're going to figure this out." 

"Billie," You asked, "You don't think that something has happened to her, do you? To Amelia?" Billie gulped, unsure of how to respond. "What if this is her trying to get our attention? Crying out for help?"

Billie ran his fingers through his hair. "It could be." He shrugged, suddenly feeling very worried and nauseous. "Will you talk to her?" You asked, hopefully. "If she'll listen and talk to anyone, it'll be you. I know she will." You weren't exactly wrong about this. For as long as you could remember, Billie and Amelia were inseparable; Amelia was practically Billie's shadow and worshipped the ground that he walked on. "Okay, I'll talk to her." He agreed as he stared over at Piper who was wiping her eyes on her sleeve. "We cannot put with this anymore." He kissed you, before he kissed the top of Piper's head, saying "I love you," before heading upstairs. Once Billie was gone, you grabbed a tissue and went to sit back down next to Piper. She thanked you for her drink and her chocolate before she wiped her eyes and then buried her head into you once more. 

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