Chapter 21

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*A/n* - We're very nearly at the end, my dears!

You awoke with Billie's arms still around you. You smiled as he began kissing your neck. "Morning babe." He smiled. 

"Morning." You replied, turning so that your arms were around his neck. You kissed him. "I love you." 

"I know you do." He said, turning you over so that you were on your back.

"Billie!" You said, laughing. "We should really get up, it's so late."

"Shame." He said, climbing off you allowing you to get out of bed. You smiled, kissing him once more before heading to the door, opening it and heading down the hallway, Billie walking behind you. The kid's doors were open and they weren't in there. You could hear them all talking downstairs. "Crap." Said Billie, looking in. "We could have had morning sex after all!" He said. 

"Billie! Shut up!" You laughed. "The kids don't need to hear that." 

He gave a small nod as you headed downstairs. They were all sat in the kitchen at the breakfast bar talking. "Morning." You smiled, walking into the kitchen. "Are you all okay?" You asked, pouring you and Billie a cup of coffee each. "We're fine," Joey said. 

"We're just deciding what we should do today," Piper added as they all went back to being silent. "I know!" Amelia said. "There's a new ice cream place open. We could try that." Billie placed his hand down on the counter. "Now, that sounds like a plan!" He smiled like an excited child. "That's it, we're getting dressed and going there right now!" He said, running upstairs. 

Yourself, Amelia and Piper were already dressed, but Joey and Jakob weren't so they followed Billie, leaving you three to talk. After a while, you were interrupted by the sound of the post coming in through the door. You stood up to go and get them but was stopped by Amelia, "I'll get them, Mom." She smiled ahead to the front door and picked up the letters.

One by one she placed them on the counter in front of you. "Bills.Bills. More bills. One for dad." She stopped with one more letter in her hand. "Who's that one for?" You asked her as she looked at it. "It's for me." She smiled. "Who's it from?" You asked her, intrigued.

"I don't know." She said, looking for a name other than hers on the envelope.

"Well open it then!" You said, excitedly. She ripped open the envelope before looking at the letter, her hands shaking. "Well? Who is it from?" You asked her.

"The Art's Institute." She said.

"San Francisco?" She nodded, still shaking. "Well?!"

"I got in on early entrance." She was now reading from the letter. "They liked what they saw and want me there."

"Oh my god! Amelia, that's amazing." You said, hugging her tightly. "Isn't that amazing?" You asked as your Piper sat there astounded and proud of her older sister. She stood up and hugged Amelia. "I've got to go and get your dad." You said, running up the stairs. You swung the bedroom door, open he was still fast asleep. "Billie!" You said, bursting through the door as he was putting his t-shirt.

"What's happening?" He asked, at once. "Is everything okay?"

"Babe, something's happened. Get up, come on!" You said as he ran after you, still trying to get dressed. "Babe?" He said. "What's going on?" You ran into the kitchen, where Amelia was stood. Billie ran in. "Is everything okay?"

"More than okay dad," Amelia said smiling. "I got in!"

"You got in?" He said, after a moment. "San Francisco?" He asked before Amelia nodded. "Come here." He said, pulling her into a hug. "That's my girl." They broke away after a moment. "Dad! Stop you're going to make me cry!" She said, wiping her eyes as did he. 

"I can't help it, I'm so proud of you." He kissed her on the top of the head. "I knew you'd be able to do it, baby." He said, holding her tight, now afraid of letting her go. 

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