Chapter 17

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*A/n* - Like I said at the end of my last chapter this is going to be from Billie's point of view!

Hope you enjoy it!


Billie's P.O.V: 

I kissed (Y/n) and headed up the stairs after Joey, planning a speech in my head. I wasn't mad at (Y/n or my Mom, in fact, I was kind of relieved. For years this secret had been weighing me down, and I knew that it was important for them to know the truth. I wanted to be fully transparent with them; I mean, if I couldn't be honest with them, how could I expect them to be honest with me?  As soon as they all knew the truth, then I would be able to assure them that it would never happen again, that I would always be there for them because I love them all too much to leave them. I was young and really stupid and I wish, I just wish, that I could take it all back. The responsibility of being in my early twenties with three children had caught up to me, I freaked out and took the easy route out and that was wrong; I know that. 

I took a deep breath and I knocked on the bedroom door, and Jakob answered it. He looked at me and then at Joey. "He won't tell me what wrong," Jakob said bluntly before I was able to say anything. He shrugged his shoulders at me. "The only thing he's said is that he's upset with you and mom." I sighed as Jakob let me into the room where I saw Joey as he sat on his bed with his earphones in. I turn towards Jakob. 

"Jakob, will you give us a minute?" I ask hopefully, and he gives a small nod in reply before he walked away and out of the room. "Thank you." I smiled at him before he closed to door behind him, leaving me and Joey alone. I sat Joey's bed. "What are you listening to?" I ask him and after a few moments, he sits up and pauses his music. "The Clash." He said, crossing his legs on the bed but not looking at me. 

"Joey," I said, my voice sounded desperate. "What happened was a really long time ago," I told him but I knew that it wasn't going to be enough. "That doesn't make it okay." He told me and I struggled to find the words to reply, all I could do was nod in agreement to his statement. Of course, I knew that it wasn't okay. I abandoned my wife and children; nothing about that was okay. 

"I know that," I say, looking down at my feet; I completely ashamed of myself.  "Joey, the truth is, I was scared." He shot me a disbelieving look as I sat next to him. This was the first time that he had looked at me. "It's true. I was terrified." I took a deep breath as my fingers ran through my hair; not once though did he stop looking at me. "When I met your mom, we were young, really young, and she was at one of my gigs. I saw her in the crowd and I fell completely and madly in love her. Two months after we began going out, I took the biggest step that I'd ever taken and I asked her to marry to me because I knew that she was the one, then, later that night she told me she was pregnant..." 

"With Amelia." He stated, looking more interested in the story by the second.  I smiled when I thought about that night, when (Y/n) told me that she was expecting Amelia; the start of what was to become the family that we had now. "With Amelia," I repeated. "I was over the moon and I couldn't believe how lucky I was. Me and your mom, we got married a month later and then before we knew it, we had Amelia. I was so happy and life was amazing. My career was kicking off, I had a wife, a kid then we found out we were having you, except when you arrived, so did your brother, it was a huge shock to us. Out early to twenties and three children? I was scared of letting you all down, scared that when you grew up, you wouldn't want some lousy musician as your father. I loved you all so much, that it was overwhelming and I left." I looked down ashamed, tears forming in my eyes. I turned away from Joey slightly. He moved closer to me.

"It was the worst mistake I ever made," I said simply looking back at Joey. "I realised that as soon as I left. I realised, sitting in a hotel by myself whilst crying,  that my family meant more to me than anything. I didn't come back sooner because I was afraid your mum wouldn't let me back in."

"But I'm glad she did," Joey said, smiling at me. He moved even closer to me and I pulled him into my arms. "Dad. I don't want you to think that you're a lousy musician or father. You're my dad and I might not show it but I love you so much." He stopped, looking really guilty about everything that had happened. "I won't tell Jakob or Amelia." I shook my head. 

"No. I will."  I stood up and opened the door, "Jakob, Amelia, Piper." I asked, "Can you come here, please?" I walked towards the stairs as everyone gathered into Joey and Jakob's room. "Babe, can you come up here too?" I asked (Y/n). (Y/n) came upstairs and stood next to me as everyone sat on Joey's bed.  I wrapped my around (Y/n)'s body as I spoke. 

"There's something you need to know," I told them as they all looked up at me. "Including you Piper, even though you weren't born at this time," I added before taking another deep breath.     "When you were all really young, Amelia you may or may not remember, I left you and your mom." I held (Y/n) tighter than ever. "It was, by far, the biggest mistake I ever made." They all stared at me. Their expressions were not angry but they looked disbelieving. "It's true and I'm so sorry. I need you to know that it'll never happen again." Then there was silence, it was deafening. Then all four of them stood up and wrapped their arms around me. 

"Love you, dad." 

"We're not angry." 

I smiled over at (Y/n) who stood next to me. "Get in here too," I said as I held out my arm and pulled her into the hug as well. I loved all of them and I would never leave them again. I would never hurt any of them. 

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