Chapter 20

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Today was the day after a long year of working hard at it, Green day's new album, or albums, Uno! Dos! Tré! was finally being released. Billie had already received so much love, support and encouragement on social media, from people who'd already listened to the albums as soon as they'd come out. Obviously a few people were disappointed but Billie expected it because unfortunately, you can't please everyone. 

You had just finished getting ready for the party that Reprise - Green Day's recording company was putting on for you. Ollie and the kids were also coming. This was the perfect opportunity for your mum to get to know more people at the recording company as you and Billie got her a job there in order for her to get back onto her feet.

Once you had arrived there, you and Billie were already introducing her to people that she hadn't really had time to meet yet. You looked around to make sure that your kids were all okay, to see them sat in a corner with Tré and Mike, knowing that they were in good hands and that they enjoyed spending time with Mike and Tré, making Billie happy because they were his best friends. 

In the background, Green Day's new songs we're playing, hearing Billie's voice blasting out 360 degrees around you, made you incredibly proud. Then someone tapped on the microphone. It was the Band's manager. "Hello everyone and thank you for coming! Now I believe the band would like to say a few words." He smiled as Jason, Jason and Jeff went up on stage and gave their individual speeches. Thanking their family, friends and Billie, Mike and Tré for allowing them to be part of such an incredible band. Then it was Tré's turn. "This should be funny," Billie whispered, putting his arm around your waist. "Well." He said, looking at everyone. "I don't know where the hell, I'd be if it wasn't Mike and Billie. Turns out that wearing a ladies shower cap and tutu whilst playing the drums can actually get you somewhere." He laughed. "I want to thank reprise for believing in our high school band, my wife and daughter for being supportive, my friends and family for everything they do and Billie and Mike." He looked at the two of them, taking a breath. "I don't know where I'd be without you two. You're the best friends I could ever ask for, You're my brothers and I love you." Everyone applauded as he saluted and left the stage. Now it was Mike's turn. 

"Wow. Who'd have thought all these years ago that I'd be stood here now, the happiest man in the world." He looked at Billie and Tré. "We did it! We fucking did it! We've made not just another album but three and they said it couldn't be done. Look at us now!" He stopped, laughing. "I want to thank my mum." He gave a small wave to her as she clapped and cried. "I want to thank my friends, my amazing wife, Brittany and my kids." He stopped, before saying. "Billie, man, I love you brother and you too Tré. You are the craziest people I've ever met, especially you Tré but my life would not be the same if the two of you were not in it!" 

Now it was Billie turn. He got up on the stage, hugging Mike and Tré. "Jesus." He said, taking deep breaths in. "This is kinda surreal." He gave a small smile. "This started out as a high school band and we never imagined that we'd be here today with these amazing lives, amazing families. We thought we'd be stuck in some dead end office job, this band just being a hobby. But now it's so much more than that." Amelia, Joey, Jakob and Piper all stood around you, fixed to his every word, just as you were. "There are so many people I want to thank. Mike, when I met you, I only wanted to be funnier than you were, now we're brothers. Tré, you're a weirdo sometimes but that's why I love you and that's why I see you both a brothers and not just as friends or bandmates. So thank you for making this insane journey an amazing one! My mum, you've been incredibly supportive all these years and you are the best goddamn mother and grandmother anyone could ever ask for." She placed her hand to her heart, smiling before Billie looked at you, Amelia, Piper, Joey, Jakob. "Finally, my kids, Amelia, Joey, Jakob and Piper. You are the funniest, most amazing and supportive kids a father could ever ask for. I love you all so much, each and every one of you. Last but not least, my incredible wife, (Y/n). There are words to tell you how much you mean to me and how amazing you've been with everything, our kids, the making of these albums, with me. When I met you, you were just a girl in the crowd, now you're my wife and I'm the luckiest man in the world because I get to spend every day of my life with you. It's certainly been a tough year for us but I love you, I love you all."  Everyone applauded as he ran down from the stage and kissed you, pulling away slightly as Amelia, Joey, Jakob and Piper, hugged him. Everyone was still applauding. 


Updated 2020

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