Chapter 11

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You and Billie had decided to take the day off and stay at home with Piper. Billie was determined to keep her off school until the issue was sorted, and didn't expect to be sorted the day after the incident. The last thing that you or Billie was to do was worsen her mental health by sending her to a place where she wasn't safe. Billie had taken Joey, Jakob and Amelia to school that morning whilst you stayed at home with Piper. During that time, you had dawdled outside Piper's room in hope that she would come out; but she didn't. You went downstairs and sat on the sofa, debating what to do next, trying to figure what to say to Piper to make it all better.   

You heard the door to Billie's car slam shut before the rattling of keys in the front door. "Hey, babe." He smiled, closing the door behind him as you got up and kissed him just like you always did when he came home after being out. "Anything?" He asked hopefully, but you just shook your head. He tutted and went to the kitchen. "So she hasn't eaten anything at all?" He asked, worriedly.  "No, not since yesterday's breakfast." You sighed. "Do you think I should go up and tell her I'll make her something to eat when's she ready? You know, just so that she knows we're here for her?" You asked, shrugging. 

Billie gave a half-smile in return to your question. "I don't see the harm in that." He said, honestly. "Do you want me to go?" He offered but you smiled and kissed him.  "I'll go." You replied as he stroked your hair before you headed upstairs to Piper's Bedroom. You knocked on the door and heard a muffled reply. "Piper." You asked opening the door. Piper was sat on top of her bed, legs crossed, back facing the door, a pillow to her chest. "Yeah?" She replied. 

"I came up to let you know that when you're ready I'll make you something to eat." You gave a small sigh as she replied, "I'll let you know, Mom. Thanks." You decided to leave her too it and closed the door behind you as you left. 

You returned back downstairs and sat on the sofa with Billie as he flicked through the channels on the TV. "How could this have happened?" You asked him, trying to make sense of it all in your head. "Our daughters! Why did it have to be them to go through this?" You asked. "I mean, why should anyone, but of all people, our children!" Billie kissed your head.

 "I don't know babe, but we'll find a way to sort all of this; we always do. I promise and I always live up to my promises, especially when it comes to my family." He kissed you once more as you looked up to see Piper stood in the doorway. "Piper." You said, sitting up properly and Billie gave her a hopeful smile. 

"Can I talk to you guys?" She asked as she stood there wearing grey tracksuit bottoms and a hoodie. "Of course you can." Said Billie, smiling as the two of you parted allowing Piper to sit between you. "I'm sorry I caused all that trouble yesterday." She said, biting down on her lip. "I know you're both busy working on the album and now you've had to stop because of me." She spoke as Billie looked shocked at what she was saying. He looked at her: "Hey, listen to me. Even if I was in the middle of fighting a war, I'd have still been at that school in a heartbeat." Billie stopped, wiping away her tears.

"Piper, you're our daughter, you might be the youngest but that doesn't matter. You're our main priority, all of you are." You smiled, as she held your hand. Piper was still crying. "I wanted to tell you for so long what was going on, the extent of it but I just didn't know how to. I thought that I was letting you down." She sobbed as she held your hand. "I always seem to let you guys down. I didn't want you to worry about me, or worry that I was going to hurt myself. You shouldn't have to worry about it constantly." She sobbed. "I just love you guys so much." She said through tears. 

"We love you too." Said Billie as he hugged the both of you. "But, we will always worry about Piper. We'll always worry about all of you. We're your parents and that is our job. It just pains me to hear that you're so miserable in your life and there's not a lot I can do to change that thought process."

"Yes, you can," Piper said. "You being my parents is enough to make me happy." Billie kissed her hands as he held them. He looked at Piper and wiped away her tears once more. "How about I make you something to eat now?" He smiled as her eyes lit up instantly.  "Hell, I'll make you your favourite!" He exclaimed as he ran to the kitchen and immediately all that was heard was the sound of pots and pans clattering. You looked at Billie and then back at Piper as you stroked her hair as she placed her head on your chest. A familiar thought crossed your mind just as it had done many times; you had the best family in the entire world. 


Updated 2020

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