Chapter 22

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*A/n* - Grab your tissues because we've reached the end!

"It's going to be really sad." You said, looking at Amelia with Piper, Joey, Jakob and Ollie. "I don't know if I can do it." You admitted. "I don't think that I can say goodbye to her. Billie moved your head to look at him. "Me neither." He said as you both thought about the fact that your little girl, your firstborn was going to leave you."

"I'm just glad that she's finally, truly happy." You said, honestly.

"So am I." Billie said, determined to make the most of his final week with all of his children. 

1 week later:

Amelia was packing her last of her stuff into the car that you and Billie had bought her, she was going to need it now. She'd been saving up for one since she passed her test but you and Billie wanted to give her a head start at her new life. She closed the door of her car. 

"Is that everything?" You asked her, an overwhelming feeling surrounding you. 

"Yeah." She smiled, she could feel it too. Piper was stood by Billie crying. Amelia went over to her. "Hey, it's okay. I won't be that far away."

"Far enough." Said Piper, hugging her. She cried into Amelia's shoulder. You held Billie's hand for support. This was so difficult. "Hey, you can come and visit me whenever you want and I can come back here." She kissed Piper, before moving on to her brothers. They both hugged her. "We're going to miss you." They said. 

"I'm going to miss you too." She kissed them before hugging Ollie. "Stay safe." She smiled. "I will." Amelia replied.

"Don't forget to call me." She smiled before wiping a tear from Amelia's face before she looked at you and Billie. She held both of our hands, before looking at Billie and hugging him tightly. "Dad, I love you so much."

"I love you too." He said, holding the back of her head as she cried into his shoulder. "You can do this Amelia!" He said. "I know you can." 

"Thank you for everything you've done for me." She smiled. "Thank you for always believing in me."

"You're my little girl, of course, I do."

"Not so little anymore." She said.

"No. You'll always be my little girl." He kissed her. "Now, you let me know if any boys cause any trouble. I'll be straight down." They both laughed. "Gladly." She said before she hugged you. 

"Mum." was all she could manage as she continued to sob. "I love you so much." You said, stroking her hair. "I love you too." She said, pulling away. "You'll let us know when you get there?" You asked. She nodded, her hand gripping yours. She hugged her once more as you said, "Go and show them how amazing you are." She laughed, before turning away towards her car. 

"I love you all so much!" She said before getting into her car and starting it up. Billie's arm wrapped around your waist for support as you turned and buried your head in his chest. "She'll be okay." He whispered to you. "I know she will." You said as she drove away, waving out of her window. You felt a bit of you die inside, it felt like you had lost another child. 

Ollie stayed for a while before heading off. This goodbye was easier because she only lived down the road. However, you and  Billie knew that wherever Amelia was going to be, she was going to make a difference and you couldn't be any prouder of her. You couldn't be prouder of any of you children. You were as proud as proud can be. 

*A/n* - I don't know about you but I needed tissues to write that! Some of you may have guessed that this is the last chapter of 'He's a family man' and I'm very happy with the ending - even if I sobbed like a baby writing it! When I was writing the goodbyes, I was unsure about whether or not I wanted to actually say goodbye but knew I had too sooner or later. I'm so happy that Amelia had a happy ending just as the other kids did, which I've left down to you to decide what happens to them. 

I want to say thank you, again, to each and everyone one of you, whether you've been here from the beginning (e.g. - 'One of out a millions girls in the crowd') or if you've just read this one. It means so much to me that you take time out of your day to read my writing and I've had so many messages from people so say they love getting notifications to say that I've updated a story, and that means so much to me. It's incredible to think about how many views, votes, comments and follows I've received. (There's over 400 of us now!). My writing would not be possible without any of you, whether you follow me or not. Wattpad is just somewhere I go to forget about life and focus on what I love and it means so much that you support me! 

So, I hope that you've enjoyed this as much as I have enjoyed writing it. There are a lot more works on my account coming soon! Please feel free to message me any ideas for things you may have as I have a Green Day Imagines book which is always desperate for requests!

Now, Imma go, because I'm in tears! I love you all so much! THANK YOU! 


Updated 2020

He's a family man {A Million Girls #2}Where stories live. Discover now