Chapter 16

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Recently, things had been different with Billie but you didn't know what it was and you weren't the only one who had noticed; Amelia, Joey, Jakob, and Piper had all noticed it too. For example, whenever they asked Billie if he was okay, instead of a loving reply where he'd hugged them tightly and told them he was fine and then reemphasized the fact that he loved them, he'd just shrug them off and tell them he was fine but go back to being silent. You'd try to talk to him since you were worrying about him but he told you not to worry and that he'd fine; you had just shrugged it off as his panic disorder playing up, or it was him just having a low mood because everyone gets them. It would make sense for Billie to feel low though, given everything that had happened these past few months with Amelia and Piper and constantly trying to work on Green Day's new music, it was probably just Billie working himself in the ground like he is known for doing. 

That morning, he'd left early for the studio, but today there was no good morning or goodbye kiss like there usually was, there was just a faint smile before you watched his car back out of the driveway and away down the road. Ollie, Billie's mother was visiting you today and you'd decided to bring it up to see if she knew anything about it or even advice on how to handle the situation. As much as you loved Billie, he was her son and if anyone could help, it would probably Ollie. The two of you sat in the kitchen, all the kids upstairs as it was another holiday season for them again. 

"What do I do, Ollie?" You asked, handing Ollie her cup of tea. "I absolutely hate to see him like this. It's like there's something bothering him, but he won't tell me what's going on and I don't ask too many questions because he's entitled to his privacy where he needs it." You explained as you wrapped your hands around the warm cup as you took a seat next to her. 

"I know you worry about him." She smiled as she thought about what to do. "My advice, keep trying with him, let him know that you're there, and I will too, but if he doesn't respond to that, then I would just leave him to it." She said honestly. "You know what he's like sometimes. He'll come around eventually." You nodded at her response.

"I thought it could have been his panic disorder playing up, or that he working too hard at the minute. It could even be that everything that's happened recently, what with Amelia being abused and Piper's mental health has been so low, it could all be catching up to him." You shrugged, shaking your head. 

"Billie will do that. He will be so strong and not let it bother him until it does and it can knock him back for a while, but he always picks himself back up." You then took a sip of your drink and realized Ollie might be right, maybe he will come round when he's ready.  "Have the kids noticed?" She asked. 

"Yeah, they don't show it but they're worried too. They all keep trying to cheer him up but nothing seems to be working." You reply honestly as Ollie lets out a sigh. "Billie will be Billie." She stops and thinks for a second. "I mean, this isn't the first time this has happened is it?" You stop trying to remember what she's referencing in order to look like a good wife; that's when it dawns on you. "When Amelia, Joey and Jakob were younger before Piper was born." You reply as Ollie nods. 

"He got up and left for nearly two weeks, before he came to his senses and came back." She stated as you remember the worst part of your marriage to Billie. 

"What?" Ollie and yourself turned around to see Joey stood in the doorway with a shocked expression on his face. "Joey." You began as you started to get up from your chair. "He left us?" He said, but before you could say anything else he was up the stairs, no doubt going to tell Jakob what he'd heard. None of them knew because neither you nor Billie had felt it necessary to tell them. At the time they were only babies, and Piper wasn't even born,   but what matters is that he came to his senses and came back and never left them ever again. 

"Shall I talk to them?" Ollie asked. 

"No, it's okay, I'll do it." You smiled. 

"I'd better get going then." She said, hugging you. "I'll call Billie later." She said as she shouted up the stairs that she was going and everyone came running down to say goodbye to her; even Joey.  He reluctantly hugged her before she left and as soon as the door was closed, everyone returned back to their bedrooms, except for Joey as you asked him to stay downstairs so that you could talk to him. 

"Joey, what you heard before, it was a very long time ago." You stated as he folded his arms. 'Great' you thought, 'he's finally becoming a moody teenager.'  

"I didn't tell Jakob and Amelia if that's what you're worried about. I think it's better if you tell them yourself." His tone was sharp and nasty.  "Do not speak to me like that, Joey. It was a very long time ago, and you know how much your dad loves you, all of you." You said, desperately trying to fix what had happened. "Besides, you shouldn't have been eavesdropping!" 

"That doesn't make him walking out on us okay!" Just then Billie opened the front door. He looked at the two of you and could immediately tell that there was tension. "What's going on?" He asked, concerned. 

"I know you walked out on me, Jakob and Amelia when we were little. I heard her and Grandma talking about it before." He snapped at Billie, but Billie refused to be spoken to that way. 

"I'm going to stop you there." He said, looked at Joey, sternly. "Firstly, don't ever speak about your mother that way, and secondly-" He was cut off by Joey storming off upstairs. Billie sighed and placed his bag on the floor and looked at you. "I'm so sorry. Your Mom and I were talking because I'm really worried about you, and he eavesdropped on the conversation. I tried to talk to him an-" You were cut off by Billie's lips on yours as he kissed you gently. 

"Babe, it's okay, you don't have to apologise, they were bound to find out sooner or later." He gave you his usual smile, the one that gave you butterflies every time you looked at him. "This is my mistake, and I have to take responsibility for it. 'll go and talk to him." He said, kissing you once more. "I love you." He said before you told him that you loved him too as you watched him go upstairs to speak to Joey. 

*A/n* - The next chapter is from Billie's P.O.V. 


Updated 2020

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