Chapter 4

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**Trigger Warning***   If anything in this chapter upsets you, or you find triggering, please don't read. DM's are always open if you need to chat x 


Today was Amelia's birthday and she had now turned 16. Neither you or Billie could believe how fast the years had gone by. You and Billie had been together for what felt like forever, and in that time, you had both been blessed with four beautiful children; no matter how stubborn they were at times. Neither of you could imagine your life being any different, no matter how young you both were when you found out that you were expecting Amelia. 

You, Billie, Joey, Jakob and Piper were all sat together on the sofa together, eating some of Amelia's birthday cake. You looked around but Amelia was nowhere to be found. "Where is she?" You asked Billie; he shrugged as he ate some cake. "She said she was going to get something."

"Like what?" 

"I don't know, a book or something? She wasn't very specific." You smiled up on hearing the word "book" in hope that Amelia would finally catch up with the studying and do well in her finals like she was capable of and like she deserved. She had worked so hard up until this point and it seemed like such a shame to throw it all away now. After all, Amelia was incredibly smart and incredibly talented and deserved to go far in life, no matter what it was that she wanted to do. 

Within the next few moments, you heard her footsteps on the stairs as she came down the and you and Billie both imagined her with a book as she walked down but no; it was actually quite the opposite. You and Billie looked at each other in unison before looking back at Amelia. "Amelia?" He asked, slowly getting up, as though he was afraid of going dizzy. "Why are you dressed like that?" You could see that he was biting his tongue, afraid of saying something that he shouldn't have. You were not the only one that noticed this as Piper, Joey and Jakob all looked at each other awkwardly as though they wanted to leave the situation as quickly as possible.

"Like what?" She asked, clearly oblivious to what she was wearing. She looked down but did not seem to understand what was wrong. 

"Like you're going to a party." He replied as she smiled. 

"Because I am going to a party, Dad." She replied and for one moment, you thought that Billie was going to be sick. You looked towards Piper, Joey and Jakob. "Would you three mind going upstairs while we talk to your sister?" You asked, and all three stood up immediately, walking as quickly as they could towards the stairs. None of them made eye contact with either Billie or Amelia. Once You were certain that they were all in their bedrooms, you turned to Amelia. "What party?" 

"Declan's party." Amelia said, folding her arms. You watched as Billie's face instantly went red after hearing Declan's name. "I don't think so young lady." He replied, not taking his eyes off of her. She stood in front of him and folded her arms. "And why not?" 

"Watch your attitude, young lady." Billie said calmly, "You might be 16 now, but that does not mean that you can speak to me in that way."

"Okay," You said, "Let's stay calm and talk about this." 

"(Y/n)." Billie said, looking at you like he was about to faint. "I am calm, for now, but I don't want her going to that party." He said.

"Baby, neither do I, but let's hear her out instead of jumping down her throat."

"Stop talking about me like I'm not here!" She shouted. "If you've got something to say, then say it to my face!"

"Amelia." You began as she rolled her eyes at you. "You've been warned once about your attitude. " You reminded her. "We don't want you to go to Declan's party." You said, awaiting her reaction. 

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