Chapter 7

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**All lyrics belong to Green Day and Billie Joe**

You arrived at the school and said goodbye to your children. "Have a great day!" You smiled. "See you all later." They all said goodbye as they shut the car doors.  You watched as they all walked into the school together, chatting and laughing with one another. Now, you knew that if that had been you, there is no way on this earth, you would have walked into school with your siblings. If anything, you would have done anything to make sure that they came nowhere near you. That was the difference with your children, they all loved each other and would do anything to protect each other, no matter the cost. 

Once you had watched them all go in, you put your car into first and drove away from the school and headed back towards the studio where Billie, Mike and Tré already were and probably planned the rest of the day out. However, you had managed to find yourself stuck in traffic. This time it was worse than it normally was. An accumulation of roadworks and rush hour would do that. When you finally arrived at the studio, twenty minutes later than you would normally be there, Billie was standing outside waiting for you. He was on the phone. "Hey," He smiled, opening your car door and allowing you to get out. "I was just ringing you to find out where you were."

"Sorry," You said, apologetically as you kissed him. "Traffic was horrendous this morning. They were doing some roadworks near the school and had temporary lights." 

"It's okay, it's the rush hour too which doesn't help." Billie smiled, putting his phone away in his pocket. "You've not missed anything yet." He smiled, wrapping his arms around your waist. Neither of you said anything for a while, but he leaned in and kissed you again. "What was that for?" You asked, smiling. 

"No reason." He admitted. "I just can't seem to help myself when I'm around you." You couldn't help but laugh at this as he had repeated what you had whispered to him in the kitchen not two hours before. "I've noticed." Together, you both headed into the studio, hand in hand. Everyone that saw you on the way in commented on how in love you both looked. "Good morning, Love birds!" Tre exclaimed as you and Billie walked in. You were laughing as he planted kisses along your cheek. Mike poked his head around a door frame to see who Tré was talking to. "Morning!" Mike smiled as he came into the room messing with guitar picks. "For a second there, I thought Tré was talking to himself." Mike laughed as Tré looked at him like he was ridiculous. 

"They're a cute couple!" Tré said. "Who else would I be calling love birds?"

"Oh, I don't know, you could have been talking about you and your reflection," Mike replied, making you and Billie laugh. "You seem to love looking at yourself in the mirror, so you can understand why I was confused." Tré tutted and shook his head at Mike's reply. "Don't be ridiculous!" He said, before turning to look at himself in the mirror. "Although, I am pretty gorgeous if I do say so myself." The room filled with silence as everyone watched Tré as he fixed his hair in the mirror and spoke lovingly to himself. He had no idea that everyone was watching him, or that he was the one that they were waiting on. In a way, it was kind of hard to believe that he was the godfather to your children. "Shall we get started or shall we wait until after you've married yourself?" Billie asked, and Tré coughed in reply. 

"Sorry, yes, I was just saying that we should really get started." He nodded, looking at the imaginary watch on his wrist. "The last thing we need is to be running behind, or have someone holding us back." He watched as Billie, unable to control himself, leaned in and kissed you again. 

"Billie!" Tré said, "Control yourself! Jesus man, anyone would think you two had just gotten married." 

"Well, apologies for wanting everyone to know how in love I am," Billie commented, he looked over at you and squeezed your hand. "I am one lucky bastard." You looked over to the corner to find Tré sniffling. "That's really beautiful, you guys. You guys are the best." The room was filled with awkward silence as Tré dabbed at his eyes and composed himself. "Guys, we really should get started," Mike stated, and Billie and Tré agreed. Billie looked at you and winked, causing you to feel slightly weak at the knees. You watched as he walked with Mike and Tré into the recording booth. 

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