Chapter 13

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For the next two weeks, all teenagers would be hiding in their rooms as all of the school were now on half term. You and Billie had decided it would be better for Piper to do a full week at school before having two weeks off with everyone else.

"Mom?" She asked as she sat at the breakfast island, across from it, you were deciding what to make for dinner. "Would you like some help?" She asked, sweetly. You smiled but ultimately said no as she was holding textbooks in her hand and you wanted her to get her studying done as you knew that it was important for her to fall behind. Once you had decided on making Spaghetti, you got straight to work. Behind the noise, of the pasta going into the pan, you heard Piper sigh as she crossed out her words and replaced them with more. 

Billie came downstairs, he'd just had a shower. He came up behind you and kissed your head, his hands wrapping themselves around your waist. He smelt of fresh mint, and it made you smile. "Do you need any help?" He asked and Piper laughed at his question. 

"I already asked but she said no." She smiled as Billie looked at Piper, the same love for her still in his eyes as the night she was born, the nights they were all born. "No, I'm okay, thank you, babe." You told him as he sat down next to Piper. "What are you working on?" He asked intrigue in his voice, the type you wished that your father had when you were younger.

"My Psychology work." She smiled as Billie's eyes widened but he smiled as they did. 

"Clearly." He coughed. "You get your brains from me." You couldn't help but laugh. 

"Yeah right." You took Psychology when you were in High School and passed it in your exams. You looked at him. "If you're so smart, who, in Psychology was Bowlby?" 

Billie coughed. "Bowlby was." He stopped and thought. "A man." 

You laughed. "Bowlby was a famous psychologist who developed a very influential theory about attachment. His theory was that infants instinctively bond with one key figure." You smiled before turning back towards the pan and stirring it. "That key figure is the mother." You added as Piper laughed before running upstairs to get something that she had forgotten to bring down with her. Billie stood up and walked over too you, placing his hands around your waist again. 

"That was so hot." He admitted kissing your neck. You placed the spoon down and turned around to kiss him properly, your lips intertwining with his.

You smiled as he whispered. "If I could, I would take you right here, right now." You bit down on your lip seductively, before you heard Piper as she came running back down the stairs and Billie made you both a drink. "Are Amelia, Joey and Jakob okay?" You asked as you went back to stirring the sauce that was in the pan. "Yes, Amelia is studying, whilst Joey and Jakob are playing some Virtual-crap-nonsense in their room again. Do you want me to tell them dinner's ready?" He asked, reading your mind. 

"Yes, please." You smiled as he kissed you once more and whispered, so Piper couldn't hear. "I can't wait for tonight." You knees felt weak as he winked at you before running to tell the others dinner was ready. They all came running down the stairs immediately and sat at the table as their dinner was served. You served out the dinner before taking a seat next to Billie. As you were eating your dinner and listening to the four of them talking about something that you couldn't understand, you felt Billie's hand on your leg. 

You looked at him and smirked as he ran his fingers up and down it, knowing that inside it was making you completely crazy for him. You took a deep breath and bit your lip as you tried to focus on anything else but you knew that when the time arrived tonight that you wouldn't be able to hold back whatsoever. 


Updated 2020

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