Chapter 12

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*A/n* - I know the picture is of just Billie but I absolutely love it. He's honestly such an amazing father!


Given everything that had happened recently, You, Billie, Amelia, Joey, Jakob and Piper had all agreed on staying at home for the weekend, watching films in comfy clothes and eating junk food for the entirety of the weekend; God knows you deserved it and the only thing that you wanted to do anymore was spend as much time with your family as you possibly could.

Each of them had individually decided which films they wanted to watch, so You and Billie had agreed to sit there and watch all of them with them, even though you'd probably seen it loads already, it was worth it because it was for your kids and they were the only important things anymore. 

Amelia and Piper had decided together that they wanted to watch Harry Potter films as one had a thing for Draco Malfoy and the other Fred Weasley. Everyone watched the film intently with Joey or Jakob asking questions every now and again, just to annoy Amelia and Piper for talking through their favourite film series. You and Billie had forgotten how good these films were and so, thoroughly enjoyed them. You were even excited when Piper put her favourite Harry Potter film on, which luckily was the one after Amelia's, so no-one was getting confused about what was going on in the story, especially Joey and Jakob, who collectively had that memory and attention span of a goldfish.  

You watched as Joey pointed his finger at the screen and you knew what was going to happen. "Why's Draco bought a wardrobe to store at Hogwarts? Seems a bit stupid, especially if it's not going in his bedroom! Fancy walking down the corridor in your pyjamas to the Room of Requirement to get his uniform. He's going to make a fool of himself! Said Joey, knowing the reaction he'd get from Piper. 

"He's not stupid! And besides, it a Vanishing Cabinet, so you can just leave him alone thank you very much." Snapped Piper, in Draco's defence, making you and Billie laugh. "What?" She asked, laughing at herself. "He's hot!" Billie heard these words come out of her mouth and looked at you in shock. "(Y/n), it's happening!" He said, holding his hands up and shaking his head. "Piper is growing up! She's developing feelings for boys and I can't cope with it!" He placed his hand to his head as he tried to come to terms with it. At the end of the film, Piper sighed. 

"What's wrong?" Amelia asked as she looked at her younger sister who was beginning to look very emotional. 

"I just ship Dramione so hard." She replied as Billie's eyes widened. 

"Excuse me?" He asked, incredibly confused by what the conversation had become

"I said, I ship Dramione." She repeated, as though she expected him to understand what she was talking about. "What the hell does that mean?" Billie asked.

"Dad." She laughed, brushing her hair out of her face. "It means, I want Draco and Hermione to get together." 

"Oh." Was his only reply as he looked at you in confusion as you shrugged your shoulders before thinking about it for a moment and then looking at Piper. 

"Actually, I think they'd be perfect so each other." You smiled as Billie looked at you. 

"(Y/n), don't encourage this behaviour." He joked as Piper began laughing.

"What about Drarry?" Billie's eyes widened. "Draco and Harry! Or Drapple! People ship Draco with apples."

"Now I've heard it all." He said, in hysterics. "What's next?" He asked, rather enjoying this whole movie weekend thing that you guys had going. "How about Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows?" Amelia asked

"Parts One and Two!"  Jakob added, even though neither he or Joey were that bothered about watching Harry Potter before this, but now it appears that they've jumped on the bandwagon. At this moment you'd begun to wonder why you hadn't just had a Harry Potter Movie Marathon in the first place; it probably would have been easier. Finally, another few hours later, you'd finally finished the Deathly Hallows. You were still laughing at Piper who screamed at the screen when she saw Draco, 19 Years Later with his wife, who wasn't Hermione and started crying. 

Billie decided to order a Pizza and you all sat watching A Netflix Original **What Would You Choose?** whilst stuffing your faces with as much Pizza as you could possibly fit in your mouths. You knew at that exact moment what each and every one of you was thinking. 'We need to do this more often.'


Updated 2020

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