Chapter 1 For the first time

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Toby's POV 

Waking up in the morning on a very annoying alarm that i set off yesterday on 6:00 AM. I slid off the bed shirtless. As usual. I went to the bathroom to take a shower in cold water. thinking about my life. Which is a boring one. Every girl i flirt with turns out to be in a relationship. very disappointing.i don't even have a girlfriend. I finished my shower and then I decided to wear a black t-shirt and blue pair of jeans. I like simple clothes. 

I went downstairs to make myself some breakfast. But I didn't feel like eating. So, I decided a cup of coffee from the brew would be great. I'll go walking first. While I was walking around Rosewood I saw a girl sitting on bench. She was simply admiring, admiring nothing. I felt she was sitting  peacefully and calmly , unconcerned about anything. I made my way to sit beside her. the moment i was about to sit . she got out a walking stick and stretched it. For real now? she doesn't seem this old to walk with it. and then i recognized that stood like she doesn't know what's around her . then she began walking while pointing with her stick to like everywhere around her. Should I deduce that she's blind ? Anyways, she was going the other way i was going. And I found myself following her. I've no idea why. 

I guessed she was walking to the Rosewood's library. She was on the route. Tho I wasn't a big fan of reading . I continued to follow her. We reached there and greeted people like she was born there. I felt like everyone loved her and had the pleasure to help her. I was happy for her that people didn't hate her. She was a lovable person. After grabbing a book she then sat on one of the tables but no one could see her because of the giant roofs filled with large books. i sat in front of her. She was looking in my direction, almost in my eyes. She was touching the pages sensually, to understand what's written. I just sat there. I kept admiring her limitless beauty. She looked like an angel. she had that amazing brown hair that fell perfectly down her shoulders and her eyes . god those beautiful eyes. it's like they are a remedy a treat to anyone who's upset. she's in a good seductive shape. but i couldn't clearly see her curves because she was wearing a coat. That's good so that no one see her perfection. I rested my head on my hand, admiring her. after about 30 min. she stood up slowly afraid to bump into one of the shelves . it kinda broke my heart , she looked helpless but i liked it. she refused to anyone's request to lead her the way home. After that she left the library smiling to whoever is standing there. then when she left that smile turned from a happy one to a broken one. i guess she hated it when people had pity on her. its a bit annoying to be honest. i followed her to her house. realizing that she's not that far from mine. the idea made me smile like 4 year old kid. i was there standing unconsciously , and i was pulled out my thoughts by the sound of her keys she was touching them to get the right one out. then i watched her as she entered her house.

I continued walking to reach my house after 10 minutes. I went upstairs an collapsed on my bed resting my head above my hand , thinking about this poor hopeless girl. i called my friend lorenzo. he's a bad one too. 

"Hello?" i said questioningly.

"Hey, man, you just interrupted  me from a hot session." he said sounding a bit angry sarcastically. " was about to get her to bed,man." he whispered. 

I laughed at his silly disappointment.

"Lorenzo, i met a girl-" 

"Ohhh, my bro is on fire! so you kissed her hard and then you-" he talked eagerly.

"Hey hey slow down , man , i didn't even talk to her , calm down." i interrupted him from fantasies. 

"Say what? you didn't talk to her? Should I call that a skinny love thing? " he talked like a nigger. 

"Love? are you out of your mind i just met her man." i lied . well i didn't LOVE her, but i had to admit that I had a huge crush on her .

"Fine.fine ,man , now can you just leave me continue my session now?"

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