Chapter 25 Stunned

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[This is John Smith.]

*2 months later*

Spencer's POV

I've never been happier in my life. I mean I'm finally living a normal life. No anxiety anymore or sadness. 2 months ago when Mr Marco gave me the huge chance to get to work in his company, I was really grateful. He was in love with the composition I wrote. It was about how to get over depression, go through the bad times and how to motivate yourself to stand on your feet and carry on. So, it was kinda inspirational. That's why I have my own article in Rosewood's magazine! Each week I'm given an appealing topic to talk about. But first I have to search some things about it. Read things and then write. So, it was kinda adventurous since I'm a huge fan of reading. So, things were pretty easy for me to be done quickly. I also edit other articles. He gave this mission to me as he though that I'm smart and always concentrating on my work. He always motivates me. And it makes me so happy that finally someone thinks I'm good at something. I also became friends with a beautiful girl called Olivia Paistring. She's amazing and we're on really great terms with each other. She helped me countless times. And she was the one that Marco chose to help when I first came. She told me about everything in the company. I owe her a lot. Plus she's a really nice person to deal with. We're really close to becoming best friends. We hangout or stay at each other's place sometimes. She's really a great part in my life. We laugh, joke around and watch almost every show together. We even fangirl, maturely. As we're too old for this but some fun wouldn't hurt. She always talks about her boyfriend. But I never saw him. Not even a picture of him. So, I didn't ask for it. As I don't want to cross any private lines. I mean when she feels like it, she'll show him to me. We are four editors/ writers. Best four in the company. That's why I'm greatly happy. There's also a girl called Hanna.. Marin? I guess? I don't her family's name but hers is Hanna. We're not the best partners, at all. I always try my best to be nice to her even when she treats me like crap. Which happens all the time. I just feel like she hates me so much. But I never knew why. She never said it. But I just felt it through her actions. Like when I say good morning or hi, she just pretends that she didn't hear, though I know she always does. Or when I smile at her she just rolls her eyes and carry on typing on her keyboard. Which is so embarrassing. What did I do to make her hate me like that? I tried bringing up the subject nicely but it she ends up saying "Whatever." And rolls her eyes and leaves me, leaving me embarrassed as hell. She makes me feel like I'm a bad person. However, there was another guy called John Smith. He was practically annoying. But I do my best to be nice to him. I always decline his offers, politely. It's so obvious that he likes me. Even more than liking but..He's just not my type. Plus I'm not ready to go into a relationship, at all. I just need my time. He's always melting there, and I extremely hate this. I don't know why. But he's a nice guy and he deserves better than me. I try to encourage him to date a girl but he always turns the subject about me. But I try to brush it off as politely as I could. Because at the end he's a friend of mine in work. So, I have to be always nice. Everything was almost perfect. I have my own apartment, my own job, I read for my favorite authors, I'm friends with everyone around me excluding Hanna Marin of course. My boss is in love with my work. I'm doing something that I'm greatly passionate about. 2 months of work, 8 articles and a great few relations with people surrounding me.  So, everything was close to perfect. But no. There was one thing that was stopping it from becoming perfect or let's say someone. I felt like I was being stalked by some anonymous person. I never knew who. But I've got no evidence. But some weird things happened. Especially when I was blind. Is that him? Is he pretending that he left but the truth is that he's still there all along? I mean I would've seen him. But I never caught this person stalking me. I'm just gonna wait. Until anything happens. But I'll try to be wise enough how to react. Because at some point I feel like it's him

After work today, I was really exhausted. I went back home, walking. Which made me feel more exhausted. I entered the building that I live in and I went to my apartment. I opened the door and the house was dark. The only thing I could see was blackness. 

whoever this person was, he's reaching my limits and I'm utterly pissed off. But that's not enough to deny that I'm still afraid. 

"Hello?" I called out, "Look whoever you are. Just stop doing this. Because you're gonna get out of it with anything. And I-If you want something from me. Just confront me." I said as I entered the dark bathroom. 

"I am confronting you." Someone whispered behind my back. I rushed out of the bathroom, screaming. I felt my body shaking. And I couldn't stand still. I fell on bed, crying. That's it! I'm done! 

Toby's POV 

I've been considered as a cop for a few days now. Fortunately, Lorenz is my partner. His desk is right in front of me. Maybe that's the only good thing in being a cop right now. Other than that I'm screwed up. I'm not into it. I'm emotionally fucked up. Physically tired. Mindfully in pain and overthinking. I'm just too tired of living in this world. Guilt was eating a part of me everyday. I'm to weak to fight for anything. I've been going through tough times lately. I've been pretty depressed and devastated. I'm aimless and I don't know what to do. I didn't even try to move on. No girl got me interested other than Spencer. I really started overestimating the fact that I should always look at the personality not the appearance. Spencer had a huge impact on me. She made me love her and left me. I know it's not like that. But the idea itself is true. I know I'm the one who left her. However, I just ran out of energy to do anything. Lorenzo tried to change that many times. And we've been fighting about it a lot, lately. Well, he's the one who's fighting since I don't have energy to fight back. 

"Toby, I know I bring this up a lot." Lorenzo started. I sighed quietly, knowing exactly what he's about to mention for like the the millionth time. I was looking at the papers in my hand, not even bothering to look at him. "Toby, this time is real. Not just talking with you or trying to make you feel better-"

"Well, probably you're not making me feel any better." I said, normally. 

"Toby, c'mon face it! She's not in your life anymore!" He said in frustration, raising his voice. I looked at him in confusion. Like why would he bring up the subject again since I'm turning him down each time? It's getting so annoying since I'm already too vulnerable. "Toby just think about it, okay. I'm not trying to make things harder fro you-" He continued in a normal tone but I interrupted him, again. 

"Cut it off Lorenz! And leave me alone. I have work to do." I said, slightly cracking. I returned back to looking in the papers. 

"Toby, you have to move on and forget about her. There are millions of girls and she's not the only one out there." He continued bothering me. "I mean maybe you could go online and date a random girl. Maybe just give it a try." 

"OH CUT THE CRAP LORENZ. YOU KNOW IT'S NOT EASY FOR ME!" I raised my voice, so mad at him. But I still respected that we're in a police department. "And what the heck are you saying?! Meet a girl online?! You're crazy, right?" I lowered my voice in confusion at his crazy suggestion. 

"NO I'M NOT, TOBY! YOU'RE THE ONE WHO'S BEING CRAZY HERE FOR FALLING TO A GIRL THAT LITERALLY HATES EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU!" He shouted. I sat there, silent. He just shattered me into small tiny little pieces, which are pretty hard to be picked up. I didn't know what to say. He knows I'm emotionally screwed up. Then, why was he continually bringing this up? I looked at him with frustration at this thought. I was about to shout and that's exactly when the door knocked interrupting our intense fight. We both looked at the door. Then, at each other. Then, at the door again. It opened and I saw someone I never thought I would see again. 

Spencer Hastings.    

Yayy, a cliffhanger! I didn't do one for along time so here you go lol! Anyways, hope you enjoyed the chapter and thank you so much for reading this book. I know it's short but it explains what happened for a whole 2 months, you've new characters and 2 POV's. So, yea here you go. And it's obvious why the chapter was named 'stunned'. Haha because Toby was stunned by Spencer's attendance. 

P.S. John Smith is an English soldier btw lol. I just came up with the name and then I googled it and yea I found out.  

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