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It started with a cough. Merlin was bring in Arthur's breakfast when he broke into a coughing fit. His pale face going red and his breath having a hard time coming in and out. By the time he had finished coughing Merlin looked exhausted. If it was even possible, his pale skin looked even paler.

"Jesus Merlin, are you alright?"

"I'm fine, sire. Just had something in my thoart that's all." Melins eyes were duller than his usually big blue ones. He had heavy bags under his eyes, looking like death itself. After focusing more Arthur noticed that Merlin was sweating.

"Merlin? Are you sure you are ok?" Arthur hated seeing Merlin ill, he looked liked a kicked puppy.

" Of course, I'm fine. Arthur really. I'm sure every a self centered prat like you can see that." Merlin said with his trade marked grin, but it looked faked.

"If you are so fine than you can clean out my sables, do my laundry, sharpen my swords, and clean off my boots."

"Yes, my Lord." Merlin said before turning to leave.


Merlin felt awful. His head was heavy and his body just hurt. He know how much Arthur hated George, so he couldn't take a sick day. If he did Arthur would pout and you can say no to him when he looks at you with a pout.

He was on his way back to Arthur's chambers to put away the clothes he cleaned with he ran into Gwen and Morgana. All three of them went to the ground with a thud. Looking up he saw that Arthur's clothes where now on the floor and one of Arthur's shirts was on Morganas head.

All three of them bursted out laughing, holding their stomachs.

"Merlin are you alright?" Gwen asked between giggles.

"Yes, Merlin, how are you? If Arthur didn't have you going every where at once, we might have not hit you." Morgana added.

"I'm quite alright really." Merlin said while picking up Arthur's shirts. While trying to get up, Merlin fell against the castles stone wall, the basket of clothes failing.

"Merlin!" Both ladies yelled worridly. Gwen put her palm against Merlin forehead, " My Lady, he is burning up."

"I'm fine." Merlin mumbled.

"Like hell you are fine Merlin. Gwen take Merlin to Gaius, I'll bring Arthur his laundry. I need to have a talk with my brother."

"Of course, my Lady." Gwen said while wrapping her arm around Merlins waist. "Its going to be alright Merls." Gwen whispered into his ear.
Nodding goodbye to Morgana, she headed to Gaius.

Morgana on the other hand, picked up the basket and turned around heading towards Arthur's chambers.


"Arthur Pendragon!" Morgana yelled as she bursted through the doors. Walking over to where he was sitting at his desk, slamming down the basket.

"I can see that Merlin can't even do the simplest of tasks."

"Don't you even start, Arthur!"

"What the bloody hell are you talking about?"

"Tell me, where is Merlin?" Her green eyes flaming.

"He is suppose to be sharpening my swords, but your here I'm guessing he isn't." Arthur was getting annoyed with her.

"God, are you blind as well as heartless! Merlin is sick and you over worked him."

"Merlin would tell me if he was sick."

"Well you're wrong because Merlin almost fainted will trying to get up. Gwen had to help him back to Gaius!"

"What?" Arthur felt his stomach drop. He stood up from his chair and ran across the room to the door.

"Hey I'm not done yelling at you!" Morgana said as she ran after him.

Arthur took off full speed towards Gaius' s chambers. Pushing his way past guards and servants. Throwing open Gaius's door he tumbled in.

"Where is he?" Arthur asked while panting.

" He is in his room, sire."

Arthur went running up the steps into Merlins room. Where he found Merlin lying in an uncomfortable bed, looking awful. Gwen was nexted to him. A ping of jealousy went off in Arthur's head when he saw her. Gwen smiled up at him, she nodded her head and left. Arthur went over to where an empty chair now was.

"Merlin?" Arthurs voice was barely a whisper.

"Mmmm?" Merlin said while opening his eyes. Which got comically large when he saw Arthur.

"Arthur what are you doing here?"

"Well Merlin, my most dearest friend is sick and he didn't trust me enough to tell me." Merlin could see the hurt in his eyes.

"Its not that I don't trust you,-"

Arthur cut him off, "I don't get it Merlin. Where you afraid to tell me? Did you think I wouldn't believe you? You almost fainted, it's your health that matters you idiot." With that the signature pout appeared.

"Arthur, I do trust you. I've never been and never will be afraid of you."

"Than what is it?"

"I didn't want you to worry."

"You are still an awful lair, so tell me the truth."



"Yes George. I hate him, he is such a kiss ass. And I know that you dislike him and I didn't want you to go through that. Besides I happen to like to spend time with you. And I'm afraid that if I'm gone for just even a day you will see how better George is and get rid of me." The tips of Merlins ridiculous ears went red.

"Merlin. First, I already know that you are the worst manservant in history of manservants. Second, there is no way I would ever dear to get rid of you. Morgana and Gwen would make my life a living hell. And truth is my life would be hell with out you. You make every bad moment better. When I see you I know I'm going to smile, and I can't live without that." Arthur was staring at him start in his eyes, there was so much raw emotion that Merlin could of sworn he saw something.

"Arthur, I..I" Merlin stuttered not sure on how to form words when arthur was staring at him like that.

"Why do you care Arthur? I am just a servant."

" No you are not, don't ever think that is all you are. You are a loyal friend Merlin. I the bravest man I know. And I care because I love you and can't bare to see you hurt or sick." Arthur looked terrified as he said it.

"You love me?"

"With everything I am. I love you."

Arthur had never seen Merlin smile so big before. Throwing himself into Arthur's arms, hugging him tight. Than pulling back and kissing him hard. Pushing their lips together, to show how much Merlin loved him back. Arthur smiled into the kiss, running his hand through Merlins raven colored hair. When they pulled back both were smiling like loons.

"I love you, clotpole."


The next morning when Gwen went to check on Merlin, she found the two tangled up in each other. Holding hands in their sleep. Smiling at the scene, she turned around and went off to tell Morgana the good news.

-the end

This is the first time I have written in like a month. I am finally out of school so there should be more up dates. I'm going to focus on one-shots for right know.

Thanks so much for reading!♡

- Maddy

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