The Car Accident

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So this is for Kadithelazyfoodie

They wanted to continuation of Through the Years. The part were I wrote that Merlin was in a car accident. So here it is, don't forget to read the message at the end because I have a big announcement!!!!

Arthur remembered the exact moment when his world slid out from beneath him. It was like any other Sunday evening, he was at his father's house with Morgana eating dinner like they do every Sunday. That was until his phone rang, his father had sent him a glare as he answered.

"Merlin, its Sunday dinner, so you better make this quick."

"Arthur.." It was Hunith's voice, but it wasn't like her to call off Merlin's phone. And not like her at all to sound like she was crying.

"Hunith, what's wrong? Where's Merlin?" Arthur could feel his heart hammering in his chest, his breath becoming shakier.

"There was an accident. Oh, Arthur... my poor baby. Mer..Merlin was hit by a drunk driver. They won't let me see him. He was sent in by a helicopter, Arthur I don't know what to do." Hunith's voice gave out, all he could hear was her painful sobs.

"I'm coming. What hospital is he at?"

"Camelot General. All I was told was that Gwaine was his surgeon."

"Gwaine is the best they have, trust me, I'll be there in 10 minutes. Alright, everything is going to be okay." Arthur was already up from the table and putting his coat on when Morgana grabbed his shoulder.

"What happened?" Her green eyes full of worry.

"It's Merlin, he... um.. he was in a car accident. I have to go." Arthur felt the stinging sensation of tears behind his eyes.

"Like hell, you're going alone, I'm coming and driving." She said taking the keys from him, Arthur knew better than to fight. Just nodding his head as he looked up at his father.

"Go, I'll make some calls to see if I can get a better explanation on his condition. " Uther said opening the door.

Both of the Pendragon children went running out, slamming themselves into the vehicle. Seconds later they were on the road. Arthur was the first to break the silence,

" He's going to die." his voice was broken, no emotions to it, just brokenness.

Morgana looked at him and saw big, round tears fall from his eyes and down his cheeks.

" Don't you even think that, Arthur Pendragon. He is not going anywhere."

" He asked me to say with him tonight. That he had something important to say to me, but I left. I told him that I had to come to dinner. It was a house rule and that he knew that. If I had just stayed he wouldn't be dying. It's my fault."

"Arthur, you cannot go blaming yourself. It will get you nowhere, it is no one's fault except for the driver that hit him. And you don't know if he is dying." Morgana's voice was calm, and Arthur had no idea how she was.

"A helicopter took him to the hospital. A fukin helicopter! How am I not suppose to think that he is dying! I'm allowed to think that something is my fault when it is! If he dies, it's on me. " Arthur's face was red from crying, the tears still fall but now he wiped them away angrily.

Neither of them talked the rest of the way, just cold silence with Arthur letting out a shaky breath every once in a while. When they arrived Arthur bolted out of the car before Morgana could even park it. Running full speed into the hospital, to find Hunith sitting there, red face with a tissue.

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