12 Days of Christmas: Day 6; A Winter Ride

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Camelot's winters were always the best. The frosty white snow covering the Earth like a safety blanket. Children were always laughing, and could be found in the snow. Merlin loved the winter. The baked sweets, warm fires, and the decorated halls.  Merlin took Christmas very seriously, and Arthur knew this. He didn't dare to touch anything that Merlin put up, knowing that he would get the cold shoulder.

This year Arthur had decided that he was going to make it the best Christmas for Merlin, and he had it all planed out. Finally when the day to act came Arthur felt as if he could barely breath. He woke up to Merlin's eyes glowing gold and snowflakes falling on his head.

"Why can't you every just wake me up normal?" Every since Arthur found out about Merlin's magic, Merlin would come up with weird ways to wake him.

Merlin let out a giggle as he buried his face into his pillow, "It's Christmas eve."

"Yes, I know Merlin." Arthur said.

"Tomorrow's Christmas."

"That's how it works."

"I love Christmas." Merlin mumbled.

"I know that. That's way I have a surprise for your today."

Merlin looked up at him, with his sleepy blue eyes, and a mess of black hair. Making Arthur's heart skip a beat, "A surprise?" he slurred.

"Yes, but right know I need you to go back to sleep, and I will be right back." Arthur said before kissing Merlin's forehead and getting up.

"Where you goin."

"It's part of the surprise." Arthur said as he started to get dressed. Merlin just mumbled something and buried himself in the sheets, a few minutes later Arthur heard his light snoring. He smiled as he left the room and headed to the kitchens.

In the kitchens Arthur met Gwen, who was smiling up a storm when she saw him.

"I'm so excited!" she giggled.

"Me too. Do you have what I asked?"

"Of course, I do." Gwen said pulling up a basket, which held a loaf of Merlin's favorite cinnamon bread from his mother.

"He is going to love this." Arthur said as Gwen handed him the basket.

"He is going to love all of this."

"Lets hope."

"Don't worry." Gwen said as Arthur started to walk off.

Next he headed down to the market and bought a bundle of berries, along with a bag of chocolate. He headed back to the castle with sweaty palms and a racing heart.

He found Merlin sleeping with his arms and legs all over the place, his face mushed in Arthur's pillow. He smiled as he made Merlin and himself a plate, carefully he sat them on the bed side table as he began to wake Merlin.

"Merls, wake up." He said softly as he ran his fingers through Merlin's dark hair. Slowly Merlin blinked himself awake and looked up at Arthur with a lopsided smile.

"Hi." he said sleepily.

"Hi, I brought you food."

Merlin nodded as he sat up and stretched. Arthur reached grabbing the plates before crawling in the bed, next to Merlin and handed him his plate. Merlin smiled brightly when he saw the chocolate on the plate, instantly eating it. It wasn't until Merlin got to the bread did he talk again.

"Arthur, what did you do?"

"Nothing. I just asked your mother to make you some of your favorite bread, then had Gwen and Lancelot ride out to go get it."

"Arthur, you didn't have to do that."

"You say that no one makes it like her. And I wanted to."

"Is this my surprise?"

"Nope." Arthur said before getting up and taking Merlin's empty plate, "Now get dressed. We have places to be."  

After Arthur made sure Merlin was in his warmest clothes, he lead them out of the castle and into the courtyard, where Arthur had a horse pulled sleigh waiting for them. Merlin smiled brightly as Arthur pulled him up, and wrapped the blanket around him. Arthur whipped the reigns and the horses took off, dragging them off into the forest.

"Is this my surprise? Because I really like it."

"Not all of it." Arthur said as he lead them into a clearing, right on the frozen shores of the Lake of Avalon. Stopping the horse on the shoreline.

"Arthur, I'm confused."

Arthur turned to look at Merlin, taking a deep breath. " Merlin, when we first met we hated each other. You were forced to become my manservant because you saved my life, and if my father did anything good while he was alive it was that. We learned to tolerate each other, then to like each other, and now love each other. Because of you magic has been restored to Camelot, and because of you my kingdom is at peace. But I don't want it to be just my kingdom anymore, I want it to be yours as well. What I'm asking you is," Arthur reached into his coat pocket and pulled of a golden band, "Merlin, would you do me the honor of marrying me?"

Merlin eyes were wide, and his mouth was open as he looked at Arthur. Once he registered the words Arthur spoke he began to nod his head like a mad man, "Yes! Yes! Yes!" he said with a laugh.

Arthur took Merlin's hand and slide the ring on, Merlin wrapped his arms around Arthur tight. Pulling back Merlin laughed again before smashing his lips to Arthur's and kissing the life out of him.

"Best Christmas ever." Merlin said when he pulled back.

Arthur smiled, pulling Merlin close and wrapping his arms around him, "I'm glad." Together that sat there watching the wind dance the snow across the lake, happy and content.

-The end

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