The Harvest Ball (Part 1)

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I just want to say how amazed I am from all of your heartfelt comments and inspiration. You have no idea how much it meant to be, it is truly incredible. Thank you, I love you all 


"Mom, you've been saying that for like my whole life. It's just one night, what's the big deal?"Merlin asked as he adjusted the mak on his face. Tonight was Camelot's Harvest Ball, he was lucky enough to know Gwen a servant in the castle who promised to sneak him in. He just wanted a night where he could be free from his mothers worrying. He knows how dangerous it living in Camelot with magic, but his mother had gotten a job as a seamstress from the royal family. They needed to move, so Merlin learned to be careful only practicing deep in the forest. But Hunith keep an eye on him like a hawk, only letting him out of sight when he was with his uncle Gauis.  

"I know dear. But this is a big event, maybe I should come with you. To make sure you stay safe." Hunith answered as she straightens his jacket, her brow pulled tight with thought. 

"No, mum. One night, we agreed on this. One night I get to have on my own, I know how to control my magic. Nothing bad will happen, besides I won't be alone I'll have Gwen." As if summoning her, there was a night on the door. "Come on in!" Merlin yelled, Gwen entered with a massive smile on her face. Her long brown are was pulled back in a bun and she was wearing a purple and golden dress made by his mother. She was beautiful, if women were Merlin's type he would definitely be in love with her. 

"Merlin! You look wonderful." Gwen said clapping her hands together in excitement. Merlin had to agree, he was wearing a deep red coat with black trousers, a blue scarf to top it all off and a red and golden mask. He had spent all morning shining his shoes. For once he was really proud off his appearence. 

"You look lovely Gwen. Are you ready to go?" He smiled brightly as he headed toward the door. 

"Merlin," Hunith called as he looked at her son, fear flashing in her eyes, "please be careful." 

"Always." Merlin answered before leaving the house and running through the town calling after Gwen. Camelot was alive, Merlin could feel the excitement and magic in the air.  Tonight Merlin could be someone else, someone new. He could feel the magic run through his veins begging to get out. He let out a laugh as he turned his head back to look at Gwen, causing him to run right into someone taking them both to the ground. 

"Oof" Merlin let out a gasp of air as he landed  on the person's chest.  Merlin looked up, and he felt his face go pale. Merlin froze in his spot, because he was face to face (more so chest to chest) with the crowned prince of Camelot.  The princes eyes were as large as saucers, a deep blue that sparkled. His hair was a bit shaggy and blown out of his face from the fall. He was propped up on his elbows and had a smirk on his face. 

"Hi," The prince spoke and Merlin just blinked at him " this is the part where you say hello back and then we stand up." The words punched Merlin in the face and he jumped up like he was on fire. 

"Um, I'm sorry. I was distracted and I didn't see you. Please don't kill me." 

"Why would I kill you?" The prince let out a small laugh at this and smiled brightly at Merlin. 

"NO REASON," Merlin yelled, then cringed at his own voice "I'm Merlin." 

"Arthur, please call me Arthur. Not prince or your highness." Arthur smiled softly at Merlin. 

Gods he has a perfect smile. Merlin thought as he watched Arthur speak. 

"Tell me Merlin, would you like to accomply me to the ball?" Merlin let out a choke noise at this, shocked he just nodded his head and stood helplessly as Arthur grabbed his arm and started to pull him to the castle. Merlin took one last look at Gwen before taking a breathe and moving beside Arthur. 

Gods help me.  

- to be continued.....hopefully 

I know its not much and probably shit. But its as far as I could get before the writers block hit me. Thanks again for all the lovely comments. I am really trying to write again. step by step 


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