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 I wanted to write a fic to go with the photo!!  Going to be short and sweet, probably more of a ficlet. 

Merlin sighed inwardly as ran his way through the rainy streets of London. He had decided to spend the day finishing up the mural he was painting for the community center, the painting took longer then he planned so he missed the bus. Merlin swore under his breath as a wave of thunder seemed to shake the Earth and cause the sky to rain even harder. He started to race down the streets, trying to find somewhere dry to stop and text someone to come get him. Finally, after 3 blocks, Merlin found a little shop even though it was closed it had a canopy to block the water. Running under it Merlin pulled out his phone and tried to get it to work. However, the rained had picked up and caused his vision to blur. 

"Oh come on!" Merlin yelled at the rain as he wiped it from his eyes. He hunched himself up, even more, to try and get a clearer view of his phone. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath and tried to calm himself before he made the situation worse. But when he opened his eyes he noticed the rain had stopped hitting his face. 

"What the-" Merlin mumbled before a voice cut him off. 

"You know, for a teacher you're a real idiot. But then again you are only an art teacher, so..." The man's voice trailed off at the end. Merlin was about to tell him off when he looked up and saw his boyfriend smirking down at him. 

"Arthur!!" Merlin yelled as he stood up all the way and smiled brightly up at his boyfriend who was holding his jacket over his head to cover them. Smirking a little when he saw Arthur standing on his tiptoes to cover his head. 

"Yes, Merlin it's me. Your knight in shining armor. Can you please get in my car so we can go home now?" Arthur asked quickly causing Merlin to raise an eyebrow. 

"First of all, Pendragon, I never called you my knight in shining armor. And second, how did you find me?" 

"Lucky, I guess. Now come along before you catch a cold." Arthur's voice was faster than usual, Merlin knew right then that he was lying. The light pink blush on his cheeks was a dead give away also. So Merlin took a step closer causing Arthur and him to be nose to nose. 

"Arthur, how did you find me?" Merlin's voice was teasing, but he saw how embarrassed Arthur become because of the question. 

"I just did." He mumbled softly. 

Merlin just smiled softly and gently brushed his nose against Arthur's, "Tell me." 

Arthur let out a sigh as he opened his mouth, " I noticed you weren't home at your usual time, so I knew that you must have forgotten to check the time while working. Knowing that I knew you must have missed the bus so I got in my car and drove all the routes you usually take home to find you." When Arthur finished his cheeks where a rose pink and he was fidgeting. Merlin couldn't help himself, he leaned in and closed the space between them. Humming softly into the kiss when his body met the warm heat of Arthur's. Arthur tasted like he always did; coffee, peppermint, and something that was uniquely just Arthur. It was perfect. Pulling back a few minutes later Merlin leaned his forehead against Arthur's and smiled. 

"Take me home, my knight in shining armor." 

-The End. 

Ugh! I feel like this one is super shitty but I'm going to post it anyway because I've been gone for a while. 


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