A New Beginning

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Merlin was nervous, he couldn't stand still. Pacing back and forth, fidgeting with his hands.


The sound of his name made him turn to fast and trip over the deep blue cape he was wearing.

"Bugger." He mumbled as he stood up to come face to face with Gwen and Morgana. Both of them looking beautiful. Gwen wearing a new floral dress and Morgana in her red silk gown.


"Merlin, dear what's wrong? You look awful." Gwen said leading Merlin to the table and forcing him to sit down.

"Not getting cold feet are you know Merlin? I mean it's completely understandable, my dear brother is an arrogant arse." Morgana said with a smirk.

But Merlin of course not seeing it as a joke looked up in horror, " I would never leave Arthur, ever." He said in a strong voice.

"Than what wrong, Merls?" Gwen cut in.

"It's just, what if I'm not good enough. I'm just some stupid manservant."

Before Gwen could speak, Morgana cut in, "Just a stupid manservant!? Merlin you are said to be the most powerful warlock to ever walk the Earth. You brought magic and love back to Camelot. You have saved so many lives. Trust me when I saw this, I have never seen Arthur more happy in his whole life. When he looks at you his eyes light up and he can't help but smile. You are so much more than a manservant. You are the Court Sorcerer. You were meant for this."

"She's right."

Merlin looked up at both of them, and smiled. Knowing that all of his nervousness was melting away.

"But what if I trip over my cape?" Merlin asked with a smirk.

Gwen laughed, "Well we can't fix your clumsiness."

Than there was a knock on the door, "enter." Morgana said.

A guard came in, "Its time, my lady." He said before leaving.

Merlin took a deep breath, looking up at the girls. "Now or never." He said before walking towards the door.

The throne room was full of people, but at the very end stood Arthur. His blonde hair shining in the light, armor sparking, his blue eyes full of love. The room was dead quiet as Merlin started to walk down the aisle. His heart in his ears as he reached the font and got down on one knee. Looking up he met Arthur's eyes, smiling up at him.

"Do you Merlin, swear to protect Camelot and her people. To help keep peace, and rule with a just and fair heart?"

"I swear."

"Then by the pair vested in me I crown you Merlin, King of Camelot." Arthur said while placing the crown of shinning gold and rubies on his head.

"Arise, King Merlin." He said holding out his hand.

Merlin took Arthur's hand as he rose to his feet. Tangling his fingers with Arthurs, facing the crowd.

"Long live the king!" Arthur said.

Than a loud chant broke out in the room.

"Long Live The King!"

"Long Live The King!"

"Long Live The King!"

Arthur tugged on Merlins hand pulling him in for a soft, sweet kiss. After the kiss Arthur hugged Merlin close, whispering in his ear, "I love you."

Merlin smiled, " and I love you."

The end

Its short but sweet. I hope you liked it. Thanks for reading!!

- Maddy

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