Meeting Hunith

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In honor of hitting over 1,000 reads on these one shots, I'm doing a speed writing. Hopefully , I'll get some fics written for you guys. Thank you so much for reading, it really means a lot. Send me a message of what you want to read. PS, In cause you didn't know football means soccer in Britain. Ok, Enjoy. :)

There was only a very few times that Arthur got nervous. Most of these times it was because of one dark haired, big eared boy. Merlin was the only person that truly made Arthur nervous. There was this feeling of warmth that started in Arthur's toes and went through the rest of his body. When he saw his blinding smile he went dizzy, Merlin was the only person that made Arthur every feel like that. When Merlin first kissed him, Arthur felt like he was on cloud nine but he also wanted to throw up from his nerves. There had been many kisses after that, and Arthur was getting better with his nerves. But now, it was like that first kiss times 10. Arthur was sitting in his car, outside the Emrys household. He was holding the steering wheel so tight his knuckles were white. He was shaking and breathing heavily; today he was meeting Merlin's mother. Merlin loved to talk about his mom, she was the only family he had. So he knew today was important, Mrs.Emrys had to like him. If she didn't Arthur wouldn't know what to do. They've been dating for a month and Arthur knew that he already loved Merlin. He just knew it, his 16 year old mind and heart knew it. A tap on the window brought him out of his thoughts.

"You know, to actually meet her to means you have to get out of the car?" Merlin said with a grin.

"I can't breath." Arthur whispered as he looked up a Merlin.

"Hey, hey. It's ok, I'm gonna open the door hon, ok?"

All Arthur could do was nod as Merlin opened the door and pried his hands off the steering wheel, kissing the palms when they were freed. Unbuckling him, Merlin pulled Arthur to face him.

"Breath for me, darling. I know you can." Merlin whispered into his ear. God he loved when Merlin called him darling. Arthur started to copy Merlin's breathing as his own returned to normal.



"Good, now how about you tell me what the hell just happened so we can go eat dinner?"

"What if she hates me?"

"What?" Merlin looked up at him confused.

"What if your mother hates me? What if she thinks that I'm not good enough for you, or that you could do better? I know how much you love her Merlin, so I can not mess this up. But what if I do? I don't have a mother, I have no idea how to acted around one. If I mess this up I could lose you and I refuse to lose you. So what do I do?" Arthur finally let out, a few stray tears falling down his cheeks that Merlin's long, pale fingers wiped away.

"Oh Arthur, she would never hate you. My mother is not a person who would hate someone I care so much about. And if you mess this dinner up there are always more. All you need to do is breath and be yourself. Your caring, smart, charming self. I promise nothing will go wrong, just come in with me." Merlin said standing up and holding his hand out.

Arthur took his hand, pulling himself from his car and shutting the door. Merlin looked at him with his big dopey smile, and bright blue eyes full of hope. Arthur held on tight as they headed to the front door, before he knew it he was inside, taking his coat and shoes off. Merlin gave him a quick kiss for good luck, before leading them to the kitchen where Mrs. Emrys was making dinner.

Hunith Emrys was a short woman, with tan skin, light blue eyes, and gray- brown hair. She had laughter lines around her eyes, and smile like Merlin's. When she finally saw the boys, her face broke into a hug smile.

"There you two are, I was beginning to worry."

"You always worry mum."

"With a son like you, I always have to."

Pulling Arthur until he was face to face to Mrs. Emrys, Merlin said, "Mum, I would like you to meet my boyfriend, Arthur Pendragon. 

Arthur stuck his hand out on instinct, " It's a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Emrys."

Hunith shook the boys hand smiling, " The pleasure is all mine Arthur. And please call me Hunith."

"Hunith it is than." Arthur  answered.

Hunith smiled than clapped her hands," All right you two, help me set the table and this dinner can get started.

A few minutes later they were all sat together, and Arthur could swear that his heart was in his throat. A comforting hand on his knee made him look up, to see Merlin's reassuring smile.

"So Arthur, Merlin tells me you play Football."

"Yes, I do. I love it."

"Um, see I could never put Merlin in a sport that would cause him to work with a team, or a ball."

Arthur let out a chuckle, "Really?"

"Yep, that's why he does swimming. It doesn't have a team, and trust me when I saw  that Merlin can't catch anything for the life of him."

"Mum." Merlin said in an embarrassed and annoyed voice.

"Oh hush you."

The rest of the dinner went great. Arthur talked about school, work, and his and Merlin's relationship. Arthur knew that he could get us to family dinners like this.

After dinner Merlin went to the bath room, leaving Arthur and Hunith to do the dishes. It was quite for a moment before Hunith spoke,

"You care so much about him. I can see that."

"He is my world. Life before him was terrible, life with him is still hard, but it makes the hard things easier to handle."

"You love him." It wasn't a question.

"With everything I am. I haven't told him yet, but I love him and plan on spending the rest of my life with him because no else can compare.

"You, Arthur Pendragon, are the boy that my son needs. You take care of him for me ."

"Of course."

When Merlin returned they finished cleaning and Merlin and Arthur put there coats on to go for an evening ride.

"It was a pleasure to meet you Hunith.

"I hope to see you soon."

Arthur nodded taking a hold of Merin's hand as they set out to go to there car, before getting in, Hunith come out hugging her son good-bye

"He's perfect for you, and as handsome as you love to take about,.."

"Mum." Merlin interrupted her.

" Don't let him get away, because I can see that you love him, and that he loves you.

Arthur smiled. He could  get use to family dinners.

Over 1,000 words for over thousand reads., so over thousand words. Thank you guys so mush, like you have no idea how much this means to me. So I hope you liked  the story. and don't be afraid to send me a message.

P.S. Going to Comic- Con tomorrow dressed as Merlin! So excited!!!!


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