The Bar Singer

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"Come on Arthur, it's going to be fun. The bar serves really good beer and food. Also every Friday night, this guy comes in and sings. He's incredible and also really cute." Gwen told over their lunch date. 

"Gwen, I've told you before I don't need you to find me someone and I don't want to the third wheel again with you and Lance. I always end up feeling like shit afterward." 

"This time will be different, I  swear. It's not just me and Lance, Morgana said she would join us."

"Oh, so you want me to be the third wheel and spent my Friday night with my sister. I'm gonna have to pass on that offer." Arthur replied as he waved the waiter over for the check.

"Come once and I will never ask you to come ever again, I promise."

"I only have to come to the cafe once?" 

"Yes, Arthur only once. Come this Friday and I will never ask you again."

"Deal, but you're buying everything."

Gwen let out a snort at that, "Alright, deal." 


"ARTHUR!! You better get your ass out here now or we are leaving without you!" Arthur felt his whole body do an eye roll as his sister yelled through his flat. 

"For the love of God would you lower your voice, I have neighbors you know." Arthur replied as he grabbed his keys and jacket. 

"If you didn't take so long, I wouldn't have to yell. If you continue to drag your feet, we're going to miss the best singer." Morgana snapped back as walked out of his apartment; Arthur took a deep calming breath before following his sister to the car. 

When they finally entered the bar and it was just what Arthur expected. There was hanging single lightbulb lights all over the ceiling, small cramped booths lined the walls, round old oak tables in the center, and at the far end of the bar was a small stage. The stage was lined with twinkling fairy lights, a single stool sat in the center, with a vintage looking microphone right next to it. Looking through the crowd of people, Arthur spotted Gwen and Lance at the table closest to the stage; talking avidly waving their hands as Morgana and him sat down. 

"I'm so glad you came Arthur, you're going to love it. It's always so nice and homey here. Also Lance loves the drafts they have here." Gwen said excitedly as she placed a beer in front of him. After taking a long sip from his drink, did Arthur finally speak. 

"Tell me about this musician." 

"You are going to love him Arthur! He mostly does acoustic covers, but I talked to him last time Lance and I where here. He said that he's been working on songs of his own. He just says that they don't feel right yet." 

"What's his name?" 

"Oh, it's -' Gwen never got to finish because half of the lights in the bar dimmed and stage light focused on one of the workers who was holding the mic.  

"Hey ladies and gents. It's time to get this night started so lets bring out a crowd favorite, Merlin Emerson!" The whole bar filled with cheers, Gwen excitedly jumping in her seat as a tall lean man entered the stage. 

"Hi, guys. It's good to be back, I'm gonna start us off with something kinda sad I guess. Um, it's my version of Naked by James Arthur." Arthur couldn't help but smile back as Merlin let out a small smirk as he got himself set up. However, Arthur knew he was smiling for other reasons. Merlin was gorgeous. He had thick raven colored hair, that curled around his overly large ears. His cheekbones casted shadows over his face, and his eyes. God, Arthur couldn't help but suck in a breath as he met Merlin's eyes. His eyes where a deep blue, almost black. They reminded Arthur of when the night sky tries to hold on too it's fading colors. But in the light of the stage, Arthur could tell they were golden. Then Merlin opened his mouth, 

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