12 Days of Christmas: Day 4, A Christmas Away

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It was the first time that Merlin truly felt homesick. When the cold started to bite at his noise and the snow began to fall, that was when Merlin started to miss Ealdor. It was like a stone in his chest, pulling him down as he saw children with their families. The only family he had was in other Kingdom, and he was too afraid to ask Arthur. They had known each other for almost a year, and Merlin hated to admit but he was fond of the prat. Merlin could tell that Arthur didn't hate him, but Merlin could never tell if he trusted him. Now with Camelot bursting with spirit for the holidays, Arthur getting more and more excited for the parties and feast, telling him how they were the best thing that Camelot had, Merlin couldn't just leave. So he stayed, smiled when he need to but the aching in his chest just got stronger and stronger.   

Then Arthur hit Merlin in the chest with a snowball, "Merlin are you even listening to me?" he asked with a smile. Arthur was always the nicest during the holiday season.

"Umm, sorry. Just lost myself for a moment."

Arthur just frowned at him, "What is up with you? No side comments, or jokes on how much of a clotpole I am? Something's wrong, tell me."

Merlin shook his head, "It's nothing."

"Merlin, please humor me."

Merlin looked Arthur in the eyes, Arthur saw how much sadness and longing where in them.

"I miss my mother. It's my first Christmas without here. So go ahead make fun of me, tell me to stop acting like a girl or that I'm a child." Merlin was harsh and sad.

"Do you wish to go to Ealdor?"

"What?," Merlin's head shot up, "no, Ealdor was never my home. My mother was before I came here. It's just odd not to see her, she's all the family I ever really have." 

" I can arrange for someone to go fetch her, bring her here for the holidays. We have plenty of room in the castle for one more."

Merlin let out a sad laugh," Your father would never allow it, and my mother could never make the trip in the cold. It's too far, trust me. I already thought of that opinion."

Arthur nodded his head slowly, like he was thinking which was never good, "What would you do with your mother to celebrate the holidays?"

Merlin let out a true grin, "We would make cinnamon bread, which is my favorite. All year long she would save up money and buy a bag of chocolate. Then every night towards Christmas we would eat a piece."

Arthur grabbed Merlin's hand pulling him into the castle, "Where are you taking me?" Merlin asked letting out a giggle as Arthur pulled him along. Soon they were at the kitchens, Arthur had a smile on his face and Merlin just raised an eyebrow at him.

"What are thinking?"

"We are going to make cinnamon bread. And I'm sure there is chocolate in here somewhere."

"Arthur, you don't need to do this."

"Yes, I do. You are in Camelot now, this is your home as much as mine. And besides your a dear friend to me, Merlin." Arthur said his eyes going a red, he turned away and started to dig out ingredients.

"Arthur.." Merlin said.


"Arthur!" Finally Arthur looked at him, Merlin smiled as he walked up to him and wrapped his arms around him. Burying his face in Arthur's neck and hugging him tight until he could feel Arthur hug him back.

"Thank you." Merlin whispered into his ear.

Arthur smiled and hugged Merlin tighter, "Of course."

A few seconds later they pulled away, and Merlin could tell that Arthur's face was redder than before, "So bread." Arthur said.

"Yep bread."

They set to work, in the end they were covered in flour. But Merlin couldn't stop smiling with Arthur handed him a piece of chocolate. For the first time the stone in Merlin's heart went away, Merlin was learning to love Christmas in Camelot.

-The End

HI, hope you like it!! I'm doing better, writing helps. Thanks again for reading! Message me if you have any prompts or if you just want to talk.


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