The Note

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Merlin came tumbling into his room, eyes blurry from sweat and tears mixing. Slamming his door, he fell to the floor his head resting on his knees as he tried to calm his breathing. 

God, I'm an idiot. So fuckin stupid. He thought, Why the hell did I listen to Gwen? 

"Stupid, stupid, stupid." He muttered softly to himself as he pulled at his hair. He closed his eyes only to see the clear image of faces laughing at him. He heard the front door open and closed, quietly wishing that it could possibly be a serial killer. 

"Merlin, honey I'm home," his mom's voice ran through the house, "and there is someone here to see you. I'm sending him up." 

Merlin uncurled himself from as he heard his mother speak, his heart seemed to stop for the second time today. HIM? She said him. Who the hell was here? He thought until he heard a soft knock. 


Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit, holy shit, HOLY SHIT! 

"Merlin? It's Arthur. Can we talk?" 

"No." Merlin's voice was soft and small, but Arthur still heard him. 

"Why not?" 

"I don't want to." 

"I do. Merlin, just open the bloody door. I feel like an idiot just standing out here." 

"I second I tell you to leave, will you?" 

"Yes. Now open the door." 

Merlin let his hand slide up the wall to the doorknob and slowly turned the lock, opening the door. As Arthur walked in, Merlin was staring at his feet and he just looked small. Slowly Arthur closed the door and sank down to the floor next to Merlin. 

"Hi." Arthur's voice was barely above a whisper. 


"Can we talk?" 

"Why, so you can just make fun of me more? Cause you can just get the fuck out if you're going to do that." Merlin said finally looking at Arthur. Arthur looked like a wreck, handsome as ever, but still a wreck. His golden blonde hair tangled like he had been running his fingers through it. His face was red and there was sweat around the collar of his shirt. His sky blue eyes looked huge, and they were filled with worry and nervousness. Arthur was also bitting his lip like he was trying to swallow himself. 

"I'm not here to make fun of you. I want to talk about this." Arthur said as he pulled a piece of paper out for his front pocket and twirled it between his fingers. 

"I don't," Merlin said quickly, his eyes locked onto the paper in Arthur's hand. 

"Too bad, because I have some things to say and I'm not leaving until I say them." 

Merlin just slowly shook his head, not really knowing how to respond to him. 

"Good. Merlin, did you mean it? What you wrote? That you can stop thinking about me, about my eyes, my voice, my smile. That you find me and I quote so unbelievably perfect and yet so incredibly flawed all at once. You're like a novel that I can't stop reading, I'm addicted to you and I know this feeling isn't going away. I need to know Merlin." 

"I won't have written it if it wasn't true Arthur. Every stupid little thing in that note is true." 

"I don't think it's stupid," Arthur whispered quietly.

"Really, then why the hell did Valiant have it? You showed him it didn't you? Poor faggot Merlin has a crush on Arthur Pendragon." Merlin's words were harsh and seemed to cut through Arthur as he said them. 

"I didn't show him! He took it. I couldn't stop rereading it, tracing the words with my fingers and Valiant took it from me, Merlin. He saw me reading it and smiling, so he fukin took it thinking it was from a girl! But it was from you. I would never do anything like that to you, ever." Arthur's hands were fist at his sides knuckles white and his body seemed to be shaking. 

"You were smiling?" 

"That's what you got from that? Yes, Merlin, I was smiling. Would you like to know why?" Arthur asked. Merlin nodded his head, he could feel his heart start to pound against his ribs. 

"Cause the boy that I've had a crush on since the 3rd grade when he gave me half of his lunch because I forgot to bring mine, finally noticed me. The boy with the most hypnotizing beautiful blue eyes and a mop head of raven colored hair; that I just want to run my finger through; finally noticed me. God, I was so happy when I found the note in my locker. I never meant to you to get hurt." Arthur's eyes were glossy by the time he finished, right as the words ended he went right back to biting his lip. 

"You like me?" 

"Bloody hell, Merlin!" Arthur said before boxing Merlin in against the wall and pressing his lip to Merlins. Merlin immediately froze. 

He's kissing me! Holy shit, Arthur Pendragon is kissing me. Shit, how do you kiss? What the hell do I do with my hands and my mouth? 

Arthur moved his head to an angle so their mouths fit perfectly and Merlin slowly started to kiss him back. Moving he lips against Arthurs and put his hands on Arthur's hips. He felt Arthur smile and then fingers were running through his hair. They stayed like that for wait felt like forever, Merlin's hands slowly tracing Arthur's hipbones and Arthur's hands making Merlin's hair more into a mess than it already was. They only broke apart when they realized that they were running out of air. Arthur slowly and regretfully pulled away, resting his forehead against Merlins. 

All there was between them was heavy breathing until Merlin spoke, "You never answered my question." 

Arthur let out a chuckle and rolled his eyes, "Yes, Merlin I like you. A lot." Arthur smiled at him, wide and whole, Merlin loved that smile. Merlin sheepishly smiled back as he buried his face into Arthur's neck. 

"I like you a lot, also." 

-The end 

Hi! I know I've been gone for a while. School and work have taken over my life, but I do still want to write. I love it. When Worlds Collide is still happening, I'm not giving up hope on that story. I plan on still writing these little one-shots, but I also plan on writing other ships. Probably Stony, Sterek, and Destiel. If you guys want to see something particular, like a plot, au, or ship; please please please message me or leave a comment. You can even message me on Tumblr if you want. My Tumblr is Merllenium. I really do love writing and trust me when I say this, you guys make me want to continue. People reading these little stories, that I think are awful, make me overjoyed. Really thank you so much. It means more than you will ever know. 


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