When I Heard Your Voice

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Guess who got a new laptop? I did!!! I can finally start writing again, I'm so excited. It feels great to be back, anyway I hope you enjoy this fic. Also, I challenge you to name the songs mentioned in the fic. First one to get them all right gets to decide whatever they want for the next fic. 

Arthur let out a gasp as he finished his last set of stair climbs, stopping to lean against a cold locker door. 

I hate cardio days.  He thought before taking in a deep breathe and picking up a slow jog through the 4th floor of the school. For a bit, he just ran with his eyes closed focusing on feeling himself take in each breath and releasing them. He was about to start heading down to the 3rd floor when a noise interrupted his focus. Listening closer Arthur could hear the soothing tone of a piano. Curious, Arthur followed the noise to the balcony of the auditorium. He entered quietly and took a seat in one of the darker corners. On the stage was a boy with raven colored hair, and the craziest pair of ears Arthur had ever seen. But there was just something about him that Arthur just couldn't stop watching. Then the singing started; 

" The moment you arrived, they built you up. The sun was in your eyes. You couldn't believe it. Riches all around, you're walking stars are on the ground. You start to believe it." 

Arthur froze in his stop, his eyes locking on to the boy in front of him. Watching his fingers move gracefully across the piano and his voice. God, Arthur had never heard anything like it. It was soft and gentle, yet so unbelievably intense at the same it. Like it was weaving itself into Arthur's bones and causing his skin to tingle. It was one for those voices that made you breath faster and lose words. 

"Nights at the chateau trapped in your sunset bungalow. You couldn't escape it, yeah. Drink of paradise they told you to put your blood on ice. You're not gonna make it."  The boy's voice rain throughout the auditorium, pour out notes that Arthur just knew were perfect. Arthur had to set on his hands to stop himself from clapping. He just sat there in the silent theater, smiling to himself as the boy's voice continued to ring through his ears. 

"PENDRAGON!" Arthur seemed to snap back into reality when he heard Coach Stone yell his name, looking down at his watch he mumbled a swear as he looked at the raven haired boy one last time before sneaking out and heading back to practice.  


It was 2 weeks later when Arthur got to hear the raven-haired boy sing again. Those 2 weeks through where the hardest 2 weeks ever. Every time Arthur walked the halls of the school, he always found himself searching for the boy. He didn't have any classes with him, and he would be too embarrassed to ask any of his friends if they knew who he was, so he just suffered silently. His suffering finally came to an end on the night he decided to stay late for math tutoring. He was walking through the halls to the parking lot when he heard it. The soft press of piano keys. Entering the theater, Arthur saw the boy on stage a microphone in his hand. He wasn't alone this time tho. On stage with him was Ms. Menlet, who was the school's music teacher. She was the one playing piano. Silently as before, Arthur snuck in and sat in a dark corner and waited. 

He watched the boy take in a deep breath, open his eyes and start; 

"I always fear that I'm not living right. So I feel guilty when I go to church. The pastor tells me I've been saved, I'm fine. Then please explain to me why my chest still hurts."

His voice was softer then before, the song just one long apology for being alive. It was different from the other one. Arthur could almost feel the pain coming off from the song. It kind of scared Arthur that this boy's voice could make him feel this way. 

"See I got GPS on my phone and I can follow it to get home. If my location's never unknown then tell me why I still feel lost. Tell me why I still feel lost." The piano slowly came to an end, the boy's voice fading with it. 

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