12 Days of Christmas: Day 12!! Christmas Spirit

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I want to thanks Kadithelazyfoodie for being my beta reader!

Merlin loves christmas songs. He is one of those guys that once Halloween was over the Christmas music started. Merlin would only play christmas music in his car, and his Christmas tree was up before Thanksgiving. Now Arthur on the other hand was the polar opposite. It’s not that he hated Christmas, it was just that he wasn’t very jolly. He didn’t really choose to listen to christmas music, he only heard it when it came on the radio. His tree went up around a week before Christmas.

So when he started dating Merlin, he thought Merlin would calm down a bit because he knew Arthur was not that big about the holidays. God, was he wrong. Merlin seemed to take it up a couple of notches. It was November 1st and lights were being put up around the house. Arthur came home from work to find his boyfriend trying to hang lights around their bed.

“Stop where you are Merlin! Don’t you dare hang another thing.” Arthur said coming into the bedroom.

Merlin turned to face him with his eyes impossibly blue, and had that charming smile on his lips, “ What’s wrong?”

“Don’t you act all innocent and sweet! Merlin, we talked about this. Serious talks, and I know you love Christmas, but it’s only November. I refuse to have anything Christmas related in our household until after Thanksgiving.” Arthur spoke calmly crossing his arms over his broad chest.

“You were serious?”

“Very serious. Merlin, I love Christmas, I really do. It’s just... Merlin, it’s too much. It’s too much of everything. The lights, the tree, and the music. Can’t it just wait? I promise you that after Thanksgiving you can go as crazy as you want.” Arthur gave Merlin a hopeful smile.

But all he got was a glare and a signal word answer, “No.”

“Merlin, please. I’m begging you, to please just calm down on all the jolly.”

“No, you Arthur Pendragon are the biggest grinch in the whole wide world. And I for one will not stand for it. You are going to celebrate Christmas like an Emrys, not like a grumpy Pendragon. So grab those lights over there and help me.” Merlin said with a pout before going back to work.

“Merlin-” Arthur had started.

“Don’t you even start! Get over here and help me. No boyfriend of mine will be a grinch.” Merlin said with a glare that could beat Morgana’s.

“Fine.” Arthur grumbled as he sat next to Merlin and helped him with the lights. By the time the lights, and not one but two trees were up, Arthur had to admit that the house looked beautiful, and the look on Merlin’s face was even better. There was this sparkle in his eyes, and he had a small smile on his face as he curled around Arthur. Arthur was happy to just lie there, listen to the fire crack, and listen to Merlin’s heartbeat.

- the end

Hope you liked the 12 days of Christmas for Merthur!!

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