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Also in The Tales of The Pendragon Family

Merlin and Arthur were out for lunch together when they got the call. 

"Hello, Arthur Pendragon speaking." 

"Hello, Mr. Pendragon. We would like to inform you that Braydon had a bit of an incident today." The lady over the phone answered. 

Arthur made a face causing Merlin to raise his eyebrow, "What kind of incident?" 

"Braydon got into a fight with another student and ended up breaking said student's nose." 

"Can I speak with my son?" 

"It would be best if you and Mr. Pendragon just came in, sir. Would you like me to call him?" 

"No, that's alright. We will be there in 15 minutes." Arthur said before hanging up, he quickly called the waiter over and took the check. 

"Arthur, what's going on?" Merlin asked as he watched Arthur pull cash from his wallet and stand up. 

"Braydon was in a fight. We need to leave now." Arthur stated as he started walking to the exit, not stopping when he heard Merlin call his name. 

"Arthur, slow down and tell me what happened," Merlin called as he ran after Arthur, trying to keep up with Arthurs long strides as he headed to the car. It wasn't until Merlin finally entered the car when he caught up. 

"Arthur, what happened?" Merlin asked only to have his husband let out a grunt, Arthur was frustrated, that Merlin could tell. 

"Nope, we are not doing this." Merlin said as reached over and grabbed the keys from Arthur's hand, " we are not the couple that just ignores the other. We are not going anywhere until you tell me what the hell happened. Because Arthur he is not just your son, he's mine too."

"I never said he wasn't your son." Arthur's voice was just a low mumble. 

"I know dear, but you can't just storm out of a restaurant and not give me a reason why. It's like our one year anniversary all over again." Merlin answered with a smirk. 

"That was not my fault, and you know it." Arthur pointed out with a frown, but Merlin could see the humor in his eyes. 

"I know. Now, how about he talk about our son." Merlin's voice was calm and controlled. He was so good at that. 

"He got into a fight with another kid. I don't know who or why, but I do know that he broke the kid's nose." 

"Holy shit." 

"I know." 

"You're talking about our kid, right? Our small, scrawny, nerdy little Braydon. Curly hair and big thick frame glasses. That kid broke someone's nose?" Merlin let out a laugh. 

"It's not funny. He's in some serious trouble." Arthur said with a smirk, he couldn't help but smile when Merlin laughed. 

"Come on, let's go get our killer," Merlin said as he tossed Arthur the keys. Arthur just rolled his eyes as he started the car and headed out. The ride there was mostly silent, Arthur could tell that behind the jokes Merlin was just as nervous as he was. When they pulled up to the school, they looked at each other before taking a deep breathe and heading in. 

When the couple entered they where lead to the principal's office where Braydon was sitting with his head down and his hands in his lap. 

"Mr. and Mr. Pendragon thank you so much for coming. " Mrs. Scott said as she shook both of their hands. 

"Of course, we just want to get this whole issue solved," Merlin said as he sat down. 

"I would like to also. All I know is that a teacher saw Braydon swing and the next second he was here asking for us to call his fathers. So, Braydon how about you fill us in on what happened?" 

" I hit him," Braydon mumbled. 

"Eyes up here, Braydon. Speak up." Arthur said.

Braydon slowly met his father's eyes, sad green ones meeting Arthur's disappointed blue ones. Looking over at his other father, Merlin gave him a small smile and an encouraging nod.

"I hit him and I'm not sorry," Braydon said clearly looking at his fathers. 

"What did say to you?" Mrs. Scott's voice cut in. 

"I'm not allowed to say the words he said to me." 

"Right now you can Bray," Arthur answered. 

"He....he called me a bastard's son and said that my dads were faggots. That because you were faggots, people are going to take me from you. He called me a freak of nature." Braydon's voice cracked and big, round tears fell from his eyes. Instantly Merlin was at his side and pulling him close. Merlin looked at Arthur and saw his jaw clench tight, anger fresh in his eyes. 

"This is unacceptable. Mr. and Mr. Pendragon, I am deeply sorry for what has happened today. The indecency of some people. Braydon will have to be punished, I'm thinking a week of after-school detention will do. As for Mr. Johnson, I will try my best to see if I can get him expelled or suspend for harassment." 

Braydon looked up from where he was hidden in Merlin's chest, "But I hit him." 

"You did Bray. For that, you will be punished for, but you hit an in the act of defending yourself and family. Violence is never the answer, and I will spend the rest of my life teaching you other ways to handle issues. You, Braydon, are our son. No one can take that from you and no one will take you from us. Trust me, they can try but me and Merls won't let them lay a hand on you. Braydon, you are not a freak. You are so incredible and strong. Me and your father will always love you and to us you are perfect." Arthur said as his son watched him with big eyes. Braydon jumped out of Merlin's grip and ran to Arthur. Burying his face into his father's chest. 

"I love you," Braydon whispered. 

"Love you more," Arthur answered back. 

Braydon pulled back from Arthur and looked up at Mrs. Scott, "If you ever have any other trouble with people bullying you, you come straight to me." She told him with a smile. Braydon smiled back while nodding his head. 

"Looks as if we are done here. Detention starting next week. Thank you again for coming down." Mrs. Scott said as she shook their hands and lead them out. 

The car ride was silent up until Braydon spoke, "Pa, are you mad at me?" 

"No, Bray I'm not. Just know that we never solve any problems with fighting, ever. To learn your lesson, no video games for two weeks." 

"Alright," Braydon mumbled from the back, " But when we get home, can we skype Aunt Morgs?" 

"Why do you want to do that?" Merlin asked with a smile. 

"Cause she's gonna lose it when I tell her," Braydon said with a giggle. 

Just like with Merlin's laughter, Arthur couldn't help but laugh with he heard his son laugh. "We can call her." 

"Yes!" Braydon said before going on to take about his day like the fight had never happened. And true to his word Morgana did lose it when she found out that Braydon broke a kids nose. 

-The end. 

Hi! I thought I would write a longer fic cause the last one I posted was short. I hope you liked it, I love the idea with Merlin and Arthur with a kid. If you want to me to write a certain prompt just ask! I'm always open to new ideas. Thank you guys so much for reading, it means the world to me. 


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