12 Days of Christmas: Day 5, Christmas Tree

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Sorry this coming so late!!! I forgot. Btw this one is for my buds @alw6445 and @Bookworm7321  and my bud Kimi for this grand idea.

Merlin was coming up with a theory that the frown on Arthur's face was officially permanent. His arms crossed around his broad chest, his eyes glaring a hole in the back off Merlin's head.

"Merlin, why are we even here? I can just pay for someone to do this for us." Arthur said, his voice was bitter and annoyed.

"You could, but where's the fun in that?"

"How is standing in the snow, looking at trees something fun?"

"This is the most important thing! Picking out the wrong tree can ruin Christmas!" Merlin said with the most serious voice Arthur had ever heard.

"Merlin, its freezing."

"Suck it up." Merlin said with a smile before bouncing off in the snow. Arthur dragging his feet behind him.

Merlin had declared that morning, that they were going to a Christmas tree farm. All Arthur did was groan into his pillow, burying his face deeper into it. That was until Merlin grabbed him by the ankles and pulled out of bed, onto the cold, hard floor. Now Arthur stood in the middle on nowhere, wrapped up in his warmest clothes, looking at trees. Every now and then Arthur would point at a tree, only to have Merlin roll his eyes and say no. About an hour or so in, Arthur could tell that Merlin was giving up. The way his shoulders slumped and the smile on his face was completely gone.

Merlin grabbed Arthur's hand, lacing their fingers, "Come on lets go home." He mumbled. 

"Are you sure?"

"Yep, there's nothing here. Nothings right, they are all way to big. Or they don't have enough needles, or too many. " Merlin said with a pout.

Arthur was going to make a comment on how they all look the same, but then he saw Merlin's big, sad blue eyes and knew that he was generally upset over a tree.

"Merlin, why is the tree so important? I don't get it."

"It's not about the tree, Arthur. This is our first Christmas together as a couple, and it has to be perfect."

"Merlin, I don't need a tree for Christmas to be perfect, I just need you."


"Yes, you idiot. Just you." Arthur said with a smirk.

"Hey, I am not the idiot in this relationship."

"Is that so? Because if I remember correctly it was you who spilled coffee on me when we first met."

"I was nervous, it was my first day as your assistant. And your were really mean."  Merlin said with a pout.

"But you still spilled the coffee, all over me. My shirt was ruined." He said with a smirk.

"You know what Pendragon?" Merlin said slipping his fingers out of Arthur's hand.

"What Emrys?" Arthur asked crossing his arms.

"THIS!" Merlin moved fast, grabbing a handful of snow and shoving it down Arthur's coat. Arthur let out a yelp, as the icy snow sent shivers down his back.

"Oh, Merlin. You just made the biggest mistake of your life." Arthur said before running at Merlin.

Merlin's eyes went wide as he turned and ran into the row of trees. Trying to pick up speed in the thick snow, Arthur right behind him. Merlin let out a laugh as a pair of strong arms wrapped around him and sent him to the ground. Merlin was giggling up a storm as he felt Arthur's fingers wiggle along his sides under his jacket.

"No," Merlin cried as Arthur tickled him, "Stop! Stop, I give. You win." Merlin's face was red, and he was gasping for air. Arthur smiled contently and he got up and pulled Merlin with him.

"That was cheating." Merlin mumbled as he buried his face into the crook of Arthur's neck. Arthur wrapped his arms around him and just laughed.

"Merlin, turn around." Arthur whispered.

When Merlin did, a smile broke out. Before him was a tree around 6 feet, it was a beautiful dark green, and full. Right then and there Merlin knew that Christmas was going to be perfect.

-The end

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