When You Look At Me Like That

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Warning: Graphic Language

Merlin was on the verge of tears when he came home. His whole body hurt and he just hated himself. Right when his head hit his pillow he lost it. Burying himself into his pillow, he cried and cried. Trying to figure out where he went wrong and how he could fix it. Than he heard his front door open and close, his heart stopped. Biting his lip hard to stop the tears and sobs.

"Merls, you wouldn't believe what happened!" Arthur came in to his room, kicking off his shoes and backpack. He jumped on the bed and used the back of Merlins thighs as pillows.

"So me and Gwaine were in Chemistry with Professor Gaius today and..." Arthur trailed on with his story. Merlin zoning out, trying to calm his breathing and tears. Merlin dug his finger nails into his palms to help his calm down. But nothing was working, the tears just won't stop.

"MERlin, Are you even listening?" He could hear Arthur's smirk when he said his name.

"Yes, I am listening." His voice broke in the middle of him talking.

Shit! Merlin thought.

"Merls, What's wrong?"

Merlin just buried himself more into his pillow. Wishing that Arthur would just drop it. He felt Arthur sit up and turn to look at him. Arthur's finger tips slide down to Merlins hand. Feeling how tense he was.

"Merlin, Bloody turn around and look at me. Now!"

So very slowly Merlin turned himself around, keeping his head down. Arthur saw the soaked pillow and knew that Merlin had been crying. Very gently Arthur took Merlins chin and lifted his head up, making Merlin meet his eyes. Arthur sucked in a breath when he saw Merlins face. He had a bruise running along his jaw, a deep purple bruise under his right eye. Arthur knew that there must have been more on his chest.

"Who?" Arthur demanded.

"Its not important." Merlins voice was weak.

"Not bloody fukin important! Look at yourself, you looked like you've been mugged. Now tell me who did this to you?" Arthur voice was strong, sending a chill down Merlins spine.

"Valient and his gang."

"I'm going to bloody kill him."

"No you are not!" Merlin yelled. Arthur looking up at him surprised. 

Arthur let out a laugh, "yes I am."

"I'm not some fukin damsel in distress! I don't need you to fight my battles, I can do it on my own!"

"Look at you, you can't fight Merlin.  This is the last time I will see Valient touch you! And that's final!"

"You don't bloody get it, do you?!"

"Than explain!"

"Every thing he says about me is true. I'm just some skinny, pale kid with massive ears who's dad left because he couldn't deal with his faggot son!" Merlins voice broke, tears running down his face.

Arthur felt tears in his eyes as he looked at Merlin. He crawled over to him and put his hands on his face.

"Don't you ever say things like that about yourself ever!"


"No, my turn to talk. You are the most amazing person I know. You are so incredibly smart, and are always there for people when they need you. How cares if your gay? Because if you haven't noticed a lot of people are. For god sake I'm bi. Whenever some one is having trouble in life they go to you. Who stayed up all night with Gwaine to make sure he passed is English exam?"

"I did." Merlin mumbled.

"Who was there when Lance fall out of a tree and broke his arm? He was so scared to go home to his mum and tell her. Who convinced him?"

"I did." Merlin said looking at Arthur in the eyes this time.

Arthur ran his hand through Merlins raven colored hair resting it on the back if his neck, "Who was there when my mum got cancer and was there all the way and even to to point when she died? And held me for hours as I cried?", he asked looking straight into Merlins eyes.

"I did." Merlin said.

"You do such incredible things Merlin. You are the most caring and important person I know. When my mum died I didn't know how to go on. I didn't think I could, you showed me that I could. I owe you everything for that. You are so beautiful and utterly unique that no one can ever compare to you. You must know that, what ever they tell you is never and will never be true. Screw your dad for leaving, cause trust me, he is missing seeing the most beautiful person grow up. Merlin you mean so much to me, you have no idea."

Arthur cupped Merlins face with his hands. Merlin felt his heart rate quicken as Arthur looked at him. Merlin just noticed that Arthur had tears rolling down his cheeks. Merlin wiped them away with a shaky hand. Looking at Arthur he saw something that was hidden under all of the insecurities and doubts.  An emotion Merlin only ever saw when Arthur talked about his mum.

Merlin smiled, " I love you too."

Arthur eyes went wide, "how did you.."

"The eyes are the gateway to the heart."

"I do you know.. love you. With every thing I am."

Merlin smiled at him. Then he leaned in and closed the space between them. The lips coming together and forming true bliss. Arthur smiled as he kissed Merlin back, running his fingers through his raven colored hair.

Finally pulling back just enough to put their foreheads together.They both smiled like loons.

"I don't want you to change. I want you to always be you." Arthur whisper against Merlins lips.

"Always." Merlin answered as he locked their fingers together. Finally feeling truly happy.


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