12 Days of Christmas: Day 11; Christmas Cake

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When Arthur was 15 he lost his mother to cancer. Merlin remembered the moment that a part of his best friend had died, and a new Arthur was born. Merlin remembered how his best friend was cold, and closed off. Arthur had pushed Merlin away to the point were he won't even talk to him. That was until, Merlin screamed at Arthur that he wasn't going to disappear like his mom did. It was the first time Merlin saw Arthur cry, Merlin held Arthur for hours as he cried and cried. Afterward they shared the last slice of Arthur's mother's Christmas cake.

It was a year later, and Merlin was in his kitchen trying to make a cake. He had been through a bag of flour, almost two cartons of eggs, and a gallon of milk. He could barely see the table top, and Arthur was coming over in less than in hour. His mom was at work, so he was left alone. He couldn't do this, he had no idea how Arthur's mom could ever do this. Arthur meant so much to him, he finally had Arthur to himself. And god he loved him, and Arthur loved this cake. He had to get it right.

"Merlin! I'm here, I know I'm early but I had nothing else to do." He said walking into the kitchen and stopping dead in his tracks.

"Merls, What the hell are you doing?" Arthur asked.

Slowly Merlin turned around to face Arthur, "Hi."

Arthur let out a laugh as he stepped toward Merlin, licking his thumb he slid it across Merlin's cheek, "You are covered in flour."

"I was trying to bake." Merlin mumbled.

"Why were you baking? You can barely make toast." Arthur said with a smirk.

"Umm... umm."

"Merlin? What's wrong?" Arthur said is voice dripping with worry.

"For you.  I'm baking for you, that's what's wrong. I can't bake, but I really want to. For you." Merlin said his cheeks going red.

"Me? Merlin, what were you trying to bake?"

"A cake, your mom's Christmas Cake. I know its your favorite, and that its the first Christmas you have to go through without her. I thought that baking you the cake that you love so much, would make it easier. Bring back good memories." Merlin said chewing on his lower lip.

Arthur's face was pale, and his breath was shaky. Merlin could see the tears forming in his eyes, Arthur let out a gasp as he stepped back from Merlin.

"Arthur, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. I just wanted to give you something you love, because I love you. It was stupid and I know that now. I won't bring it up again, or do it again. I'm sorry." Merlin's voice was shaky.

Then Merlin got an armful of Arthur. He felt cold tears land on his neck, and Arthur's loud breaths. Merlin just held him tight as Arthur cried, holding him until the sobs where softer and softer than gone. Pulling back Arthur smiled at him, placing a kiss on his lips.

"Thank you."

"But I didn't do anything."

"It's the thought that you would go through all of this trouble, just to remind me of her," Arthur wrapped his arms around Merlin, "God, I love you."

Merlin hugged Arthur backed tight and smiled, "I love you too."

-The End

It feels good to write again. Tomorrow is day 12 so if you have a Christmas prompt that you want me to write send it to me. This fic has been my favorite, I have ever written. I hope you all liked it. Thank you guys for reading, it means so much to me. Happy Holidays.


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