~ Time Skip: Morning of first day of school ~
~ P.O.V.: Emily East ~
"C'mon, c'mon! Get up, it's time for breakfast!" someone yelled. I felt a soft nudge. I open my eyes to see the voice belonged to Sam and the nudge Hermione. "W-what?" I asked groggily. "Get up Emily! We have classes today." Hermione said, pulling my covers off. I shiver.
I slowly get out of bed, my only reason being I wanted to put on some pants to warm myself up. I slowly open my trunk and put on my Gryffindor uniform. "Emily, we don't have all day." Sam said, already dressed. "Okay, okay." I said, not liking to be rushed.
I walk into the bathroom and begin to brush my teeth, along with Sam. "So like," I say, spitting into the sink, "Did you get up at 5 A.M. or are you just wicked fast, like Sonic?" I ask.
"Sonic?" Sam asks. "It's a Muggle video game. It's basically about a really fast blue hedgehog named Sonic." I explain to the pure-blood. "V-video game?" she asks. "It's like a portable... thing; and you play games through a screen by pushing buttons and stuff." I said, trying to explain as best as I could. She looks completely lost. "Um... I'll show you my GameBoy later." I said.
"Hey, we're on a time-crunch!" Hermione said flustered. "Oh, right, sorry." I said, beginning to brush my hair. I leave my hair down, making sure that it's not a frizzy mess and that my waves fell nice and smoothly. I grab a bobby pin and pin up the hair that was in my face.
"C'mon, let's get our bags and go to breakfast." Sam says. We each go to our trunks and I grab my 'Brown Vagabond Satchel Bag' full of my books and quills and we make our way to breakfast.
When we made it to the Great Hall, I noticed most every student was in there already, including our friends. I sit down in between Fred and Hermione, my usual place.
"Good morning Emily!" Fred said, smiling down at me. I look up at him, "G'morning Fred!" I smiled, squinting my eyes and giggling. "Well, somebody's in a good mood this morning." Ron snickered. "What? I'm just excited for my first day of classes!" I said, enthusiastically.
"You weren't like that 10 minutes ago." Hermione accused. Sam laughed. "Yeah! You could barely even get out of bed!" she imputed. Harry laughs, "Change of atmosphere maybe?" he says. "Yeah see?! A change of atmosphere!" I exclaimed. We all laugh.
But honestly, why am I suddenly in a good mood? Maybe it was because of what Sam was implying, that Fred was the one behind my mood change? But why would that be the cause? Harry must be right, change of atmosphere is definitely it. I mean, today's the first day of classes!
I lean forward across the table and grab a strawberry muffin, barely able to reach it. "You know you could've just asked me to hand you one." Harry said. "Oh." I replied bluntly, taking a bite out of my muffin. They all chuckle.
"Hey Emily, what's your schedule? Yours too Hermione, Sam?" Ron asks. I take my schedule out of my bag, so does Hermione and Sam. We look at each other's schedules to compare them. Me, Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Sam all had the same schedules. First Potions, then History of Magic. Lunch is after that, which is then followed by Charms and D.A.D.A.
The breakfast food disappeared, indicating breakfast was over and that we should get going to class. We all stand up to leave and as I begin to walk away to Snape's Potion class, Fred stops me.
"You coming Emily?" Sam asks, turning around. She noticed that I stopped walking with her, Hermione, Harry, and Ron. "Oh, um, you guys go on ahead." I said to my first year friends. "Okay, well, see you in Potions." Ron says, walking with the rest of the gang to Snapes. George nods at Fred and he makes his leave as well. It was just me and Fred left.
"What's up Fred, did you need something?" I asked curiously, wondering why he held me back. We were the only two left in the Great Hall, besides a couple of Slytherins, one being Draco. He looks at me curiously but crudely. I same him the same look back, but I feel mine was a bit more sorrowful.
"Um... I wanted to know if you'd like me to walk you to class? I mean, you don't have to, but I figured you'd want me to, ya know, b-because it's the first day of classes and all..." Fred asks, giving me a shy, dorky smile.
"Oh" I say, slightly taken aback. Why would Fred want to walk me to class and not the others? But, I mean, why say no? I enjoy his company. "Yeah, of course!" I said, smiling my crooked smile. "Sweet!" he said, with an accomplished attitude.
I give a sweet smile and we turn to walk to class. "Good luck in Snape's class, he's kinda a real butt." Fred said chuckling. I laugh lightly, "Yeah, so I've heard. If he's really as bad as everyone says, it's gonna suck having him first thing in the morning." I said with an overdramatic 'that sucks' kinda voice. We laugh.
We continue to walk, me with a slight skip in my step, and eventually come around a corner leading to Snape's class. "Thanks for walking me." I said smiling gratefully. He chuckles and scratches the back of his head bashfully. "No problem!" he said nonchalantly.
"You'd better get to class, you've only got like, 5 minutes left." I said, in a jokingly strict tone, laughing at his inability to tell time. "Tch, since when were you punctual?" Fred replied , laughing. "Oh whatever." I said laughing. "Now get to class." I teased. "Alright, alright." he said lightly. He smiled at me and turned around to walk to class.

In All Seriousness ~ A Fred Weasley FanFic
FanficA Fred Weasley Fanfiction. Your name is Emily. Your parents are Muggles and scared of your magic, so you run away soon before your 11th birthday. You're eventually found by none other than a Weasley, and they offer you a place. But one of their s...