Chapter 22

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  I stretched my arms across the white bed sheet and found it warm. I slowly open my eyes and they instantly watered as they met sun streaming from the window. The curtain slowly swished silently and I looked around only to found a beautiful sight beside me. Suddenly something ran over my body like liquid slowly and steadily.  She was snoring. Her lips was slightly parted. It took me a moment to realize what is happening to me. Since many morning I have been waiting to see this picture yet it gives me goosebumps. Every time my heart does somersault. I don't want to do anything just wants to watch Dhara like a creep. She moved little. If she wake up I would tell her that I just woke up. A smile crept on my lips. Morning bliss that was. I sighed and stressed my arms above my head. My eyes were closed as I yawn and covered my mouth with back of my right hand. I took a deep breath before hopping off to the bed. Last night I had a good sleep after so long time. I unlocked my phone and there was fifteen missed calls from Dhruv and ayesha. And three massages from them. I frowned as I read one of Dhruv's text. I instantly cursed myself under the breath. How can I forget it so easily.

I rushed out of the washroom tying my shoeless and grabbing my blazer. Picking up my specs and bag I strided out of the house. I already stick the note on the refrigerator. So that she'll know that I'm at office early in this morning.

  I walked in the office. Its quite early so only few people were arrived. I took the elevator and walked to the dhruv's cabin only to be found two pair of eyes throwing dagger on me. I sheepishly smiled at him and he rolled his eyes.  

"How can you be so careless adhi?" He asked glancing at his watch. I shrugged it and we all walked to the meeting room.

I genuinely apologized for my late arrival with everyone. And we started our meeting in a very smooth way.

"What if we have a cut off at 70% I'm sure that will be very much beneficial." Mr. Parker said.

"No I don't think so it'll be good." I said.

"Then what do you think?" He asked.

"What if we have a margin of 85%?" I asked him gesturing at dhruv. And he was very much satisfied with my idea.

"That's too risky." Mr. Parker frowned.

"Yeah but we are providing higher percent from other companies." Dhruv interrupted.

"Yes but that's not even possible." Mr. Parker said now he is getting on my nerve.
Dhruv glanced at me and I kept my mouth shut and let Dhruv deal with him.

"Everything is possible Mr. Parker. We are very confident in our work. And surely the risk was high so profit was."

Every other members started thinking and whispers in amongst themselves. I was just hoping that they'll say yes.

"Mr. Singhaniya we thought and discussed from your perspective. We all know that the risk is very much higher but seeing your past records and your work style we have concluded to gave it a try. But in condition that all the risk and loss will be yours." Mr. Parker said.

I thought for sometimes then for approval I looked at dhruv and he nodded.

"Okay loss will be ours."

And in the end Dhruv ended up convincing them. My best friend is great in every way. We both signed the agreement and shook our hands. We all congratulate each other with a warm smile.  

"That was too long." I sighed and lean on the chair.

"Yeah it was. Let's just order our lunch here only." Dhruv suggested and I nodded still closing my eyes.

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