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John's POV:
I texted Mika back the next morning and told her that my sister stopped by and I forgot to answer her. I hated lying to her but it was for the best.

"Whatever, call your mother and tell her you've got a date before she sends more skeletons to your door." Jenna's voice kept repeating over and over again in my head. What the hell could she mean by that? Would my mother send more ex's to my door? I couldn't have that if I was going to have Mika here. Huffing, I grabbed my phone and dialed my beloved mother.

"Margaret Trew's office, how can I help you?" Her assistant, Thalia, answered.
"Hello Thalia, it's John."
"Oh, Mr. Trew, hello. Hold on, I'll put you through."

"Hello, Margaret Trew speaking." Her wonderful, all-business voice greeted me.
"Hello mother." I said, my voice bland and uninterested.
"Jesus John, I thought you were a client." she huffed. "What can I do for you?"
"I called to let you know that I have a date for the auction so you can stop sending my has-been's to my door."
"Oh, you're taking Jenna? Great, I always liked her."
"No, I'm not taking Jenna. You don't know this one mom." I heard her huff again.
"Fine, I look forward to meeting her." Click.

Mika's POV:

Well, it seems as though John has a sister. Interesting. I tried calling him but my phone beeped several times in my ear, he was already on the phone with someone. I sighed and hung up, sending him a text to let me know when he was free, I grabbed my purse and headed out for my girls day with Sacha.

"So, are you nervous?" Sacha asked as our feet soaked in bubbling hot water.
"Y'know, going all the way to LA to meet this guy?"
"Oh, I mean, yeah obviously."
"How long until you go?"
"Well, today's Sunday. I leave Thursday, so five days give or take. The auction isn't until Saturday night though."
"And when will you be home?"
"I don't know, I'm going to see how things with him and go from there. Either Sunday or Monday morning, I guess." I shrugged.
"Hm, okay." Sacha, thankfully, changed the subject about this new potential 'Daddy' she found. "He's 39 and lives in Canada. Isn't that awesome? A Canadian sugar daddy." she laughed.
"He sounds great." I said nonchalantly.
"What's up with you?"
"Last night John didn't text me back. Then I didn't hear from him all night. Then I get a text this morning that his 'sister' stopped by and he 'forgot' to text me back." I sigh, making air quotes around 'sister' and 'forgot.'
"Damn. Did he mention the sisters name?"
"No." Sacha grabs her phone and starts typing.
"What are you doing?"
"You'll see." she raises her phone and shows me the screen. "Mandi Trew. His twin since, well the womb, obviously. 100% legit."
"That doesn't prove his sister is the person who stopped by last night."
"True, but it proves he has a sister." she laughed.
"Yeah I guess."
"Eh, don't worry about it too much. Just enjoy our girls day and deal with his shit later." Sacha was right, and for the rest of the day, I let all of my problems float away in nail polish, wax, and hair dye.

It was after 5 when I got home and I had a few texts from John from throughout the day. We talked briefly here and there but I "blamed it on my nails being wet, being waxed, and getting my hair done." Wasn't complete lies, but he believed it all anyways. I hadn't really started LA prep, just my basic girl necessities. I haven't packed, I haven't thought about packing, I haven't done anything that I should be doing. I'm down to 6 days until the auction and 4 days until I'd be leaving, which reminded me, John never told me if his pilot confirmed.

Mika: Just realized I was never told if pilot confirmed getting me, let me know, xoxo.

I put my phone down and turned out the television. Nothing was on, big surprise. I sighed and turned it off. Standing, I walked into my room and grabbed my suitcase from the top of my closet and threw it down on my bed. Fumbling with the zipper, it finally opened. Turns out there were clothes in it from the last time I used my suitcase. Sniffing them, I nearly gagged. I tossed them into my hamper and swore I'd do laundry. Like right that second. I grabbed my hamper, and any stray clothes around my apartment, my phone (which I found under a couch cushion) and went down to the laundry room. I threw in the first load and checked my phone. Seeing John had called, I sighed and called him back.
"Hello." His deep voice pulled me in.
"Hey, sorry, didn't feel my phone vibrate."
"That's fine, I got your text. Pilot confirmed yesterday morning, I completely forgot to tell you, got stuck on the phone with my mother."
"That's good to hear. The pilot part, at least." I laughed nervously. "If your mother is anything like mine, I can only imagine what it was like to get stuck on the phone with her."
"What are you doing right now?"
"Sitting on top of the washing machine as my laundry ruins my life." I giggle.
"Sounds fun. Why the sudden urge to do laundry?"
"Grabbed my suitcase to pack and there were clothes in it from my last trip months ago. Couldn't bear the smell."
"I see." he hummed.
"So, we're all set for Thursday?"
"Yes, Thursday."
"I look forward to it."
"As do I." I could practically hear him smile.
The washer buzzed so loud I jumped, the vibration running through my entire body. "First loads done, hang on." he said 'Okay' as I took the clothes from the washer to the dryer and refilled the washer. "Back, sorry."
"No need to apologize. I actually just got called into a meeting, talk soon yeah?"
"Yeah, no problem. Text me when you're free." I smiled. "Xoxo." I giggled, he laughed before hanging up.

Laundry took a few hours and I practically crawled back to my apartment. I locked my door behind me and dragged myself to my room. Plugging my phone in to charge, I pushed the suitcase off my bed and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

John's POV:

This meeting is taking forever, not to mention it's a completely unnecessary meeting, too. My sister called it to, yet again, try to update our image. As my eyes roamed the room, I noticed all of these people to 'update my image' were all women.
"Mandi, can I have a word?" I didn't even wait for my sister to answer, I grabbed her arm and dragged her out of the meeting.
"Jesus, what?" she asked, annoyed, as she pulled her arm away.
"Why are all of them women?"
She looked up at me, her face going pale. "Coincidence?" she shrugged, a weak smile playing at her lips.
"This meeting isn't for 'updating our image,' is it?"
"No, I'm trying to get you a date." she mumbled. "Mom and I are worried, you're running out of time."
"Well, tell them to leave. I found a date and she'll be arriving Thursday."
"Arriving?" My sister repeated, shocked. "Where is she coming from?"
"Oo," my sister hummed. "I love Chicago."
"Yeah." I rolled my eyes. "Now go in there and tell them to go."
"Did you tell mom that you found a date?" she stopped in her tracks to ask.
"This morning."
"But, she told me this morning to set this up?" My sister said, although it came out more like a question.
"Mother." I huffed.

My sister tried to talk to me some more but I walked away. I grabbed my phone, papers and laptop and left my building for the day. I wanted nothing more than to be in my bed and to talk to Mika. I got home 2 hours later, thanks to LA traffic. Huffing, I dropped my suitcase to the floor and walked into my bedroom. Setting my laptop and phone on my bed, I began to strip of my business clothes. Texting Mika that I was home, I stepped into my bathroom and started up a shower. When I returned, there was nothing from Mika. Checking the time, I saw it was after 1 in the morning, so I figured she was sleeping and laid down to the same thing. Four days until she'd be arriving. . .

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