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Lisa's POV:

Gasping, I cover my mouth and pray he didn't hear me. I watch his knee bend and get closer and closer to the floor, then I watch the bed skirt lift, then his smirking face.
"Well well well, what do we have here?" he chuckles, grabbing my arm.

He drags me from under the bed by my arm and I can already feel the bruises forming, even before he lets go. He drags me until we reach his bathroom and he tosses me as my head makes contact with the pipe under the sink. Sitting up, groaning, he crouches in front of me.
"Recognize this place?" he smirks. "Of course you do, this is the place where I ruined your life, how could you ever forget that?" he begins to chuckle.
"Fuck you." I spit.
"Easy now." he stands and leans against the wall. "Now play nice unless you want to end up like Sacha."
"What did you do to her?"
"Did I really do such a toll on you that you went lesbo?" he laughs.
"What did you do to her!" I scream.
"Let's just say she's in a better place, and by that I mean, places." he laughs.
"Wha-what?" I begin to feel dizzy.
"My friends are chopping her up and spreading her across LA as we speak." his laughing is the last thing I hear before everything goes black.

7 Years Ago

"Honey, we're going to be late!" I smoothen out my dress and smacks my lips together one last time before trying to find John.
"Just another second!" he shouts from the bedroom.
"No, now." I begin to laugh as I open our door, but what I see stops me in my tracks. "Why do you have a gun? You know how I feel about those things." I actually start to tear up with the fear of a gun in my home.
"Easy, it's just for our protection. You know there's a price on my head and I can't completely trust my security."
"Still, I don't care, get it out of here." I tighten my shawl around my shoulders and make my way to the door.
"It's not the worst thing in the world to have a gun." he explains as he adjusts his watch.
"I'm done talking about this John." I open our door and prepare to leave. "Now let's go."
We make it two doors down before we're stopped by two gentlemen. "Excuse us," I say, trying to get past. "We're trying to get to the elevator." Having enough, I shove past and am pushed down. Grunting, I look up at them.
I stand to try and push past once more but one of the men pulls out a gun. "Easy does it, let's go back inside, shall we?" he smirks and leads us back into our home. The one man takes John into another room and I'm left with the guy with the gun. "So, why don't you tell me about yourself?" he smirks as he tries to grope me.
"What do you want?" I ask, staring intently on the gun. "You can have all of our jewelry and all the money here." I plead.
"We don't want your money." he chuckles.
John comes out with the other guy, they're both smiling. "John, what is going on?" I go to stand but the one with the gun grabs my arm and pulls me back down.
"I wish I could say I'm sorry, but that would be a lie and we promised to never lie to one another." he shrugs.
"John, what the hell is going on?" I raise my voice.
"Quiet her down, will ya?" John says, annoyed. "I've got a call to make." he disappears and I'm left with the two men.
They both look at each other, smirk, and then grab both of my arms, dragging me into the bathroom. The one guy closes and locks the door, pulling rope out of his duffel bag. They tie my hands around the pipe under the sink and grab my scissors from the cabinet, cutting off my dress. I squirm and squirm, but it only results in many small cuts on my legs. The guy who isn't cutting my dress holds me down by my hips so the other man can finish his task. Once the bottom of my dress is cut and my lower half exposed, he cuts my underwear off, too. He hands it to the guy holding me down and he places my underwear in the duffel bag. For a while, the two men just stare.
Then the one speaks, "Fuck it." he walks over, undoing his belt. "Boss man said to have fun, didn't he?" I can hear the smirk as he turns to face his partner.
His friend comes over and places the gun to my head. "Now, here's how it's gonna go down." he presses the gun harder to my temple. "You either be a good girl and let us do whatever, or we kill you and do whatever we want to you anyways. Now," he leans in closer to my ear. "What's it gonna be?"
Trying to be as strong as possible, I close my eyes. "Do whatever you want." I feel a tear fall down my cheek, but I stay strong and keep my eyes closed.
There's so much laughter, pain, and more laughter as they begin torturing me. It feels like hours before they finally stop. . . I can feel the blood, everywhere, as they chuckle.
"I think this is our best work yet." The one chuckles.
"Indeed, Craig." I see a flash, and I squint, they took a picture.
"I might frame this one." he says as he fans the photo.
"Might have to make me a copy." They begin to laugh.
"And me." John says, wrapping his arm around one of the men. "I definitely want a copy of this." he looks at me and smirks. "Now, here's your money. Get the fuck out." he laughs. The men grab their checks and the bag and leave. "Poor poor Lisa, how on earth are we going to make this better for you?" he grabs a gun from the back of his pants and points it at me. "How do you feel about guns now? Because right now, I'll bet that you'd like to take this gun and kill me." he chuckles.
"You're not wrong." I mumble, choking on the taste of my blood.
"Little miss, 'guns are bad' actually wants to use a gun?" he laughs, coming over with the scissors. He unties my hands and hands me the gun. "Here." he tosses it onto my lap. "Take off the safety and do it. Use a gun." he whispers.
I pick it up and it already feels wrong. Despite what he's done to me, I can't use a gun. I put the gun down and begin to silently cry. He comes over and picks it up, putting it back into his waistband. Leaving the room, I can hear him put in the code to the safe. It's silent for a moment and then he comes back with a bag and money.
"Now," he begins as he starts shoving money into the bag. "There's going to be a couple million in this bag. You're going to take it, hide it, get some medical attention, and you're going to forget this ever happened. If anyone asks, we broke up due to mutual reasons. Now, take the money," he zips up the bag. "And go." he kicks the bag towards me and leaves.
I sit on the floor for hours, weeping. I've looked over at the bag at least a hundred times. I need to go to the police. If he's done it to me, he'll do it to others. I can't let that happen. Standing, I grab some of my clothes and change. Shoving my dress into the bag, I wipe my face with a cloth, toss that into the bag and make my way to the police station.


Lisa's POV:
"Wakey wakey." John chuckles, waving his hand across my face.
"What the fuck do you want?" I say, groggily.
"Look," he motions me to look to my right. "I brought you a friend."
Looking to my right, Mika's tied to the pipes too.
"Now, she is a treasure." he says as he kisses Mika's cheek. "But she's a real pain in the ass." he removes her gag.
"I'm so sorry, I tried, I tried so hard but Sacha still came and I'm so sorry." she begins crying.
"Shut up!" John screams, going to hit her. She cowers, but his hand never makes contact. "Now," he pulls out a gun. "Let's do this quietly. Okay?" he smiles.
Mika and I cower together, expecting the end but it never comes. We open our eyes and see John standing at the window. "Why are there cops out front?" he screams, charging at us like a bull.
"We don't know!" Mika screams, fear lacing her tone.
"Bullshit!" he screams in her face, hitting her with the gun. "One of you knows something!"
"Jokes on you." I mumble.
"What?" he gets closer, crouching. "What did you say?"
"Jokes on you." I shout in his face.
"And why's that?" he smirks.
"Mika's mom called Sacha about a month ago, they were both worried about Mika's whereabouts so Mika's mother filed a missing persons report. And see, on my way here today, I called the police and told them your address and told them everything. It's over John." Now, I smirk.
"No, nothing is over until I say it's over!" he points the gun at me. "I should've killed you seven years ago when I had the chance." his finger squeezes the trigger but he pauses. "Wait." he rips my blouse open and sees I'm wearing a wire. "Fuck!" he screams. "No, I won't let them take me." he puts the gun to his head.
"NO!" I scream.
Just as John's about to pull the trigger, another bullet comes from nowhere and shoots his wrist. The gun falls and goes off. There's a scream, some blood, and then everything goes silent.

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