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Craig's POV:

"Tie him up in the chair." I order as Porter is dragged into my warehouse.
"Please, let me go! I swear, I'll leave Chicago. I'll change my number, Mika will never hear from me again."
"It's too late, my friend." I motion for my men to gag him. "You got yourself into this mess, the moment you first slept with her."
"Mumblah." he cries into the gag, inaudible.
"Shut him up." I grab my duffel bag full of the things I'll need for my next trip. "Lucas, let's go, the jet awaits."

As I walk out of my warehouse, the last thing I hear is a bang and a mangled scream. Smirking, I bid ado to John and tell him I will see him soon.
"With good news, yes?" he smiles.
"The best." he pats me on my shoulder and I follow Lucas onto the jet.

"So, what's in the bag?" Lucas asks after we've taken off.
"All the things we'll need to get Mr. Trew what he wants." I pay him no mind as I flip through a magazine. "Here," I bend and reach into the duffel bag handing him a badge and gun. "Get used to your identity for this trip. If you blow this, I blow your brains out. We clear?" he nods as he begins reading his ID and saying it out loud. "Follow my lead and we all get a pretty paycheck."

A few hours later, we land at our destination and I make sure Lucas is ready.
"We only get one chance at this, Rogers." I say, calling him by his new identity. "Don't blow this."
"No worries, boss."

About an hour and a fifty-dollar cab ride later, we make it to our destination. Once again I remind Lucas not to blow this, he is the new guy after all, this is his first mission and it's a very important mission at that.
"Don't worry boss, you can trust me." he adjusts his badge and the elevator dings. "Let's do it."
Leading the way, I knock on the door.
"You again? Oh, you brought a partner. What happened to 'I work alone.'" she mocked.
"Let's get her." Lucas says, and then we barge our way in, taking her to the ground.

Mika's POV:

"You again? Oh, you brought a partner. What happened to 'I work alone.'" I mock the "supposed" detective that was literally just at my door.
"Let's get her." The "partner" says and then they barge their way in, and I'm taken to the ground.
"Get off of me!" I scream, squirming underneath the partner. I hear my front door lock and I begin to hear my heartbeat in my ears. "Fucking let me go!"
"Shut up!" The partner screams in my ear as he pulls my hair and slams my head to the ground.
I groan in pain and want to desperately hold my head but my hands are being crushed by this guys thighs.

"Alright, I've got the rope," The leader says. "You can get off of her." I hear one of them scratch my wood floor by dragging one of my kitchen chairs and I'm lifted into it then tied.
"Fuck you!" I squirm. "What do you want from me?"
"Shut up, now, remember me?" The 'detective' smirks.
"Yeah, what's your real name anyways?" I spit in his face.
Wiping his face, he turns to me, his cheeks red with anger. "That wasn't very ladylike. . . Well, Mika, I'm Craig. It's very nice to meet you and this," he turns to his blonde colleague. "Is Lucas. And we are here to escort you to Mr. Trew."
My face goes pale and they begin to laugh. "I'm sorry, did you really think he was dead?"
"What the fuck is going on?!" I begin to scream so loud my throat is actually burning.
"Make her stop. We've got to go anyways, her neighbors might already be calling the cops." Craig walked away and Lucas hit me in the head with something and everything went black.

"Hey, it's me. According to the pilot, we're ten minutes out. You at the hangar?" he pauses. "Excellent, see you soon my friend." he looks up at me, my eyesight still blurry. "Ah, good morning sleepyhead." he gets up and bends to my level. "Don't worry, you'll be reunited with your lover soon enough."
"Hey, we've gotta get strapped in, we're landing soon." Lucas appears.
"Seat belts." Craig smirks as he tightens mine so tight I actually lose my breath and cough. "Don't need you going anywhere now that you're so close to your lover." he smirks before returning to his own seat.

About five minutes later we land and Craig makes his way towards me. Fuck.
"Now, you try anything and I will kill you." he warns as he undoes my seatbelt. "I'll go out first and then I'll notion for you to bring her to me." Lucas nods and stands beside me as Craig heads off the plane.

"John!" I hear them chuckle, I cringe.
"Craig! Was the mission a success?"

John's POV:

"John!" Craig and I chuckle.
"Craig! Was the mission a success?" I'm praying it was.
"Yes it was." he waves his hand and I spot her. Beautiful.
"John, Mika. Mika, your lover." he hands her tied body off to me and I grasp her arm tightly. "Put her in the car, lock the doors." I motion to my driver. "Thank you for this, man." I hand them their checks. "And the other one?" I whisper.
"Taking care of him tonight." he smirks. "You, go home and give her a bath." he and his partner get in a car and drive off.

My driver unlocks one passenger side door and I get in, locking the door behind me.
"So, Mika, I didn't intend for this to be how we met." I move a strand of hair from her face and she flinches from my touch. "But you left me no choice." I whisper, trying to be soothing.
"Fuck you." she whispers harshly.
"Don't worry, we'll take care of that at home." I lean into my chair and wait until we're home.

So sorry to do this to you Mika, but you've left me no choice, my love.

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