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John's POV:

I've been sitting here for I don't know how long. I have no idea what time it is, hell, I have no idea what day it is. I removed the ear buds and blindfold from Mika's face when the men left and she was asleep. I keep staring at where Sylvia's lifeless body used to be, where I held her and apologized to her corpse. I keep staring at where the floor is slightly different colors due to where my carpet used to be, where her blood pooled and was soaked up like a sponge. Looking at that spot made my mind show me her corpse, it showed me that night all over again. I shook my head, erasing the images. Looking over at Mika, I became enraged. It's her fault my assistant is dead. It's her fault Craig had to stab her. To death. Curling my fists, I decide to wake Mika up with my fist.
Screaming, I feel my arm vibrate as my right hook makes contact with her left cheek. I watch as her head goes to the right and back, hitting the headboard. She looks at me, tears in her eyes. She opens her mouth to speak, but fails to get anything out. I raise my hand again and she winces, cowering. I don't know where she thinks she's going, but I'm going to show her that she isn't going anywhere. That no one can help her. That no one will help her.
I relentlessly hit her over and over again. Each smack vibrating off the walls. Each cry louder than the last. I stop when my arm is surprisingly getting tired, I contemplate switching to my left, but decide against it since my left isn't as strong as my right. I look down at Mika and see nothing but red. Her nose is bleeding, out of both nostrils, and her lip is busted open. I see both eyes turning purple. Bruises already forming on her arms and a huge bruise on her left collar bone. Catching my breath, I wipe the sweat off my forehead and leave her to bleed. She could bleed to death for all I care. I stand and spit on her before making my way to my private home gym. Time to strengthen up my arms. I am not done with Mika, yet. And I never will be. Not until she's dead.

Sacha's POV:

I try ringing Mika again and once again, I get no answer.
"I'm really starting to get worried about her."
Lisa comes over and puts her hand on my leg. "I'm sure she's fine, she's probably just busy with crazy non-stop sex." she laughs.
"No, this isn't like her." I shake my head. "She always finds time to talk, even if there's crazy wild sex waiting for her."
"What are you going to do? Go to LA and track this guy down?"
"Yes." I say, snapping my fingers as I grab my laptop. "That's exactly what I'm going to do." I order my plane ticket. "I leave tomorrow morning."
"Well, make that ticket for two. You're not going alone, we don't know this guy."

Lisa and I board the plane. We take our seats and I try ringing Mika again.
She answers. "Hello?" Okay, she is a he.
"Sacha! So great to hear your voice, how are you?"
"How's Mika? I haven't heard from her and I'm really worried."
"She's good, sleeping now." he sounds odd.
"Well, wake her please. I want to hear her voice."
"Just a moment." It takes more than a moment, but I hear Mika. "Hey Sacha." she sounds weak.
"Hey babe." Lisa looks at me, I shrug it off. "How are you? Haven't heard from you in a while."
"I'm okay," she does something but it causes her pain, I hear her whine. "Just you know, sore." she tries to laugh.
"You tell me the truth. Right now." I demand.
"I'm fine, Sacha, really. I'll be home soon, okay? We'll get lunch."
"You're not fine, what's he doing to you?"
"Sacha," she tries to laugh. "You worry too much. I'm fine. Honestly."
"Fine, I don't believe you, but fine. When are you going to be home? I'll make us a reservation, you can meet Lisa over dinner."
"Oh, uh, probably Monday."
"Yeah, probably." she pauses, her breathing heavy. "I'll let you know for sure tomorrow." John says something, she mumbles something back. "Okay, I'm really tired, I'm going to go back to sleep. Bye."
"Wait-" Click. "Fuck." I lean my head back against the seat and sigh.
"Ma'am, we're getting ready to take off. Please turn off your electronic device and put on your seatbelt." A stewardess says to me.
"Will do."
"Thank you." she smiles and walks away.

I put on my seatbelt as I turn off my phone and get ready for takeoff. In four hours, I will find Mika and I will bring her home.
Lisa takes my hand in hers and smiles. "Everything's going to be okay." I smile back to her, hoping she's right.

I look out my window and watch as the sky gets bigger and higher and the ground gets smaller and lower. There's some minor turbulence, but other than that it's a pretty smooth flight. When we land, the sun is going down. Lisa and I get a hotel close to John's office and decide we'll pay him a little visit in the morning.

I wake before the sun is up and get ready to start my day. Lisa stirs in her sleep but doesn't wake up. Sighing in relief, I finish getting dressed and make my way out of the hotel. Our hotel is across the street from John's office and I walk quickly across the busy LA streets. Making my way into the building, I check the board and it says his office is on the 24th floor. I head into the crowded elevator and press the 24 button.
"You're going to the boss's floor?" A woman asks me, astonished.
"Yes, I need to speak to him about a friend of mine."
"Good luck, you won't get anywhere near his office without an appointment."
"Thank you, but I'm sure I'll get there."
"Then I won't be surprised if I see you being dragged out by security." she laughs.

The elevator dings and the woman gets off along with a couple other stragglers. When I reach John's floor, I'm alone. Heading over to his receptionist's desk, I check over the counter for his upcoming meetings and see he's meeting with a Ms. Taylor.
"How can I help you?" she finally appears.
"Here to see Mr. Trew." I smile.
"Do you have an appointment?"
"Under Taylor." I look around as she checks the papers.
"Ah, yes, Ms. Taylor, right this way. He's been expecting you." she smiles and leads the way. "Please knock first."

Knocking, I hear a 'Come in.' Here goes nothing.

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