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Unknown POV:

I watch from outside her building as she escorts a man inside. Quietly, I get out of my van and follow. I get in the elevator with the pair and stand behind them. The man begins kissing all down her neck and shoulders as my mouth curls up in disgust. What does my client see in her? The elevator dings and as the door opens, she pulls his lips off of her and walks away without him. I watch him, waiting for him to join her, but he doesn't. What the hell? I watch her walk past four doors and head into an apartment. The doors close and the elevator goes up a floor. Now the man gets out, I watch him enter the first door on the right and watch the doors close again. Heading back to her floor, I step out of the elevator and knock on her door.
"Hi, can I help you?" she answers.
"Perhaps you can." I reach into my coat as fear takes her face. "I'm Detective Stevens, there's been an incident, may I come in?"
"What type of incident?" she blocks my way inside, her brow raised.
"Do you know a-" I pause, reading a blank page in a small notebook I bought on the way here. "Mr. John Trew in Los Angeles?"
Her face loses all it's color. "Please," she opens her door wider. "Come in."
I sit on her couch, cozy, awaiting coffee that I denied but she insisted.
"Here you go." she hands me my coffee and sits in the chair opposite of me. "So, what's happened to John?" she asks, fiddling with the ends of her sweater.
"May be a murder, may be a suicide." I shrug. "Still putting the pieces together, now-" I open the notebook. "How did you know the victim?"
"We met on an app and uh, didn't meet in person, so I barely knew him." her voice is stronger now, odd.
"Did you two ever have plans to meet in person?"
"Yes, but I didn't go." Now she shrugs.
"Got cold feet, decided not to go."
"Hm." I hum. "So you never met in person? Where exactly did you meet then?"
"This uh, app."
"Sorry ma'am, you're going to have to be more specific." I looked at her and she looked around the room, she clearly didn't want to tell me. "Alright, look." I raised my voice slightly. "Either you tell me how you two met or it all comes out the bad way when my guy gets his phone unlocked. Now talk." she jumped and bit her lip.
"It was an app called "Sugar Daddy." We sent each other nudes and talked dirty occasionally but we never met. He wanted to and I'll admit, for a while I wanted to meet him too but then he just pestered on and on to meet earlier than scheduled and I admit, I lost interest and moved on with my life."
"I assume with the guy in the elevator?" she nodded. "And his name is?"
"Why does his name matter?"
"He may have killed your ex-lover to ensure that you two would never reconnect." I play the role perfectly.
"Michael doesn't even know about him. He doesn't even know I used to have the app." she panics.
"Michael, hm?"
"Yes, Michael."
"So, your new lover has no idea about your ex-lover?"
"We haven't really talked much." she smirked. Slut.
"I see." I chuckled, even though I wanted to beat the hell out of her.
"Is that all you need?" she stood and crossed her arms, obviously annoyed. "I have somewhere to get ready to go to."
"Not a charity auction I assume?" she paused, dead in her tracks.
"How do you know about that?" she turned, slowly.
"It was all over his apartment; fliers, on his computer screen, and a brand new suit was in his closet. We put the pieces together ma'am."
"So, uh, where's your partner then?" she pesters, trying to break me.
"I work alone." I assure.
"I see, well, now I'd like you to leave my house please."
"Not a problem, I'll be in touch if something comes up. Don't leave town."
"Don't leave town." she mocks me in a deep, childish voice. Turning, I flash her my gun and her immature smile falls from her face as it loses color once more.

Smirking, I head to the elevator and go up one floor. On the way, I hack into her phone and find one lonely Michael in her contact list. Michael Porter. Just as the elevator doors open, Mr. Porter is standing there, waiting to enter. Taking out my badge, I stop him.
"Michael Porter?"
"Yes. What's-" Before he can finish, I hit him over the head with my gun and drag his unconscious body back into the elevator.
"It's me. On my way down, going to need some assistance. He's heavier than I thought."

John's POV:

I lean against my car at my hangar once more awaiting the arrival of someone very important.
"John!" Craig smiles as he steps off my jet.
"Craig!" I hug him. "I'm hoping this mission went better than the last."
"Oh, of course." he chuckles, grabbing something from his partner. "I believe you'll be happy to meet Mr. Porter." he grabs a man and drags him down the stairs and removes the black sheet from his head. "He's been screwing Ms. Peters." Craig confirms for me.
"Mika's been screwing him?"
"Mumblah-" Porter mumbles from his gag and I motion for Craig to remove it. "How do you know Mika?"
"She's my lover." I explain, stepping closer to him. "And I'm going to get her back."

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