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Craig's POV:

I get out of the car and Lucas follows as we now have to deal with Mr. Porter. Waste of space.
"So how are we going to do it?" Lucas asks.
"Shut the fuck up." I say as I open the door.

When we walk in, the chair is empty and the rope is on the ground.
"What the fuck?" Upon looking further, I find my man on the ground dead.
"He could still be here." Lucas whispers, grabbing his gun.
"Calm down." I make him lower his gun and head outside.
"He could still be in there and we're going to stand out here and do nothing?" Lucas asks, flailing his arms everywhere.
"He's not in there." I light a cigarette.
"How do you know?"
"Don't be an idiot." I wave my hand. "You know what, if you want to take the Detective Role so seriously, go raise your gun and search the place." he nods and goes back inside. Jesus, fucking kids, man.

While puffing my cigarette, I think back to when I was last at the warehouse. The bang. The mangled scream. Fuck, that was him killing my guy. For fucks sake, can anyone handle a simple task?

"Hey, it's me." I speak into the phone. "We got a bit of a problem here." I pause as he yells in my ear. "Okay, okay, calm down. I'm going to take care of it like I always do. You just enjoy your time with your little lady."

John's POV:

"Yeah, she's being a little difficult." I answer Craig.
"How so?"
"She's locked herself in the bathroom."
"Bathroom doesn't have any windows right?"
"No, I'm not an idiot."
"Just double checking; so there's no way that she can escape through the bathroom?"
"Where are you?"
"Leaning against the bathroom door." I say as I look down at the knob hoping to see it turn. "I gotta go, I have to try and get her out."
"Good luck." I can practically hear Craig smirking.
Hanging up, I stand and knock on the door.
"Mika, please come out."
"Fuck off!" she shouts and kicks the door.
"Mika, please." I rest my hand on the wall. "Let me explain why I did what I did."
"Fuck you. Go away!"
"Did you at least shower?"
"Fuck you and your shower!"
"Mika, please, stop being so difficult, my love."
"Fuck off! Leave me alone." she starts to cry. "Please leave me alone." she whispers.
"Alright." I never leave the room, I remain by the door- I just stop talking.

It's been well over two hours and Mika is still in the bathroom. Standing, I beg her once more to come out but am met with silence. Praying she fell asleep, I make my way to the kitchen. I'm starving. Why couldn't Mika just come willingly and be with me? Why did she make me do this the difficult way? Why did she have to be so difficult? Why did she-
I'm broken out of my thoughts by the sound of breaking glass. What the hell? Slowly, I make my way down the hallway and find the bathroom door open. Turning into my bedroom, my balcony doors are open too.
"Mika?" I call out softly. No response. "Honey? You out here?" Nothing. "God damnit Mika, get your ass back here, NOW!" I scream, now that I'm angry.
"John, please, let me go." she whispers, still hidden in the shadows.
"Mika, you know I can't. I will after the auction, now please." I hold my hand out, hoping she'll step out and take it.

There's a crash behind me and I catch a glimpse of Mika running. Fucking bitch. I begin to chase after her and grab her ponytail the first chance I get. She yelps like a dog when I pull and she falls to the ground.
"John, stop!" she squirms, trying so hard to fight.
"Why do you keep making me do this? I don't want to hurt you!" I drag her by her ponytail to my bedroom.

Tossing her onto my bed, I grab the handcuffs from my drawer and click her hands in through the headboard. She squirms even after her hands are locked in, but I'm not worried. The handcuffs are brand new and I threw the keys away. She has no chance of getting out. Not anymore. My microwave beeps yet again in my kitchen and I eye Mika once more before heading back into my kitchen. I grab the plate and bring it to her.
"Figured you'd be hungry." When I put the plate down, she huffs and avoids all eye contact with me. "Fine, starve." I shrug and leave the food there to taunt her before heading into my office.

Once I'm outside my office door, I double check to make sure all exit points are locked and secure, just in case. I'm not having a repeat of how she managed to get by me the first time. She's never leaving. Heading into my office, I smile and begin the prep for my auction tomorrow night.
"Hello, Sylvia, it's Mr. Trew."

Mika's POV:

Fuck fuck fuck fuck. This psycho really kidnapped me. Pulling on the handcuffs, I scream in pain when they dig in. I don't know where John went and I don't care. Since the wackjob handcuffed me, I don't have any exit strategy. I could play it how it goes in the movies and get on his good side, wait for his guard to go down, and run. But that never works out so good for the victim in those movies. I want to get out of this alive and all, but I've really got myself in a jam here, and I don't think I'll get out of it.

I hear John on the phone with someone, probably the fucker that actually kidnapped me. Craig. I pull on the handcuffs more and begin to cry when the pain overtakes me once again. Staring down at the food, my stomach rumbles. Fuck, just what I need to hear right now. "I knew you'd get hungry" and blah blah blah as he's responsible to feed me.

Craig's POV:

I sit in my van watching some "cheating husband" for a new client, but so far, this guy's clean. He's been in his office all day and no one's been in or out. I take pictures of his every move anyways, even though all he does is reach for a file, soda, and laptop. I put my camera down when my phone rings and see it's John.

"John, hey, how's Mika doing?"
"She tried to escape, so I handcuffed her to my bed." he pauses. "Anyways, uh, I have the auction tomorrow night and I'm bringing my assistant as my date, so I need you to watch over Mika while I'm gone."
"When do you need me there?"
"Uh, about seven-ish."
"Until?" I drag out.
"Uh, maybe eleven, maybe midnight. I'm not sure."
"Yeah, no problem."
"Thanks man."
"No worries, I know how those events can be. Makes me so glad I got out of that business." I chuckle.
"Yeah, if only I could." he laughs. "Alright man, bye." Click.

John's POV:

Once I'm off the phone with Craig, I see I have a text message from Sylvia.

Assistant: Can't wait until tomorrow night. Xx

I literally groan in disgust, she's just my backup date.

John: Me neither, should be fun.

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