First Night Out

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"It's open!"I yelled.

My cousin Trent came in. He the youngest of us all. Home boy was bout 5'9 dark skin,pierced ears and had all kinds of hoes. I mean he's the running back for the Chicago Wolves,but even when we was kids he had em! I love that boy though,no homo.

"Wassup bruh",he said dapping me up and taking a seat on the couch across from me.

"Chillin",I said flipping through channels.

It got quiet and I could feel him watching me. I looked at him and saw this Cheshire cat smile plastered on his face. I chuckled. "What T?!",I asked.

"Man you know!"He said amused. "I see ya boy!"

I couldn't help but laugh."Maaaan yal need to stop playin! Been doin this since we was young bruh. Now you know you want ha."

"No she want me."

"Whatever. You better be glad she see me as ha lil baby or I'll be all over that."

I mentally mugged him. Nicole is mine. I looked at my watch and saw it was 6."Aye bruh I'm finna get ready. I'll see you then." I said gettin up.

"Ight."he said showing himself the door.

I grabbed my Louis V suit case and tossed it on my bed. Gotta look fresh tonight. I'm a rapper and my life is good. Hoes,money,cars,what more to want? But anyway back to tonight, I pulled out black Levi jeans,a white button down polo shirt with a black horse,white air force one's with a black check,and a Michael Kors watch with a silver chain. I nodded my head approvingly at my attire. Well let's start this dressing process.


"Two of my bitches in the club,and I know they know about each other."my phone sang.

I groaned out of frustration. Who the hell wakin me out my sleep? I looked at the phone,but quickly turned my head and squinted my eyes. Damn. Bright ass light."Hello?",I said groggily.

"Guh you sleep?! Get up,it's like 6." Denise spat into the phone.

I cut my eyes over at the clock on my nightstand and sure enough it read 6:00. "Mmmmm" I murmured,and dove my face into my pillows.

"Nicole get up. I called to see what was you wearing."

"I don't know Denise.",I said yawning. "I gotta get up and see."

"Alright, just call me when you ready to go cause everybody walkin down together."

"Ok."I said before hanging up.

I sat up in bed and stretched while yawning again. Do I have to go? I asked myself. I pealed myself away from my new found love (the bed) and grabbed my gucci suit case. What to wear.? Since it was summer I decided to go with black high waisted shorts, a turquoise,black,and white Aztec pattern scoop neck tee to tuck in,silver belt,silver Micheal Kors watch,silver Aztec earrings and bracelet with open toe black wedges to show off my fresh pedicure. Since I don't take long showers I quickly jumped in and out,applied my Victoria Secret Pure Seduction lotion Jason bought me all over my body,and threw on a Victoria Secret panty/bra set. I left my hair how it was, threw my clothes on and grabbed my phone seeing it was 6:45. I dialed Denise number as I looked myself over one last time.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Where yal?" I asked grabbing my clutch.

"Waiting on you! Downstairs in the lobby."

I hurried out my door. Luckily the elevator was on my floor. "It takes time to look this good!" I said while the elevator proceeded down.

"Guh bye!"

I laughed as she disconnected the call. DING. I rounded the corner seeing everyone there and ready and they was lookin good too. "Well it's about time!" Jason fused. "You always the last one."

"I'm sorry" I said with exaggeration.

"Whatever. Let's go. Bre you ridin with Thaddeus,Brian and Camay of course, Trent who you ridin with?"

"Uhhh I'll get with you."

"Ight. Courtney and Denise yal two and Nicole with Brandon."

I gave Jason a death glare. "Nigga I'm grown,why I gotta ride with him?" I said low enough for only Jason to hear.

"If ya ass was on time then I would've let you go freely."he responded and walked away.

Ooooh I hate him. I could feel eyes on me and looked in Brandon direction. It was like he was eye raping me. "Uhh" I said awkwardly.

"You ready?"he said snapping out of his trance.

"Yea come on." I said letting him lead the way. Jay is so gonna pay.


"Welcome to Ashanti's Bar and Grill."The waitress greeted us. "How many?" She said more so to Brandon than the group. This bitch.

"10.", Jason answered.

She showed us to our table switching all the way making sure all the guys saw and of course they were drooling over her. She was about 5'5,light skin,blonde hair with red tips, maybe a C cup breast, and a big donkey booty.

She seated us,handed us our menu's and left us be. All the girls mugged the boys.

"What?" They asked.

"Nigga you know! The hell you staring at her for?! " Camay spat at Brian. Brian and Camay have been dating for 7 years now. Don't you think it's time for marriage? Yea we do too.

"Now look baby I wasn't lookin, I was lookin at the direction she was bringin us."

We gave him the 'really nigga' look. "Man whatever."

"Well me and Trent can look shoo!" Brandon had the nerve to say.

I just looked at him through my side vision. I sat back in my seat and folded my arms.


BUZZ. I grabbed my phone and saw a txt from Jay.

"Aye dawg how was the ride?"

"Straight."and I left it at that. I mean we didn't talk. It was awkward as hell. I mean she had a nigga feelin nervous and shit. But she is so cute when she mad. With her arms folded,her lip pouting,and her legs crossed. Man she got some pretty legs. I can only imagine them wrapped around my waist. I thought as I bit my lip. "Aye B!"Thad said bringing me out my thoughts.


"What you want to drink bruh?"

"Oh um Hennessey,bring out a bottle sweetheart."I said.

"Anything you want " She winked.

I laughed to myself. The rest of the night was filled with laughter,drinks,food,and friends just catching up...

On the ride home I was still trippin,but I built up enough courage to say "Come to my room tonight."

"What?" She said looking at me.

"Just come by. Our rooms right next to each other. "

She looked as if she was thinking."Nicole it ain't nun like that."

"Who said I was thinkin like that?"she said with a hint of flirtation in her voice.

I smirked. "You comin or what?"


"I think it's more we need to catch up on."


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