Set Up

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RING! RING! "Uuggghhhh " I groan. "Hello?"


"But you're cussing on this Sunday morning moma."I said yawning.

"Don't be gettin smart!"She snapped.

I rolled my eyes. "I wasn't getting smart ma,but ok."

"I swear you think you grown and ain't gotta call nobody when you away. Ain't heard from you in weeks!"

I am grown. "I've been busy ma."

"Well get up cause we having Sunday dinner and I want you here."

"I'm not finna drive 5 hours!"

"Well then fly,hell. Ion give a damn how you get here,but you better be here!"

"You have got to be kidding me!!"I yelled.

"Yea,whatever. See you later." CLICK.

This hefa hung up in my face. I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom. I really didn't wanna go to my parents house. They're always asking when am I gonna get a man and settle down. It's annoying. I'm a only child, so all their attention is directed towards me. I did my hygiene and threw on some white shorts a orange polo shirt with a navy blue horse with my custom made orange,blue,and white KD's. I grabbed my purse and keys and locked up my condo to make this long drive home.


"Hey Jermaine,it's me calling for like the 5th time. Just wanted to see what you were up to. Give me a call,bye."I said hanging up.

I laid my head back on my seat and sighed. I was sitting in my Avalanche at my parents house and did not want to get out. Guess I gotta put my big girl panties on and go on in.

"Ma I'm home!"I shouted coming in the door.

"Hey baby,your daddy in the living room."

"Hey daddy"i said walking by the living room.

"Hey baby girl."I heard him call out. He was watching football.

In order to avoid any conflict that may happen before dinner I jogged upstairs to my room. Ahh my old room. Where all my childhood memories lie. I walked around to look at all the pictures I had on the wall.

There's me and Jay at prom. His date couldn't go so he asked me and there was no way I was letting him go alone. Then it's me in a Victoria Secret bikini for spring break. I could never wear swimsuits,tits were too big,but when bra size swimsuits came out I was ecstatic. Ooooh look at me and Andre at his graduation. Me and Andre dated all my years of high school. He was 2 years above and older than me,but that was my love. He was my first,and I'll never forget him. We broke up because I cheated on him. I was never faithful to any of my boyfriends,but him..until Brandon gets around me.

"Why you up here actin funny?"my mother asked coming in my room.

I was the spitting image of my mother. We had the same dark complexion,high cheek bones,and big hips and tits for days. She got a breast reduction though,and they say I'm next but I refuse. I love my girls.

"I'm not."I simply stated.

"Mhm. Well dinner is ready."She said leaving.

I nodded and gave my room one last look over before running down the steps. "Oh I'm so glad you could make it!"I heard my mother say.

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