Court Day

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It was good to wake up knowing my troubles will all wash away today. I was going to prove the baby isn't mine,get the crazy baby moma out my life,and get the girl of my dreams...or at least I hope so. I hopped out of bed and looked at the time. It read 7:00. I had to be in court by 8. I went to the bathroom and did my hygiene. I came out the bathroom and decided to wear a light pink button down nautica shirt,black slacks,black church shoes,and my silver rolex. I sprayed on my polo cologne and looked myself over in the mirror. I looked good. I grabbed a apple and jogged out the door.

"And I can't help but wait. Till you get back with him it don't change."

"Talk to me."

"Brandon where the hell are you?!"Nicole's voice boomed through my car. "Do you know what time it is?!

"Uhh yea it's 7:45... something wrong?"

"Yes! I asked you to meet me at 7:45. Not to be parading around taking your precious little time."She said with anger in her voice.

"Woah,Nicole chill. Ain't nun wrong with being fashionably late. I'm on the way."

"This is so unprofessional."She said.

"Nicole I'm like right around the corner."

"Brandon, this is serious. It may not be to you,but this is my job and you will be getting charged extra for this."

"Nicole I-"

"Save it. Just come straight in and sit next to me when you get here." CLICK.

Did this really just happen? This is so not the way I wanted to start my morning.


I did exactly as Nicole said and went and sat next to her. I could tell by the look in her eyes she was still mad,but she was lookin hella fine. She had a chocolate pants suit with gold wedges and gold accessories. It hugged her just right and showed all her curves. My eyes traced her body from her feet to her thighs,and leading all the way to her p-

"All rise."The sheriff said. Damn.

We all stood as he announced the judge. "You may be seated."

"Ms. Jenkins,what seems to be the problem?" Judge Maxy asked.

Veronica stood and looked how she did the first time we met. All classy and shit,but that's one ratchet hoe. "Well,I met Mr. King here a few months back and we had sex and now I have this baby and it's his. I just know it is. He refuses to take care of this child and I demand he does!"She said with a cracking voice. I know this bitch ain't bout to cry.

"Thank you."said the judge. "Ms. Simmons,present your case."

Nicole rose and I couldn't help but stare at her ass. I had to restrain myself from touching it. "Me and my client demand a DNA test issued from the court."

"Sheriff go get what she's asking for. Ms. Jenkins,Mr. King,and the baby go with him."

"Yes ma'am."

We left with the sheriff and he swabbed our mounts.

5 minutes later

We were all back in the court room waiting for the judge to read the results. "Mr. King."She started. Me and Nicole stood. "You are not the father."

I couldn't help the grin that crept on my face. "Any other demands?"

"Yes ma'am,we demand a restraining order on Ms. Jenkins and for the father of the child to be notified immediately so the baby is cared for." Nicole said.

"Very well. Case closed."

People started to disperse and I turned to look at Nicole whom was packing up her stuff. "Nicole you can't still be mad! I'm not the father. Now you gotta give me a chance."

She looked at me like she didn't give a care in the world. "I'll send my bill through the mail."She gave me a half smile and said,"Congratulations."

I watched her leave and shrugged my shoulders. I'll worry bout it tomorrow,but right now I gotta celebrate!

"Hey meet me at the coffee shop on Kayes St."Read the txt from Jermaine.

I would like to know what the hell his problem been. I sped off into the traffic and headed that way. I was still a lil upset with Brandon. I take my work very seriously and I understand we got something,but I feel like he took that for granted. I'll fuck with him tomorrow.


I parked my car and saw Jermaine through the window. He was on the phone and I wanted to surprise or scare him. I walked through the door and tip toed behind him,but I could hear his conversation.

"What....can't be.....mine?....we fucked around a few I'm a daddy."

I gasped. It can't be. He heard and quickly got off the phone. "Hey baby " he said tryna kiss me,but I dodged it.

"Who was that?"I asked placing my hands on my hips.

"Nobody Nicole."

"Why you gotta lie?!"I said getting a lil loud.

"Nicole calm down. Let's go talk about this some place private."he said lowly.

"Naw Jermaine. You been private enough! So how long was you fuckin with her?!"


"Veronica! Don't play dumb!"by now people were looking.

"I wasn't I-"

"Did you fuck her at the hotel?!"

"Will you sit cho ass down so I can explain!"he barked.

I mugged him and did as he said. "Talk."

"Ok " he sighed. "We met way before me and you met and fucked a few times...and yea..we fucked at the hotel,but it was after you left and ian heard from home girl since...until now."

I was heated. I threw the drink he ordered for me up in his face and stormed out.

What he did was disrespectful. How can you be tryna get with me and fuckin other people?! It was unacceptable and I wasn't having it. I told Brandon I wasn't dealing with the baby moma drama and same goes for Jermaine. That boat will never set sail.






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