Old Shit

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What is this boy up to? He unlocked his door and opened it letting me walk in before him. His room was similar to mine but bigger of course,he had the Kings addition. I went to the couch,plopped down on it,and kicked my shoes off. He sat across from me and rested his elbows on his knees,leaning forward.

"Nicole Simmons...it's been long girl. Heard you gettin niggas like Lil Wayne out of jail time"

I chuckled. "Yeaaa,that's what I do. And I heard you're knockin women like Gabrielle Union up."

"Gotta keep the good genes in the family."

Cocky ass. "But naw,they like to claim they pregnant." Hoein ass niggas be like...

I laughed at myself. "What's so funny?"

"Nothing",I said gathering myself.

He knew I was lying but moved on."You know, I remember when we were kids, and you was gonna be my first."

"Don't remind me."I groaned.

But it was true. I WAS gonna be his first. It was summer,and he was a 16 year old virgin and I wasn't. I wanted his thang bad. Don't get me wrong I wasn't a whore or anything. I lost my virginity to my boyfriend of 3 years and he's the only other sexual partner I've had,other than Thaddeus,but that doesn't count. That's a whole different story for another day.

"Why not?"he asked finding it amusing.

"Because Brandon you were scared. I mean be real about it, and once I called you out, yo ass started bitchin. Even Trent said so!"


Damn. I knew this would come out,but ian think she was gone be so blunt about it.

"No I wasn't."I said defensive.

"You were! Brandon,my cousin boosted me up for it and I complied. You on the other hand had an excuse every time it was suppose to go down. You wouldn't txt back,call,or nothing. Then the next day it was the same cycle!"

"Man whatever."

"So you mad? I mean ain't no need in being. We grown,and you brought this conversation upon yourself."

She was right. I don't know why I played with her emotions like that. I knew she wanted me,and I knew it just wasn't for sex. I was young then,and I just liked pissing her off and makin her feel better by flirting with her and kissing her from time to time.

"Maybe I wanted to know how you still felt? I mean,you did call a nigga out!"

She got on camera and said 'Brandon King scared to fuck.' My home boy played it in the locker room at football practice and I instantly went off sayin stuff like 'Ian scared! I'll fuck ha right now'. I hated her at that moment and I was so hurt. I never thought she would do something like that.

"Brandon,I apologized to you every time we spoke,I tried to talk to you,but you would avoid me."She spoke and I heard her voice crack.

I looked at her and saw that same 15 year old girl that had just as much hurt as me in her eyes trying to apologize and I wasn't hearing it.

"Nicole are you gonna cry?"I asked.

"Hell no. The past is the past and if you still holdin on to that,then so be it."

I nodded my head in understanding. "Care to go on with your explanation?"I asked half smiling.

She sighed. "I cried night after night,wishing and praying you would forgive me. I just knew after that nothing would be the same,and it wasn't. You found 2 decoy me's,and at that time I was 5 or so months into my relationship with Andre."

That nigga. "Glad yal ain't together no more,and nothing was gonna be the same once you started messin with my brother."

"Boy please. Me and ya brother were friends."

"Who fucked here and there."

"Oh we never fucked,but he sure as hell got closer than you." Well that kinda hurt.

"See,yeen even have to say all that."

"Well stop bringin up topics you know will get you checked."

"Girl you ain't checkin shit round here. Stand down lil bit."

She snapped her head towards me and I quickly corrected myself. "I wasn't callin you a bitch Nicole."

"Better not be."She mumbled.

I chuckled. I got up and walked over to her,leaning my head towards her.

"And what if I was?"I said biting my lip. I could hear her breath shorten and feel her tense up,but she wouldn't fully show it.

"We'll find now won't we."She responded.

I leaned a little more,and whispered in her ear,"Bitch"

SMACK. I know she didn't. I guess my shocked expression amused her cause she bust out laughing. Oh hell no. I playfully grabbed her and picked her up,tryin slam her on the couch,but she managed to get my grip and tried running,but I tripped her making her nearly fall,before I caught her,which she took as an advantage to use all her weight to throw me on the sofa. She fell on top of me in a straddling position,pinning my hands over my head. Damn she strong.

Both of us were breathing heavily trying to catch our breath,but caught glimpses of each other and laughed. I couldn't help but admire her sitting on me and how I would love to have this daily. Just like the old days. We stared into each other's eyes letting the tension build,and I planted a kiss on her ever so soft lips.

She kissed me back,moving her hands to the back of my neck. I placed my hands on her ass and deepened the kiss. I licked her lips asking for entrance and she allowed. We devoured each other's lips makin me want more. I broke the kiss,moving my lips to her neck,giving her soft kisses. She moaned lightly and started grinding on my manhood. I groaned from the feeling,and took one hand from her ass and to her cat,massaging it. She gasped and quickly jumped off of me. She began gathering her things leaving me looking dumbfounded.

"Nicole what's wrong?"I asked clueless to the situation.

"I need to go."She said hurriedly.

"But why?"

"Because Brandon,I don't have time for games. I don't think you understand how strongly I felt for you and I'm not about to let you rekindle those feelings just to play with my heart again."She said heading for the door.

I jumped up and followed behind her."Nicole.."I said grabbing her arm. "You don't think I cared for you too?"

She looked at me with hurt in her eyes. "All you did was throw your girlfriends in my face, made our problem seem unforgivable,and left me in the cold wondering why I even tried to make something happen with you."She said with tears in her eyes.

I couldn't even respond. She released from my grip and quickly walked to her room.

"But I didn't mean too.."I said. But of course, no one could hear me.






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