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A/n: Vote and comment, okay? I know that in this chapter, Kishou might be a little bit OOC here but what could he do if he's facing his one weakness, right?


In one swift motion coming from my uncle's punch, once again, I bled easily but unlike before, I was finally able to stand my ground which it seems, he's happy with. He quickly brought me in his training ground underneath his house after my piano training with Seto Hiroko. I still wonder about the reason why Seto-san doesn't seem happy that I am always with my uncle. 

"You're getting stronger. Good," he told me. "That's enough training for now."

I was shocked by what he said. He usually takes my training until midnight but it's just six p.m. I returned my kagune at my back. "What? Why?" I asked. 

"Your body is still healing. I can't push you too much and yeah, I won't push you to eat ghouls anymore," he informed me. 

"Really?" I felt relieved. 

"You have already done my goal in following me to eat them, anyway," he said to me which made me curious.

"Why did you make me eat them, anyway?" I asked. 

"To ensure you strength. I made you eat them so that your body would able to endure pain and for you to be stronger. It's not enough that you have become a ghoul when you were able to survive and kept on living. Your body is physically weak as a human and you could have easily died while you turn into a full-fledged ghoul. Now, I have finally sculpted my best weapon," he said to me. 

"That's me, then?" I asked. 

"Looking at your eyes, you can really become like me in the future. You're a relative of mine. You're my nephew and I will protect you until the end of time," he said to me. 

I couldn't believe what he said. For others, they could have been enraged that they are being sculpted and molded to their own, personal goals and needs but to me, it's different. I feel happy. I feel proud that he was able to make me his best weapon. He enveloped me in his arms and I felt so calm. 

I know I said that I don't want to force myself to what he wants me to be but in the days that passed, I felt willing to do it.

Suddenly, while I was in his embrace, I felt something odd. Deep inside me, a voice is telling me that he's hiding a big secret that could turn my life darker. I felt that our connection could actually be more than a relationship between a teacher and his student. Also, a relationship between an uncle to his nephew.

"Father...," I cried. Something inside me tells me that the father I knew wasn't truly my father and the uncle who appeared before me was truly my father. 

"You want to see him?" he asked me as he look straight at my eyes. 

"No. I just felt saying that to you. I feel like you're more than an uncle," I cried. He hugged me harder and even he doesn't cry, I could feel that he had become more worried for me after I called him father. My tears were staining his clothes but he doesn't mind it. He just let me cry on him until all of my tears had gone away.


"He called you father?" someone asked my uncle. It was a woman's voice. I was at home and at my bed at that time when I heard someone talking behind my door. I opened my eyes and before I even sit on my bed, I was shocked by what I overheard. The voice that calls me had told the truth. 

"It's a secret I can never tell my son. I have left him to be taken care of by Takahiko. I instructed Seto to bring him here so that I can visit him secretly until I sensed that there's a ghoul who wanted to eat him. I was late to protect his humanity. He had become a full-fledged ghoul than a half ghoul without a kagune. He was physically weak since he came from me and his mother who's human. We never expected to have a child but when Saki told me that she's pregnant, I felt bittersweet. Months after she gave birth to him, she began to get weaker and I knew my son would also be physically weak. Due to guilt, I left them and I took them far from the 20th ward. Takahiko gave him all the money he needed to live on his own. Seto became his guardian. He is my son, Miyazono Kaori," he informed her. 

Tears fall down in my eyes excruciatingly painful. I want all of it to be just a dream. It can't be true that the uncle I always loved was actually my father. 

What's happening in my world? 

First, I was attacked.

Second, I became a ghoul. 

Third, Kaori lied once again to me. 

Lastly, a bigger truth shook my world. 

What more should I endure?

My world is being shaken up uncontrollably. 

The world is a mess. I am a mess of my own!!!!

I opened my door instead of crouching inside my room. Tears were falling down my eyes. 

Both of them seemed shocked that I am awake. "Kousei... Why are you still up? Tomorrow's the competition," Kaori told me. 

I didn't look at her. I dried my tears and I looked at him frustratingly. "I heard everything you said. How can I be your son?"

He looked at Kaori and ordered her to go down in which she quickly followed. 

"My secret is out, then. I never had any intention for you to know it." He went closer to me and hugged me. His right hand were on my head and he seemed to have put me on his left shoulder. 

Tears just kept on falling down my eyes. 

"Just keep calling me uncle, understood?" he said to me. "No one could know I have a son."


"Why is he clad in all black?"

"Is it true he became a CCG investigator?"

"Just look at the pieces he chose! He's not the Kousei I know before!" 

Those were the sentences I kept hearing over and over when I arrived in the hall where the competition will be held. Yes, I am clad in all black. I didn't wear my usual blue suit. I felt that black is what I wanted to wear now. I'm eighteen already. 

That night, when I thought I'll be falling in darker world, I felt like I was lifted away from it when I knew that he is my father, actually. I feel like something heavy was actually lifted off from me. 

He allowed me to begin becoming friends with Kaori again. She knows me more than Akira, now. I guess, he chose to tell Kaori about his secret about me since he trusts her more but.. my heart is separated into two that I don't know who to choose.

Inside the auditorium, Kaneki and Touka waved good luck to me. They seemed to be dating. 

I looked up and I also saw him, my real father, smiling at me. I sat on the stool near the piano and I began playing with all my might. 

After that, Seto-san joined me as well and we had a great duet together. 

To my last piece, I used it as a wordless letter to my real father. The things that were unclear became clear to me, finally. Even so, I wonder what his real purpose for molding me in the way I am, now?

I finished playing the piano and whenever I finish playing it, the audience would always be in awe and exclaim that the Arima Kousei they knew before had evolved. 

I didn't just evolve in my talent. I was changed, aren't I?


A/n: Thank you for all the support! Vote and comment, okay?

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