Red Spider Lilies

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A/n: I hope you like it!!!


When I woke up, I was locked inside a prison cell wearing white and I am chained on a chair with my two hands at my back. 

"Where am I?" I asked. 

I wasn't given an answer. Instead, I was given a huge amount of RC Suppressant on my eyelids by someone which made me shake on my chair and feel so much pain. Blood oozed out on both of my eyelids which made it hard to see even with glasses on.

The only thing I could see is the blood pouring out of my eyes.

When my body became as soft as a human, I could sense that I am being tortured repeatedly. A strong whip keeps on striking my legs and arms until it bleeds. He doesn't stop there. He holds my shoulders and he dislocates them which makes me scream harder. 

When the bleeding stops in both of my eyelids, he strikes them again with a needle while he gives me a different dose of a chemical that makes me vomit.

A week passed through like that.

There was a time that due to it that I lost my five senses, and because my stomach is growling a lot, I bit his hand which earned me a huge punch coming from him. The taste of his blood made me want to eat him but I couldn't move at all.

The chains behind me seemed to be made from a kagune and steel. It is too strong that even I try to get my hands out, I could feel that it could cut my wrists and ankles. My white clothes were once white but after a week of torture, it turned red already. 

When will my father and his group appear? 

My torturer had already began torturing me more when he began cutting my own nails and taking them out. Blood oozes out of it and when it regrows, he takes them out again. "Arima Kousei, you won't need to be here if you just give your loyalty to Chairman Washuu," he informed me. "If you say no, I'm going to let you get bitten repeatedly by a pit bulldog."

"No. I better die than get used!" I screamed. 

In an instant, he takes a hot steel and takes them on my chest. I screamed a lot as I could feel my chest burning. He leaves and when he returned, he pours a very hot water on my head.

"Keep saying no and you will stay inside this torture room, you hear me!!!!?" he warned me. 


He did lie. He never had any pit bulldog. 

I could feel myself palpitating and shaking inside. 

I'm dying aren't I?

I opened my eyes and when I looked up, a strange girl is in front of me. She's so beautiful and elegant.  "Forgive me, dear Kousei-kun," she said to me. Her eyes were looking straight inside me, too. 

"Who are you?" I asked her. 

"Me? I'm Kamishiro Miki. I failed to eat you, remember?" she answered me. 

I was shocked and I felt strange on my chair. 

Why am seeing her

Am I dead, already?

She grinned at me. "You remember!!!"

"Why me? Because of you, my life has been in hell!" I cried. 

She held my cheeks and went closer to me so that I could see her bronze eyes. 

"I gave you a life of a hell? That's the funniest sentence I ever heard from you!!!" she laughed at me.

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