Distraction (Markiplier)

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"So... are you free tonight?"

Those five words, three years ago. And so started a beautiful relationship between you and Mark. He's been the best, always been so kind to you. Not a single bump in the road.

Until now.

Lately, he's been more distant, blocking himself off from you, sleeping much later than you. He spends hours in his recording room, long hours when he would tune everybody out. When you confronted him, he assured you it was just a bit of stress, but you didn't think so. You decided to ask again.

"Mark?" you called, opening his recording room. He was editing a video.

"Yeah, (Y/N)?" he muttered, not bothering to tear his eyes away from his work. He used to call you sweetheart. He always called you sweetheart. All the time. But now....

"Can we talk?" you asked nervously, your heart pounding in your chest.

"Uh... kinda busy. Maybe tomorrow, alright?" he told you, while cutting out a part of the clip of the new collab he did with Jack, Bob and Wade.

"No, Mark. Now."

He groaned, and twirled his chair to you. "I'm here, I'm listening. Happy?" he sighed.

"You've been ignoring me for the past two months, Mark. Are you sure everything's okay?" you questioned, almost sadly.

"We've talked about this, (Y/N). I've just been busy, alright? So just... leave me alone," he told you gruffly, rubbing his temples. His raven black hair fell across his face, reminding you how tired he looked, compared to two months ago, when he payed attention to you.

"But you've been barely paying attention to me. I hate being a distraction, Mark, but I just want to hang and talk with you again," you pleaded.

"Well, maybe you are being a distraction!" he growled, getting up and pacing around the room. "You're always bothering me, every single second! Can't you see I'm trying to work? Then you come in here being an attention who-" He stopped, looking at you when he heard you sob.

"F-fine. I'm a distraction. I get it. Maybe I should go, so you can focus more," you cried quietly, wiping your tears away. Mark blinked.

"Wait, (Y/N)-"

"No, no, I get it. I just want attention, that's all. I'm just another distraction to you. Bye, Mark," you muttered, and stormed out of the room. You got in your car, and left, not looking back.


Word count: 405

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