Coming Back Down (Markiplier)

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Mark walks down the lonely road, gripping a bouquet of flowers in his left hand tightly. Anyone passing would think he was going on a date.

A lone jogger runs by the YouTuber, smiling kindly at him; he returns the gesture and nods at the woman before continuing on his way, slowing his pace slightly.

I just can't escape, it's like you're here with me now.

Mark passes a field, and he smiles at the memory he keeps of you and him.


Mark saw you running away from him, looking back ever so often to see if he was still there. He was slowly gaining on you, and finally catches up, grabbing your shoulder to tag you. Unfortunately, the five-year-old boy tripped, and tumbled to the ground with you in tow.

"Ow! That hurt, Mark!" you exclaimed, but were laughing anyways.

"Sorry! I tripped over a rock!" he told you, also laughing. You both got up, and the young boy picked a piece of stray grass out of your hair.

"My mommy's calling. I'll see you tomorrow, Mark!" You waved goodbye, and ran the opposite direction.

"Bye, (Y/N)!" Mark called after you.


Mark chuckles at the young friendship that he had with you, and continues on his way with a grin on his face.

But the words you say, they always seem to fade out.

Mark then sees a school, filled with children, and he can't help but allow the memories to flood back.


You were standing by the trees, waiting for a friend. Mark came by, grinning at you.

"Hi, (Y/N)! Wanna talk?" he asked you, handing you something. A little flower, one that he picked himself. You giggled at the kindness, and he put it behind your ear.

"Okay!" you agreed.

"I'm really excited for your birthday!" the boy told you, his eyes gleaming with happiness. "You're turning nine!"

"Yup!" you nodded. "So you'll be there?"

"I wouldn't miss it for the world! You're my best friend, after all!" he reminded you.

"Aw, you're my bestest friend too!" you smiled, and grabbed Mark's hand. "Let's play tag!"


Mark turns away, and shakes his head. He's known you for so long. Mark didn't want to take too long getting there, so he quickens his pace to get to you.

Since you've been away, I'm just a face in the crowd.

After a travelling a few streets, he sees a faded and wrinkled poster stapled onto a wooden lamppost. It's an old poster of your favourite band. He winces this time as his heart aches at the beautiful memory.


You and Mark were at a concert. He had gotten the tickets for you since he knew you loved the band, and all the song lyrics by heart.

This was the exact moment, in the dark with blinding strobe lights, that he realized he loved you. The way your eyes sparkled with enjoyment and excitement, how your body swayed with the beat, and how your hand grazed his every time you turned to grin at him. You were singing the lyrics quietly, and that was his favourite part about you. You thought you couldn't sing; he knew better. He wanted to tell you this so badly, but he knew that he would make things awkward. So instead, he just watched your eyes glitter with the reflection of the lights, and your perfect lips sync the lyrics to the song. He knew you were perfect.

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